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I've lost the desire to go to my local temple?


Especially the sunday feast, I still like to visit the temple during the week (when no one else is there but the president).


I'm sure this happened to some senior devotees. I'm just wondering how other people may have gone through that either by forcing themselves to go or just practicing sadhana away from the temple.


I still chant 16 rounds and read Prabhupada's book, follow regs, but still don't feel any closeness with the devotees, never felt any since I started to visit the temple.


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Especially the sunday feast, I still like to visit the temple during the week (when no one else is there but the president).

••••if the president gives a good association why not?


I'm sure this happened to some senior devotees.

••••many reasons.. one can lose the interest in the temple or association because maya, for the purpose to taking him away from krsna, is telling him that it does not matter and it is better to go to the cinema, or one can lose interest because he sees the things in the temple getting somewhat wrong or material, or simply the temple devotees do not make him feeling as a friend or a part of it.


or a mix of all these three reasons


I'm just wondering how other people may have gone through that either by forcing themselves to go or just practicing sadhana away from the temple.

••••personally i need something to see many people gathered together, i like ceremonies, kirtans, bhajans and so on. And i like to eat with many persons make jokes and laugh with old and new devotees friends. I like soo much also to speak and show things to the guests in sundays. But with discrimination, i do not like all the temples, i have sadly also to say that, being the disciple of a "non iskcon" guru godbrother of srila prabhupada, not all iskcon devotees open their arms and smile when they see me, even if i have a little "official" service in iskcon. But i have said "not all..", i am blessed by the friendship of many devotees from many "families".


so i live and practice away, i am not 100% attached but i like to go in gaudya temples (including iskcon) with some preferences


I still chant 16 rounds and read Prabhupada's book, follow regs, but still don't feel any closeness with the devotees

••••i have not any suggestion because it is natural for me to serch for friends in all the aspects of my life, maybe to be illuded by maya that i am god and they are my servants.

but if i believe firmly that my little faith is sustained only by the association with devotees, not by my capacities. the devotees gave me prabhupada, the devotees gave to me my gurudeva.


this is a very important subject, have you made these questions to important and pure devotees and/or spiritual masters that you trust (if you are not initiated.. otherwise there's obviously first of all your guru maharaja)?


in the nature of the soul there's activity and association.. if we do not associate with the "practitioneers" of krsna consciousness, we will associate with the "non pratictioneers". We know that the real preaching is the example, if we have only the example of materialists we will stop soon to chant and follow the example of spiritualists


if we were close i would consider a great honor to meet you and exchange realizations on krsna, prabhupada, bhagavatam......


hare krishna

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Haribol. I havent been to a temple (per se) since 1980. In 1983, I visited one and spoke with a zonal acarya, who confirmed my choice to keep away. In 1993, I visited one where no one was around, and this was nice, as I was able to offer my respects to Srimati Tulasi devi without getting involved with trips.


It may be me, I recognize that. I do not blame my peers, but Krsna is a personal experiance, and some of us loners may feel that such a relationship is interfered with.


I dont know what to do about the sadhana bhakti requirement to associate with devotees, but I try to compensate, meditating on the fact that Srila Prabhupada had virtually no one to associate with when he came west. He actually solved the dilemma by making devotees, so, If we can make those we do associate with a little favorable to the precepts of devotional service, little by little, association with them may be sufficient to follow the precept.


Its not "them" that causes my troubles with devotees, it is all me. I make offences to them, and this destroys the seed of bhakti trying to get a foothold on my heart.


My recommendation is my best experiance with temples. Dont go to the sunday feast, go during the week, go when only a few full-timers are there. The sunday feasts have a circulation of folks who may NOT be good association. This is also my problem, because I relate the sunday feast to a death threat I received back in the criminal daze.


I may go to a feast again, but I will just be an unknown person, and old man without any visible signs of my ISKCON experiance. I certainly will not use my name in discussion, and if I see an old comerade, I will demand secure anonymity.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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"I may go to a feast again, but I will just be an unknown person, and old man without any visible signs of my ISKCON experiance. I certainly will not use my name in discussion, and if I see an old comerade, I will demand secure anonymity"

••••the next time i will say that in italy we have problems between maths and devotees i hope to have a kick in my face from anyone to pay instantly the karma

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Yes the temple president is such an amazing devotee, I'm actually planning to go see him tonight after work.


I can see from your response is that you like crowds, I guess what I understand more of myself is I prefer being away from crowds.


I also see you repeat the same thing that makes me feel bad about avoiding the temple.



"in the nature of the soul there's activity and association.. if we do not associate with the "practitioneers" of krsna consciousness, we will associate with the "non pratictioneers". We know that the real preaching is the example, if we have only the example of materialists we will stop soon to chant and follow the example of spiritualists"



At the same time am not so sure if it is true because I shun the association of any crowds whatever their inspirations in life.


Anyway I see it I know it is some test by maya, running the course of my accumulated karma.



if we were close i would consider a great honor to meet you and exchange realizations on krsna, prabhupada, bhagavatam......


Yes I always look forward listening to more advanced devotees... not in a group of course.

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"I do not blame my peers, but Krsna is a personal experiance, and some of us loners may feel that such a relationship is interfered with."


That's an interesting view of being a loner. I guess for my part, I just can't make any connection with the word 'relationship' at all, thus am a loner.


This is where I become more despodent, I know that I'm not at the level of having some sort of relationship with Krishna, so I know I need to prove myself to Him, by having nice devotee relationships... this is where I'm stuck.

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I also see you repeat the same thing that makes me feel bad about avoiding the temple.

••••yes.. i was simply making a list, i tink that these are the reasons to "avoid" the temple


if we were close i would consider a great honor to meet you and exchange realizations on krsna, prabhupada, bhagavatam......


Yes I always look forward listening to more advanced devotees... not in a group of course.

••••we need at least one more.. mridanga, karatalas, harmonium... maybe another cooking some pasta and pizza while we are in bhajan!!

hare krishna!!

(obviously if you listen only to advanced people i remain at home)

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Haribol, I explained my psychopathy concerning associating with devotees, but this alone would not prevent me from going. Because a respected teacher of mine, Gaurasundara das, used to say (concerning trippin' personalities ya run into in a temple scene) "when the chantin stops, run like hell".


So, I long for a big chantin session, miss them greatly, and fortunately my memory banks are full of a few really ecstatic ones, hundreds and thousnads, so I go there. But this is no solution to one not so fortunate as my old self.


So, go, by all means, go, chant nicely and eat profusely. Listen to the lecture carefully though, and use guru-shastra sadhu criteria to judge whether the truth is being told.


And, if the trippin' starts, run like hell.


yo servant, mahaksadasa

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Dear Krisha Bhakta, as one has stated previously, all do not have the privilege to attend a temple, for there isn't a Krishna temple near their home.


Think of you getting a chance to go to the temple as a blessing from Krishna. Try to associate the devotees in the temple. If they are not friendly to you, do not feel bad; just forgive them. Do go to the Krishna temple and at least give your obeisances and respects to the Radha Krishna murti.


the following is from the link: http://vedabase.net/sb/5/5/26


sarvANi mad-dhiSNyatayA bhavadbhiS


carANi bhUtAni sutA dhruvANi


sambhAvitavyAni pade pade vo


vivikta-dRgbhis tad u hArhaNaM me




sarvANi — all; mat-dhiSNyatayA — because of being My sitting place; bhavadbhiH — by you; carANi — that move; bhUtAni — living entities; sutAH — My dear sons; dhruvANi — that do not move; sambhAvitavyAni — to be respected; pade pade — at every moment; vaH — by you; vivikta-dRgbhiH — possessing clear vision and understanding (that the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His ParamAtmA feature is situated everywhere); tat u — that indirectly; ha — certainly; arhaNam — offering respect; me — unto Me.




My dear sons, you should not envy any living entity — be he moving or nonmoving. Knowing that I am situated in them, you should offer respect to all of them at every moment. In this way, you offer respect to Me.




In this verse the word vivikta-dRgbhiH, meaning without envy, is used. All living entities are the abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His ParamAtmA feature. As confirmed in Brahma-samhitA: aNDAntara-sthaM paramANu-cayAntara-stham. The Lord is situated in this universe as GarbhodakaSAyI Vishnu and KSIrodakaSAyI Vishnu. He is also situated within every atom. According to the Vedic statement: ISAvAsyam idaM sarvam. The Supreme Lord is situated everywhere, and wherever He is situated is His temple. We even offer respects to a temple from a distant place, and all living entities should similarly be offered respect. This is different from the theory of pantheism, which holds that everything is God. Everything has a relationship with God because God is situated everywhere. We should not make any particular distinction between the poor and the rich like the foolish worshipers of daridra-nArAyaNa. NArAyaNa is present in the rich as well as the poor. One should not simply think NArAyaNa is situated among the poor. He is everywhere. An advanced devotee will offer respects to everyone — even to cats and dogs.




brAhmaNe gavi hastini


Suni caiva Sva-pAke ca


paNDitAH sama-darSinaḤ


"The humble sage, by virtue of true knowledge, sees with equal vision a learned and gentle brAhmaNa, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a dog-eater [outcaste]." (Bg. 5.18) This sama-darSinaH, equal vision, should not be mistaken to mean that the individual is the same as the Supreme Lord. They are always distinct. Every individual person is different from the Supreme Lord. It is a mistake to equate the individual living entity with the Supreme Lord on the plea of vivikta-dRk, sama-dRk. The Lord is always in an exalted position, even though He agrees to live everywhere. SrIla MadhvAcArya, quoting Padma PurANa, states: vivikta-dRSTi jIvAnAM dhiSNyatayA parameSvarasya bheda-dRSTiH. "One who has clear vision and who is devoid of envy can see that the Supreme Lord is separate from all living entities, although He is situated in every living entity." MadhvAcArya further quotes from Padma PurANa:


upapAdayet parAtmAnaM


jIvebhyo yaH pade pade


bhedenaiva na caitasmAt


priyo viSNos tu kaScana


"One who sees the living entity and the Supreme Lord as always distinct is very dear to the Lord." Padma PurANa also states, yo hareś caiva jīvānāṃ bheda-vaktā hareḥ priyaḥ: "One who preaches that the living entities are separate from the Supreme Lord is very dear to Lord Viṣṇu."


Knowing this, do not hate any. Love all, knowing they, just like you, are souls, being parts and parcels of Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If one does something to make you mad at him or her, forgive that person, accepting that that person is under the influence of maya, and is not what-so-ever enlightened.



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