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Dharmic meat eating

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At your Harinam intiation didn't you make a promise to follow the 4 regs and chant 16 rounds a day? Why at the second Prabhupada then said for you only three should remain in effect?



At second my second class varna was given and ackowlegded by Prabhupada.



Please explain this further. You make it sound like Prabhupada ok'd your animal killing or something at you second intiation.


Reminds me of the galva people saying in a secret unrecorded conversation Prabhupada ok'd homosex relations.


How will you serve as a ksatriya. Protecting a temple or similar I hope. I would hate to see you one day on the news claiming Prabhupada said that as a ksatriya you had a right to kill miscreants in the streets.


Try to recognize the danger of this sort of thinking.

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At your Harinam intiation didn't you make a promise to follow the 4 regs and chant 16 rounds a day? Why at the second Prabhupada then said for you only three should remain in effect?



What makes you so sure he's following 3. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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The spiritual masters words are never off topic or obscure to his sincere followers. A newer instruction will supersede and-or suppliment an older one.



Only if that newer instruction is given by the purest of the pure devotees. No one can supersede or supplement or change in any way, Srila Prabhupada's instructions. As our fonder-acarya, we must follow him unconditionally. Clearly we see throughout his books meat eating is sinful activity, and there is nothing higher than Krishna consciousness, not even varnashrama dharma.


Even so, his books are not dated material. He did not say only follow what he translated of his books in 1976 or 1977, but the books he translated prior to that, those instructions are now outdated.



Could someone post the conversation that takes place Feb 14 1977?



always a new date, a new quote. This is simply the 'quotes war.'


Agreed there are many quotes to make some points about varanashrama dharma. None of them give permission for initiated disciples to eat meat. The one you point out above is also in the minority compared to his countless other quotes about varnashrama dharma, such as his statements that it is impossible for us to do in this age! That, you have ignored, even though it is more his predominate theme.



Srila Prabhupada deffeats all counter arguments.



Whose counter-arguments would that be? Those who disagree with you?


It seems you are selectively quoting and reading. Only those quotes which support your bad habits of meat eating and watering down the process so you dont have to admit you aren't following Prabhupada as you should be.



Sudra same as brahmana, all are preaching to their capacity. Varasrama in ISKCON is transendental.



While varnashrama can be spiritual, in this age it is seldom seen to manifest as transcendental. Instead we get too many trying to support their bad habits as if they are Vedic, such as the so-called brahmana who is conceited and far from humble but claims he is merely acting 'Vedic,' or the pot smoker who insists its acceptable due to his varna, the sex addict who won't admit he has this addition but instead is anxious to partake in polygamy, the child neglector who justifies his refusal to educate his children or his other actions of irresponsibility as part of his varna therefore its not his fault. Let us not forget the meat eater who wants to believe its because he is a kstriya that he hunts or eats flesh, instead of admitting he's addicted to bad habits and strange thinking.


If kali yuga practice of varnashrama dharma as transcendental were the same as Krishna consciousness, it would have been what Prabhupada preached as soon as he arrived. But instead he preached what was most urgent, most important, most transcendental: Pure Krishna consciousness free from bodily concept.



Could the purport from the SB. 8th canto, 2nd chapter, verse 30 also be shown or I mean poster?



You'll have to do your own selective quoting.

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