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Krishna Consciousness

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Can somebody, or more than one, help me with my problem?


How does one become Krishna Conscious? In what scripture is this discussed, because I would like to read the text which explains this process in detail.


How does one control the senses, and keep the mind from wandering, and to get the mind to be steady and just think about Krishna all the time?


Thank You, and Jay Sri Krishna

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Welcome to the club. You have asked the question which every spiritually inclined human has tried to answer since the beginning of time.

Can we have any answers ? I will try to explain based on my experience- it goes without saying that not all members who post on this board will agree with my views. You will in all probability get a plethora of views which will leave you confused. But nevertheless a beginning would have been made. The first step is to make the mind less agitated. you'll get a lot of posts stating that the best way is to chant krishna's name. That indeed is one way and you will have to evaluate for yourself based on your own nature. But according to me all the chanting of the Lord's name may not do any good if your mind is on your meeting with your girl in the evening. Hence the first step is to slow down the mind. I would suggest either learn to concentrate on your breath or on any mantra with the Lord's name- Hare Krishna Hare Krishna , krishna krishna hare hare - is one mantra you can adopt or even the prayer of St Francis of Azizzi or any other prayer for that matter. Concentrate on the words , try to slow down the speed with which you are mentally, repeat mentally chanting the mantra- You will find your mind wandering off a hundred times- do not worry - that is the nature of the mind. With enough practice you will find that you will have moments when you will feel calm and focussed before the mind starts jumping. When this happens you have made progress. The next step is to enlengthen these periods of calmness - When this is acheived - shift your focus on the the Lord.

Easier said than done- however-best of luck

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"How does one become Krishna Conscious? "

__to become Krsna Conscious we need to call Krsna, because his consciousness is given by Him.. so, on regular basis chant Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare...


another most important step is to associate with vaishnavas, the one who have made the chanting the center of their life.... associating with vaishnavas will lead you to recognise and accept a pure, true, krsna conscious spiritual master to receive instructions perfectly suited to you to go back to krsna


" In what scripture is this discussed, because I would like to read the text which explains this process in detail"

___bhagavad gita as it is translated and commented by bhaktivedanta swami prabhupada is the basis


"How does one control the senses, and keep the mind from wandering, and to get the mind to be steady and just think about Krishna all the time?"

––––there's not to make separate efforts, chant hare krishna and associate with vaishnavas, if we follow with patience (another meaning of "tapasya") steadiness and realizations will come. We have to be humble, we have to be helped by krsna, guru and vaishnavas... we have a lot of cleaning to do before krsna comes steadily in our mind


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"But according to me all the chanting of the Lord's name may not do any good if your mind is on your meeting with your girl in the evening"

–––why not? when he meet his girl he has chanted hare krishna, he's more spiritually inclined and transmits some realizations to her (who eventually starts to care for her spirituality!!!)... hare krishna (or any prayer or mantra) is not subjected by material or opportunity considerations.. one can chant in every time, place and circumstance, helped by your nice suggestions on concentration or not

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