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Scientific Lifestyle?

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Guest …I think you're right in saying that there is this religion of scientists that prevents this sort of grading which comes from scientists mouths.

Hridy: What about for example a psychologists who… let's say a patient comes in to see a psychologists… uh has some problem, some unhappiness they want resolved. And the scientists says, "Well the problem is you don't have sex enough. You have to have more sex." And there are people that give recommendations like that.


Then you get a whole body of wisdom coming from people; coming from many Western philosophers and widom of the East… alot of very intelligent people saying that actually you have to control and that sex is something that… not to be artificially repressed, but you have to learn how to control the senses, how to have self-discipline… how to channel that energy into higher pursuits. And that too much indulgence actually will ruin your capacity to progress in some important areas of knowledge. So again - as you were saying - the scientists may be indifferent in these things, but…


In other words, no human can be strictly empirical. There is no empirical lifestyle. All of us deal in values, feelings and opinions and there is no strictly empirical… There isn't a scientific lifestyle. That's important that there is a scientific methodology in research and so on… but there is no scientific lifestyle so to speak. No one lives just by the dictates of science. What would that mean even?

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I was thinking about science and religion. There are so many different fields of science that I don't think it is safe to say that science is at odds with God. There is chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy, mathematics etc.... Now, the odd thing is, when it comes to evolution (which is generally seen as the scientific alternative to God), very few scientists are evolutionary scientists. That is, very few scientists have developed their own conclusions about evolution. Instead, they may accept the conclusions of other predecessor scientists in fields that they themselves have not studied. So they accept based on faith the conclusions of others, they have never met, and likely have only studied in cursory detail. What does a mathematician know of evolution? What about a chemist? or a Physicist? This is simply another form of faith.

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