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is it necessary that a devotee should get married to a devotee only?

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i am a devotee of sri sri radha krishna and i regularly chant 10 rounds.

i am of marriageable age and am in a confusion whether one should marry a

devotee only? whether marrying a non devotee will be a hindrance in the path of

spiritual progress?



hare krishna!

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ask around, ask the temple president if he knows anyone lookin for a mate, make it be known that you are looking for someone, believe me, people will come out of the woodwork to fix you up with another devotee, and it will be matches that people know will work for you based on spiritual matters, and compatability. Just dont jump in too quickly!! Hari Bol, Krishna dasi

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You're better off finding an open-minded person who is vegetarian. Then you can convert them to Krsna consciousness. In that way you are adding to the movement, and you don't even have to have children yet. There are many men and women who have joined the movement because of their mate, or because of a past relationship which inspired them.


If you're new to the movement, and you're western bodied, sadly it is very difficult to find a like minded spouse. Unfortunately there is a stigma; if you are looking for a spouse, everyone starts talking about it, even if they themselves are married or having relationships. It's a blanket statement I know, but it happens a lot.

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to decide everything about our lives, would we not be in heavens? Your life partner has been selected by Lord Krishna already, it is just the time that is not matching. Once the correct time comes, the person (whether or not he/she is devotee) would enter into matrimony with you. That's it. No questions asked. We can only express our desire to marry another devotee, but can't be sure of getting married to one. The important question is, where are the purest devotees these days? Who is doing Nishkam devotion to the Lord?

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