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Beautiful Verses from Ishavasya Upanishads

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1) Om. p¯urn. amadah. p¯urn. amidam. p¯urn. ¯at p¯urn. amudacyate |

p¯urn. asya p¯urn. am¯ad¯aya p¯urn. amev¯ava´sis. yate

Om. ´s¯antih. ´s¯antih. ´s¯antih.


This entire universe is pervaded by the Lord Hari. It also is dependent upon primordial nature, which in turn is also pervaded by Him. He alone is thus independent. For this

reason, enjoy whatever is given to you by Him, and do not seek wealth from any other source (since Hari alone is independent, do not worship others such as kings in hopes of



2)yastu sarv¯an. i bh¯ut¯any¯atmanyev¯anupa´syati |

sarvabh¯utes.u c¯atm¯anam. tato na vijugupsate


One who sees all animate and inanimate nature in the Supreme (for He exists outside them and is their support), and also sees the Supreme in all of them (for He exists in them, and is their controller from within), by this reason, he becomes free of fear and does not ever need to seek concealment.


3) andham. tamah. pravi´santi ye’vidy¯amup¯asate |

tato bh¯uya iva te tamo ya u vidy¯ay¯am. rat¯ah.


Those who worship [Visnu or others] with false understanding enter dense, unrelenting darkness; a greater darkness than that go they, who are merely devoted to the correct understanding (but do not care to criticize incorrect understanding).


4)sambh¯utim. ca vin¯a´sam. ca yastadvedobhayam. saha |

vin¯a´sena mr. tyum. t¯ırtv¯a sambh¯uty¯a’mr. tama´snute


One who knows Visnu as Creator, and also as the Destroyer, for him, by knowledge of Him as Destroyer, he overcomes suffering, and by knowing Him as Creator, he obtains mukti.




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