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Raghavendratheertha, day before entering Brindabavana

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This is about Guru Raghavendra swamy of Mantralaya:


Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha is Seated along with Yogeendra Theertha and both are completely immersed in the study of the Holy Canonical Texts of Poornaprajnya! From afar it looked as though Sriman Narayana Himself was

imparting Vedic lessons to Bramha Deva! Yogeendra Theertha Sits silently before His Guru, Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha, eagerly grasping every Word that the Senior Pontiff was uttering, wonder struck by the Unceasing

Mastery and Divine Meanings that kept Flowing Infinitely!! Every Word Uttered, Shed New Light on already "Established and mutually agreed Meanings"!! Every sentence that Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha Spoke, Invoked 'Veda Narayana' Omnipresent in The Eternal Texts of Poornaprajna,

Teekaacharya and Vijayeendra Theertha! The "SadhGuruVaani" flowed on rapidly in torrents, eager to merge with the "Shastra Saagara" of AnandaTheertha Muni's Tatva Vaada!!!



Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha Addresses His Successor : " Yogeendra Theerthare, The Responsibility of carrying forward this Kingdom of Knowledge is now Bestowed Upon You! Always Worship Vidya Lakshmi! It is Only by Her Divine Grace, that the Supreme Awareness of Sriman Narayana

Will Dawn Upon All Her Followers'"!! Yogeendra Theertha: "Sreepaadhare, I Shall Strive to Uphold This

Kingdom of Knowledge! But for that I Seek Your Divine Blessings! Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha: "Narayana, Yogeendra Theerthare, My Blessings Will Always Be Upon You ! May Sri Moola Rama Bestow Upon You His

Infinite Grace!!"


Dewan Venkanna is seen walking briskly escorting a group of scholars towards this spot where the Two Holy Pontiffs are seated!! The motley group bows with deep respect before the Two Holy Pontiffs!! After a while, Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha Speaks: "Sri Hari, Dewanare, Who are all these people? They seem to have come from far off places!"

Dewan Venkanna says: "Gurugale, As per the Wish of Your Holiness, I had requisitioned these persons to bring the Maha Vishnu Saaligramas found in

the River Gandaki! These Holy Saaligramas are to be placed in the Moola Brindavana! Also en route they have been joined by many scholars from Kaashi who are eager to meet Your Holiness and seek Your Divine Blessings!!!"

So saying, Dewan Venkanna gestures towards the leader of the group to come forward with the precious box containing the Saaligramas!Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha Gets Up and Bows before the Box of Saaligramas : "Trivikrama!, Padmanaabha!, Daamodhara!, Pradhyumna!, Naarasimha!,

Janardhana!, Chakrapaani, Hayagreeva!, O! Sri Hari!….I salute Your Immense Form Omnipresent in These Saaligramas! I Worship This Eternal Form of Yours with The Sacred Tulasi tendrils! Thus by the Presence of Lakshmi

Devi , Your Divine Consort, and By Your Own Presence, Let Me Also Be Thoroughly Sanctified For Ever!!"


Then turning towards His Incumbent, Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha Says: "Yogeendra Theerthare, Please take custody of these Holy Saaligramas and 'place' it in My Brindavana in the manner as I have already explained!."

Yogeendra Theertha: "Sreepaadhare, Your Wish Is my Command! I am indeed Blessed on being Bestowed with this Most Sacred of all Duties by Your Holy Self!!"


Then turning towards the weary travelers, Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha Says: "I am really indebted to you all for this Seva of yours! The leader of the travelers says: "Gururajare!, It is we who are indebted

to Your Holiness for identifying us to do this most humble service! Many scholars comprising of Astrologers and Ayurvedic Pandits have also accompanied us from Kaashi and they are very eager to meet Your Holiness and seek Your Able Guidance!"


Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha: "Sri Krishna! How can I be of any help to You All?" An Ayurvedic Pandit comes forward and prostrates fully before the Holy Pontiff and says: "Gururajare!, Please Bless us By Sanctifying all our

herbal preparations and manuals that we have brought along with us! By Your Holy Touch, years of painstaking work would fructify fully due to the Omnipotent Power of Lord Dhanvantari Always Present In You! " Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha closes His Eyes for a while and Utters: "Sri

Hari!…Dhanvantari!.. …Achutanantha Govindaa!…. Achutanantha Govindaaa! Am I so Worthy so as to Bless these people and their noble works? O! Lord Dhanvantari, Just by uttering Your Most Powerful Name in itself eradicates

thousands of malfunctions in Your DevoteesO! Govindaa!…..!"

The Ayurvedic Pandit continues his plea: "O! Yathi Varenyare, During Your Holy Self's earlier Incarnation as Vyasa Theertha You Smeared the Holy Camphor on the Forehead of Lord Srinivasa at Tirumala to lessen the Lord's

Headaches from the blows received from the axe of the cowherd of AakaashaRaaja, and Performed His Seva for 14 long years? With such a Holy Contact With The Supreme Lord's Forehead, Your Hands Themselves Glow Forth

as The Branches of the Immortal 'Sanjivini' Herb and The Holy Lines and Markings on Your Palm are permanently embedded with the Supreme Marks of the 'Shanka' and 'Chakra' of Lord Srinivasa are in itself more Holier

and more Sacred than even the Sanjivini Herbs! O! Yathi Shrestha, Only Your Holy Touch can Energize all our Ayurvedic medications! Please do Bless us all!"

So saying the group leader put forth all his herbal preparations and manuals at the Feet of the Holy Pontiff!!

Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha is completely overcome by His earlier Incarnation as Vyasa Theertha: "Srinivasa!, Govinda!, Venkatesha!, Lakshmi Pathi!, Indhira Ramana!…Prabhu!… What Seva Did I do to You? O Lord!

You Are The Supreme Lord of This Entire Universe and Beyond! Great Souls Themselves are not able to fully understand Your Infinite Qualities! Such being the case, How can I Understand You? O! Lord! As these people

say, If I have truly performed Your Seva, please do pardon all My shortcomings if any during the Performance of Your Seva and Bless these medications! Let this be My Seva to the Needy O! Lord!, Let this be My Seva to Your

Devotees, always!"


Then Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha With His Abayahastha sprinkles some Holy Sanctified Water on the medical preparations and touches them with His Holy

Hands and Speaks softly : "Pandithaganyare, Please do get Up! All My Blessings are always there with You all! Now, please go around this place and meet the people who have gathered here from far off places! They must be really tired and infirm! They might need your immediate attention!!"

The leader replies: "Gururajare!, Indeed I have already gone around this place, but I have found everyone to be hale and hearty.! This is only due to your Holy Presence and nothing else!!"

Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha: "Sri Ramachandra….!"

Next a group of Astrologers stand in front of the Holy Pontiff with folded hands!

The leader speaks : "Gururajare!, according to our computations, from the morrow, all Inter Stellar movements will be stupendously aligned around Your Moola Brindavana! This is a truly significant incident! Please

do enlighten us!!"

Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha Replies with utmost Humility: "Sri Hari, Sri Hari…What can I instruct you! All this is being done by Him! All the Supernatural Powers that You all attribute to me is His! Nothing is

Mine! I do not have any control over anything! Everything is being done by Sri Hari only to prove that He is Supreme and Independent of Everything and Everyone else! Such being the case, I can only instruct all of you to show

devotion towards Sri Hari and strive to get His Blessings!!"

Soon, the group of scholars depart feeling thoroughly energized by the Words of the Holy Pontiff and totally speechless by the Depths of Humility and Heights of Devotions of the Holy Pontiff! Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha beckons Dewan Venkanna and instructs him to

look after the needs of those people who had assembled and to arrange for their food and shelter!

Dewan Venkanna informs the Holy Pontiff that he

had made all arrangement for feeding the thousands of people who had come from far off places. Scores of cows had been herded from Adhavani province to supply fresh milk and butter! Cartloads of provisions were also fetched

from surrounding provinces to feed the hungry! Huge temporary kitchens had been set up and food was cooked in big cauldrons and served to the needy! Dewan Venkanna himself had taken part in serving food to thousands of

people! He did not feel any hunger, all his hunger was satiated while serving His Gurugalu's devotees!. They had all eaten well, so be it thought Venkanna! Just to be with His Gurugalu was enough for him now.! Dewan Venkanna just could not but keep thinking of his Gurugalu! How

Divinely Noble, how Divinely Serene and how Divinely Saintly the Holy Pontiff looked! Venkanna's eyes turns moist.! He stands in a corner and watches

SreeGurugalu talking to an old man and inquiring about his health!


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Suddenly Venkanna notices the Holy Pontiff gesturing towards him! He runs towards the Holy Pontiff and bows before Him in full devotion and respect.! Dewan Venkanna: "Appaney, Gurugale!…" Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha: "Venkanna Panthare, have you sent word

for Appanna! Why has he still not arrived?"

Venkanna replies: "Gurugale, I have sent one of my messengers to bring him here! The river is in full spate and there is no let up in the rains!" Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha: "O! Pranadeva….!" The Holy Pontiff then gestures towards a particular spot and tells

Venkanna thus: "I shall sit near the spot and meditate for a while!"

Immediately Dewan Venkanna himself cleans the spot and spreads the Krishnanjana, the Holy mat made out of Sacred Deer skin on the ground! There, Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha sits next to a young Banyan sapling

and soon is deeply immersed in invoking "Ashwatha Narayana" Omnipresent in the sapling! Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha could foresee that the site around this sapling would house the Moola Brindavanas' of many a Holy

Pontiff who would succeed Him in the distant future!

It was well past evening and a light shower of rain begins to fall rapidly! Thousands upon thousands of people who had arrived from far off places sit huddled in their make shift tents. With the rain beginning to lash heavily, most people stay inside to ward off the incessant rains!

Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha, on the contrary, Sits unmoved in deep meditation of Ashwatha Narayana! The attendants of SreeGurugalu along with Dewan Venkanna rush towards the Holy Pontiff with a Huge White Silver Umbrella embossed with the Holy Insignias of The Shree Mutt! Dewan Venkanna

in his enthusiasm in performing 'Sevas' to the Holy Pontiff totally forgets that all the vagaries of Nature like Sun, Wind and Rain did not affect such a Holy Pontiff like Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha in any manner, Who

Himself Was Born to Protect millions of people from just such excesses!!!


Himself, Awakened by the sudden commotion of rushing feet and shouts of His disciples, Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha slowly opens His Eyes and smiles at the anxious faces of Dewan Venkanna and His attendants! Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha Speaks slowly in a Voice that is perfectly

in tune with the fast flowing waters of Mother Tunghabadra and the patter of rain falling rapidly all around!!

"What is it Dewanare? You seem to be in a hurry ?"

Dewan Venkanna: "O! Gurugale, I have come to offer You this Umbrella so that You might not be affected from this heavy rains!" Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha: "Venkanna Panthare, thousands of poor people, many of them with young children have come to see Me! They are all suffering without proper shelter to protect them from this rain. Go to them first, make arrangements for their comfort first! This rain is a

auspicious sign for Me! You Know, Mother Nature is herself drenching Me in this rain, so that I might stay with You all from within the Moola Brindavana without being affected by constant interaction between the five

elements Present in My Body! Let Me also accompany you!. Come let Us all go and see how the devotees are faring in this rain!"


Immediately Dewan Venkanna comes forward and offers the Paaduka at the Feet of the Holy Pontiff! Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha Walks towards the numerous settlements where thousands of devotees are huddled inside!

But some Haridasas' braving even the rains are singing and dancing totally over awed by the Name of Lord Krishna! Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha moves towards them! Soon, unmindful of the lashing rains, people begin to follow

the Holy Pontiff as He Walks around amongst His devotees!. The trickle of small groups slowly grows into a big group and all of a sudden the entire populace who had assembled are awakened and follow the Holy Pontiff in huge crowds!!

Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha stands before a group of Haridasa's intently hearing their song : Ranga Baaro Paanduranga Baaro SriRanga Baaro Narasingha Baaro

Kandha Baaro Yenna Chinna Baaro Indhiraramana Mukunda Baaro

Appa Baaro Thimappa Baaro Kandharpanayane Kanchi Varadha Baaro Anna Baaro Yenna Chinna Baaro Punyamoorthi Mahishapuriya Chenna Baaro Vishnu Baaro Udupi Krishna Baaro Yennishtamoorthi Purandhara Vittala Baaro

Ranga Baaro Paanduranga Baaro SriRanga Baaro Narasingha Baaro!!!


Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha is 'carried away' by this eternal composition and tunes of this lilting song! The group of Haridaasas' themselves unaware of the Presence of the Holy Pontiff sing and dance in pure Joy!

After the song ends they are all surprised to see the Holy Pontiff standing amidst them ! They all fall at His Feet and ask for His Blessings! Shouts of "Hari Sarvotama, Vaayu Jeevotama" can be heard in all directions!

Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha replies: "Please get up, How can I Bless You! In fact You should Bless Me instead! The Very Name of the Supreme Lord that You Utter continuously day in and day out makes Your Presence most sanctifying and fruitful! Please show Me Your Sri Krishna !"


The Haridaasas' vehemently nod their head : "Yathigale!, All of us have come here only to find Lord Sri Krishna in You! You have to show us Your Krishna!!!"


Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha: VenuGopala!!

The Holy Pontiff then calls forward the leader of the group and requests him thus: "Daasare, Can You sing 'Krishnaa Nee Begane Baaro…!" for Me?!!


The leader replies: "Mahadhaagne!…..Swamigale!…..Mahadhaagne!…." Then the group begins to sing the song which was composed by none other than the Holy Pontiff in His previous Incarnation as Vyasa Theertha.! The Holy Pontiff appears to be completely swayed by his own timeless composition! O! What a scene to behold! The Haridaasas' singing way as best as only they can to the beats of 'Taala' and 'Gejje'! The whole populace who had assembled to witness the Brindavana Pravesha also

dancing and singing to the tunes of the song and Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha standing in their midst with folded hands as if in a trance and completely

immersed in the Glory of Lord Krishna !!


After the song ends there is a pin drop silence.!! Everyone's eyes' are on Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha! The Holy Pontiff does not move for some time! Suddenly a young child breaks free from the clasp of its parent's

hands and rushes towards the Holy Pontiff by shouting


The whole gathering looks on stunned by this sudden turn of incident! The child first trips and falls at the Feet of the Holy Pontiff and gets up and tugs at the Parama Pavana Saffron Madivasthra that drapes the Holy Body

of the Pontiff all the while calling out - "Thaatha!…Thaatha!!" Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha slowly Opens His eyes and Beholds the tiny child that was looking up and smiling at Him with Godly Innocence!

The Pontiff speaks: "BaalaKrishna!, Govinda!, Mukunda! NandaKishora!! "

Then slowly lifting the little child up in His arms He speaks :"Maagu(Child), Who are you? What is Your Name? Your face is as Divine and Brilliant like that of My BaalaKrishna! Who are your parents? Are they here?"

The child continues to smile at the aged Pontiff and points out towards its parents in the crowd! The attendant staff of the Pontiff then beckons towards the parents, who happen to be humble woodcutters, of the child to come forward !


Both the parents shivering with fright, rush forward and fall at the Feet of the Pontiff!!.

The father of the child stammering with fear of having committed sacrilege says: "Budhi!, Budhi!, I seek pardon from Your Holiness for this insolent act of my infant son! Please do pardon him! Please do pardon us all!"

Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha replies: "Krishna….Krishna…Please get up! What is there to forgive when You have not committed any fault at all? What is the name of Your son?"


The father replies falteringly : "Budhi, Please pardon me, Due to utter poverty that I suffer, I have still not performed his naming ceremony even though he is three years old! The Holy Pontiff closes His Eyes for a while. "Sri Hari, O! Lord Please do Send Your Lakshmi Devi to Extend Her Infinite Grace in the humble Huts of these poor devotees of Yours, too !"

Then the Holy Pontiff begins to console the humble woodcutter: "Do not worry, Sri Hari always adorns His Devotee first with the Ornament of Poverty and Only Then Blesses Him with His Infinite Grace! Shall I

suggest a name for your child?!!"


The parents are overjoyed! O! What a good fortune! The Holy Pontiff Himself has come to name their child! The weeping parents once again fall at the Feet of the Holy Pontiff and give their concurrence!!

Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha beckons his staff and says: "Please bring me some Mantrakshate'" Then as the astounded gathering looks on, The Holy Pontiff asks the

father to whisper the name of 'Gopala' thrice in the ears of the child! The overjoyed parents then follows the Pontiff's Command! Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha Himself Blesses the child, now named as Gopala, and its



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Cries of Jaya Jaya Rajadhiraja GuruSarvabhouma!!…rent the air as the Holy Pontiff moves forward towards the next group of people who are eagerly waiting with folded hands to receive His Blessings! One devout Orthodox Bramhin couple fall at the Holy Feet of Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha !! Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha: "Narayana! Please get up! Acharya? How are you serving your God given Intellect? Are you indulging in the 'Vidhya Dhaana' to the needy?"!

The Man replies: "Shreegale!, Shreegale!, What intellect can I boast of? What Vidya do I possess to enlighten others? Though my body has aged my Knowledge is still in a state of infancy!! All I can boast of is Devotion

to Your Pontificate and Your Parama Paavana Paadukaas! I find all my needs at Your Holy Feet Only and no where else!!" Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha: "Moola Ramachandra…!"

The Man continues: "Shreegale, With Your Blessings and Sri Hari's Blessings I have earned everything that a person would desire in Gruhasthaashrama!…But!!!….but!!." Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha: "Acharya please Continue…what else do you need?"

The Man falters :" Sri Hari….Sri Hari…….and wipes the tears from his eyes!!..

Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha: "Acharya! Tell Me, …What else do you need?"

Suddenly the devout couple fall at the Feet of the Holy Pontiff and cry inconsolably!! "Shreegale, Shreegale, You Know everything…! We are still not Blessed with the Good Fortune of having children yet!!! I am still not able to repay the familial debts to my forefathers due to this!!!"

Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha : "O! BalaKrishna !, O! Mukunda! Why this torment to Your true devotees? O! Lord Just like You toddled around in the house of Yashoda, could You also not toddle in this householder's house!!?"

"O! Srinivasa Why is there so much sadness with those devotees who Worship You so much!?"

So saying Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha Blesses the couple and smilingly says: "Acharya!, Why do You need anything else when the Name of the Lord plays constantly on your lips!!? Also, the Merit that you have gained by

imparting Knowledge to others would have by now satiated all the debts that you owe to your forefathers'!!


The Man replies struggling to control his tears: "Shreegale, I do not know of anything other than Your Holy Name! And now I utter Your Lord's

Name just by the force of uttering Your Holy Name.!!!!" So saying the devout couple once again fall at the Feet of the Holy Pontiff and receive sugar cubes and Mantrakshate as Blessings!!

The Man says: "Dhanyosmin! Dhanyosmin!". He then ties the sacred Mantrakshate in a tight knot in a corner of his 'Angavastram'! The devout wife then smears the Holy Mud on her head from the ground where the Holy Pontiff had Stood !

"Shreekaaras and Jayakaaras" rent the air as the Holy Pontiff thus moves around amongst His followers' comprising of ordinary country folk,eminent scholars and Royal representatives, removing the darkness from

'clogged minds' and brightening it with His Divine Presence!!

Later, Srimadh Raghavendra Theertha speaks to Yogeendra Theertha : "Yogeendra Theerthare, From now on You are the Custodian of this enormous 'Grantha Bhandara' of Mine! I Shall Always Be Present in Them!

Tomorrow, well before Sunrise I Shall Take My Customary Bath in the river Tunghabadra, and I shall Perform the Moola Rama Pooja!! After the Prasaada

Viniyoga I shall address all those who have assembled here and in Accordance with The Supreme Will of Sri Hari I shall enter the Brindavana and Be There in Yoga Nidhre! I Shall Continue to Dwell in the Brindavana

and Bless all those who come in Search of My Grace!!

Turning towards a grief stricken Dewan Venkanna, Srimadh Raghavendra



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