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serve krsna and you serve everyone

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This was sent to me by a friend.


This is why how important it is to serve Lord Sri Krsna. Serve him and you serve everyone....not vice versa



Once Duryodhana satisfied Durvasa Muni very nicely, and Durvasa Muni wanted to give him some benidiction, "Now you take some benidictions, whatever you like." So Duryodhana was very cunning. His only aim was how to cheat the Pandavas. So he said, "My dear sir, I shall ask you some day. Not now." So "All right." So when the Pandavas were in the forest and Duryodhana's plan was how to tease them. So he approached Durvasa Muni, "My dear sir, you wanted to give me some benidiction. I have come for it.YesNow, you go to the Pandavas, with all your disciples, sixty thousand disciples, and you go when Draupadi has taken her food." So Durvasa muni one day... Because he wanted to give that benediction, he approached the Pandavas in the forest. And it is the duty of the ksatriya to receive the brahmanas. So they were, they were, they had finished their lunch, and Durvasa Muni came. So how they can deny? They are ksatriyas. "Yes, my lord. You can, you are welcomed. Just take your bath, and we are making arrangement..." What arranement they will make? in the forest? So they were preplexed.


So Krsna, kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyai... Krsna's vow is the he will see always His devotees are protected. So when they were preplexed, Krsna came. Krsna came that "What is the problem?" They explained, "This is the problem." Then asked Draupadi that "You have already finished..." Because Draupadi had an, a benediction that so long as she does not take his (her) lunch, any number of men come, she, she will be able to feed. That was his (her)... But she had finished her lunch. Then Krsna said, "Just go, find out some foodstuff, any little in the kitchen." They said, "No, everything is finished. There is no food.No, just try to see." Then in one pot, they saw a little sak, a vegetable, was stuck up. So they brought it and Krsna took it, immediatly. So as soon as Krsna took, all the Durvasa Muni and company, they, they felt that their belly is filled up. Tasmin tutso jagat tustah. So they were feeling ashamed that "How shall we go? We cannot take any food?" So they fled away from the Ganges.


Yes many people say you serve man, god will be pleased but serving god is more important as it will spead to everyone.


Hare Krsna

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