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Return of the King

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Just got back from seeing Lord of the Rings number 3.


Made my eyes water a couple times. Stupendous special effects.


I can't praise it enough. Unique in showing the simple folk as the real heros in the end.


Just think what the Mahabharata would do with the same production. Now a picture like that would be the ultimate time warp… in every aspect of the word).

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My only complaint is that it seemed in some scenes that they had to do some major editing to fit the time schedule. As is, the film clocks in at 3 hours 20 minutes. There will definitely be extended scenes when it comes out on dvd. I don't want to give any spoilers, but an example of this major editing was towards the end of the major battle when the ships dock on the battlefield to bring reinforcements for the enemy. Also, notice that the white wizard wasn't in this third film (he was in parts 1 & 2). Apparently his part had to be cut from the third film and this didn't make the actor very happy. But it is a great series.

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The new Lord of The Rings was great. My wife and I have talked about the deep issues that it brings out. I especially like Froto now because I think he represents all of us in the sense that we all have rings we have to "just let it go!", as Sam said. In the battle scenes, I just kept thinking about Krishna and the ancient battles He fought in. Having movies about Him would be amazing and there is so much literature! I hope it comes true one day. It would be so epic! It would be a great way of presenting Krishna to others too!

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"… As is, the film clocks in at 3 hours 20 minutes."


Lol! I could've watched alot more… even from a theater seat.


My wife knows all this insider info like you do. The director is probably gonna do the first film (The Hobbit) after he does the remake of King Kong.


Practically the first two albums from Led Zepplin were inspired by Tolkien.


Yeah, the white wizard they just dropped and didn't resolve. He'll be in the home version.


I think it's neat also how true love saved the day: Arwen forsook her immortality to return and be with Aragorn. Thus, the sword was forged that convinced the ghost army to honor their pledge.


Don't mess with maya! See how Froto succummed at the end!

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