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Sentimental Thought

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It just occurred to me how we are burning in Kali. Religion is under such oppression and attack. "In God We Trust" in America, but that trust has been supplanted with dogmatic material world views. Still, the pledge goes on… I guess 'cause some people believe in it. Or more likely, it's another sign of the greatness of the ruling demons, "We can even exploit God!"


The capitalist president can take all the people's resources… (Well, Bush gets to enjoy the efforts of many generations. But it is the same program.) turn them into technological power, use that power to intimidate the world and control a monopoly. Unfortunately, people have becomes so stupid and programmable, that their morality is whatever the latest "official" spin is from these fools who are causing the problems they pretend to solve. It is later than it seems!


At least back in Krsna's days, the demons had culture… varnashrama dharma and all that. At least they knew they weren't the body. At least they displayed more civility in generally providing for others. They made a hell of alot more sense when they spoke! In many cases, they were honest about their exploitation!


History has shown how leaders and authorities puff themselves up by denying God in the name of objectivity or liberalism. In the case of liberalism, they all have the truth. Uh, that means Christianity. No! That means science! And this boldness enlivens the demon population. It is later than it seems!


First the assault on basic liberties and then maybe religion specifically. Once you have exploited God to get what you want, He's a neusance.


My sentimental thought is that 'religion will always be around' – says Prabhupada… like varnashrama-dharma is all but gone, but still around in some perverted form. So I guess it is with religion.


It will be around because of people like you that "keep it turned on". My respects. Hare Krsna!



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