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State of our mind

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what is the mind ?


that needs to be understood before you can understand

anything else about the mind.


in fact there is only one mind,the mind of God,we exist

as conscious units within the infinite consciousness,

"our mind" is in fact a misnomer,we do not have

individual minds, a good example is the internet.


the connection you have to information around the world

is through your computer,the infromation is not present

in your computer,the computer is a gateway to the

various servers and databases which you can access.


the mind is the same,we have a connection that

gives us access to this world through the mind,the mind

itself doesn't exist within your brain or your body,

the mind is existing as another dimension,

it doesn't have 3 dimensional properties,you cannot

measure it's width,height,or depth.


"Our" mind is in fact an aspect of the sumpreme mind,Paramatama,it is all pervading,present everywhere.


We listen to "our" mind,as you read this "your" mind

is silently saying these words,you cannot understand these

words otherwise,try and read this without the mind

silently speaking these words to your perceptiveness,

it is impossible,as you read these words in order for

you to understand them they need to be imprinted

into your perecptiveness or consciousness,this is done by

the mind,which is in fact God.


so spleeping ,awake or whatever the mind is always the same,

your perception of it changes depending on the will of God

and your education and experience.


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