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Indulge the Demon

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Satya-yuga had little - if any - oversight. Or the responsibility of each individual was of such integrity, there was no need. Or everyone was all things. Symantics.


We know the process through the ages.


From time to time great demons are allowed to dominate without restraint. This is one 'enormous' ego undermining all others. The citizens are generally aghast in retrospect at the monster they created.


So I guess Krsna lets them rule as some 'material god' for awhile just to teach the public a lesson?


I think we have some awesome lessons looming with the demonstration of our own technology we're so proud of.




Maybe this belongs on another thread:


This reminds me of a recent thread in which the issue of responsibility was just to think "It's all going as Krsna plans. He can change it if He wants and He 'doesn't need us'."


Krsna has that potency to certainly change anything dispite everyone else's objection. But maybe He thinks that attitude is a cop-out.

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I had an insight earlier I was sharing with the neighborhood store clerk.


Our government has all these awesome emergency powers RESERVED; separate family members to detention camps, appropriate anything and everything, etc. In other words, they've provided for themselves absolute power… and they are conditioning people to that.


So let's say a catastrophic event happens which necessitates martial law. And let's further say that your government, by it's greed and other insanities, has caused the event. It's not hard to imagine America starting a nuclear war. Is it? I mean these morons are ready to destroy the world if they can't have it all.


So the leaders have all these powers to act for the preservation and benefit of the good. But what if these monsters just want to take the opportunity to clean house… a patriotic citizen better not be affiliated with a religious group, environment, human rights, etc.! I mean look at how these people are under surveillance now! STOP AND TAKE A LOOK! So the demons think if they destroy the social fabric they have some restructuring to do… "Why, look what all these foolish people caused. My way is the only way. Now that's they way to go!"


The store clerk's response was to wildly laugh (but low key) as if I was a paranoid freak or something. (He understood. I talk to him alot… For me, it's already happened many times before around the world. Many dictators in the last 2,000 years have left shocking legacies.) It's later than it seems!




See original post above concerning the following…


Seems to me the small dissenters are usually seen as idiots. The society creates these monsters that ruin everyone and the warnings of the dissenters is totally forgetten in the aftermath. (They should make the previous dessenters the new leaders after the public resolves the crisis… provided they survive. They showed the first risks for the benefit of others!)


******************NOW DON'T FORGET TO VOTE FOR ME!******************


(… coming from someone wholly unqualified)


Anyway, I was just speculatiing that perhaps these few dessenters have learned over many lifetimes what the majority have yet to understand.


Oh yes, there are successful revolutions too! But they're becoming extinct.


Cool, I don't have to add a new message. Editing feature is nice! Adding on…


The biggest demons feed off the desires of others. But their desires are most insatiable!


The public has alot of material desires that can easily be exploited. In chasing these desires they will eventually become completely ruined by the empty promises of rogues, theives, etc. … just as occurs individually.


Just look at modern politics… these officials; political, judiciary, and punitive systems… most of the individuals just harrass the citizens… alot of officials are worse than those they chase (in the name of the law). This is true around the world. And they have awesome power and influence.


What further insanity can be expected from the consolidation of power?


*****Steal'in time. Steal'in time. Foreget about everything beneath my mind***** -Gerry Rafferty

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