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Rebirth reincarnation . . . . . .

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I am constantly bogged down by discussion on this topic. If there is One God managing everything everywhere in the entire universe, all His laws must be same, throughout and should be applicable to all equally. It does not matter, how a person/a community worships Him, these basic laws are (should be) same. But they are not (that is what many say). How can God allow such discrepancies among humans? Other communities who do not believe eternity of the soul and its transmigration ask the tangible proof for such things. How can this matter be settled? There has to be an end to this controversy!



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if you read the nectar of devotion (bhakti rasamrita sindhu) one of the features of krsna is that he's a master in judging considering time, place and circumstance..


an instruction that makes me advance, could lead you to hell


this is the reason of many religions apparently different and maybe opposite... there's nothing more hellish than apply the same instruction to different people,


also being in the same path, the spiritual master gives different instructions to different disciples at different stage of consciousness, in different places and circumstances



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that the consciousness level of the people who do not believe in reincarnation has not yet risen to a level, to receive the knowledge of transmigration of souls? It would also mean that, these non-believers in reincarnation would be born in any one of the Sanatana, Jaina, Buddha dharmas, to eventually receive this information. Pl. clarify.

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"that the consciousness level of the people who do not believe in reincarnation has not yet risen to a level, to receive the knowledge of transmigration of souls?"

•••yes... think about much more important things, like the existence of god, there's people like buddhists that are not allowed to learn anything of god.

(of course i am in krsna consciousness not because i am intelligent and advanced , but for the causeless mercy of prabhupada/gurudeva)


but do not put the thing on the national or birth plane, many people in the land of sanatana dharma do not believe in dharma or do not behave in a dharmic way


to believe in reincarnation is to live completely detached from the matter and devoted to god, not simply accepting a theory.. sanatana dharma is based on "achara" behaviour, not on belief



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  • 3 weeks later...

Whenever this type of question comes up, I always know to suggest reading "Stages and Varieties of Faith" by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur. You can read it here:




To me, he lays out the spectrum of faiths and gives a logical progression of the faiths, explaining why they differ, and where they lead.

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