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The Best Person Is Speaking

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Hridy: So here in the purport also, Srila Prabhupada is explaining that a person becomes fully qualified with all transcendental qualities by following the rules and regulations as recommended in different scriptures. So this is the point: that why should one become purified just by following rules and regulations? …Because our basic disease in the material world is that we are not admitting or we don't like to think that I'm a servant of Krsna. In this world psychologically, everyone likes to think that he personally is the best person. Just like I am sitting here. So, I want to think, Oh I'm more intelligent than you. Uh, this is very relishable that I'm speaking and you are listening… (nervous laughter in audience) because in this way you have to ear my opinion and in this way I am showing that I am more intelligent than you. So this is material consciousness… actually, when the politicians speak…

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…they are thinking in this way: these are all my followers. All these people are subordinate to me because I am speaking and they are listening. So this is material consciousness. But that is not Krsna consciousness.


Krsna consciousness means I am speaking but I am thinking that I am servant of all these people. All these people are part and parcel of Krsna and uh Krsna wants them back home, back to Godhead. So therefore I have become their servant and therefore I have to give them this information. Just like the messenger boy comes: "Excuse me Sir! There is a message for you!"


In the same way, a Krsna conscious preacher, he should feel like that: that I'm simply servant and I am giving this knowledge. In that way, in all our activity, we have to feel that we are servant. In the material world we also give service. Just like…

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Let us say someone is an administrator. In the material world, the administrator is very puffed-up in thinking, "I am in charge. I am the boss. And these people are all inferior to me. They are all subordinate. They have to do what I say." Uh, that's his mentality and he's enjoying that's he's in a superior position. But in Krsna consciousness, someone may be adminostrator, but he's thinking, "I am servant of these people. I have to make so many arrangements so that people can be happy. (Administrate so that no one is disturbed. Everyone has facility). In this way I am their servant.

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