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Hi there!!!!!


I am pretty curious to know...how many of u guys dresss this way,like ISKCON people..with Jubha, Dhoti, beads arnd the neck and shaved heads with little pony tail in the center of the head.



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Big heart, sometimes mutters to himself, perhaps a little nuts. No beard or long hair, and no Indian clothes except possibly at Ratha Yatra.


Never really became part of the cult aspect of KC. Seen enough dhotis to know that they have nothing to do with the message.


Soon enough I will adopt the whole transcendental dress, but for the present I look like any other hip dude (although perhaps a little more hip than yer average 57 year old, more like a 25 year old hip dude or a musician). That works best for now.

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plus a kavaca with a very special bit of Prabhupada prasad inside.


I wear tilak everyday but not always clay. I find it very important to at least do water tilak with the mantras so this is a daily thing for me.


I wear sarees now and then because I like them. Actually, I would wear sarees everyday but the weather here is not conducive nor is taking care of farm animals easily done in sarees dragging in the barnyard dirt!!


I do wear my hair long and parted in the center per Prabhupada's instructions for women.


I can relate to gHari's description. I am an old hippie (50) and that is where I am most comfy.

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Well, guess I'm part of the 'cult.' /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Tho I wear both eastern and western clothing. Its not something I so much think about. If its cold, I put on slacks, if its warm, a skirt or saree or punjabee. When I went to the temple daily, I put on a saree daily and I still would if I was able to attend regularly. I kinda liked it. Tho I will agree, never judge a book by its cover. I too have seen many wearing saree or dohti who were rascals. Yet that is their problem. I know Prabhuapda wanted us to dress this way or he wouldn't have taken the time to teach us how. I think the fault is in those who chose to misuse holy robes. But you can find that in any religion.

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Living Entity,


Haribol. I just added a Nrsimha Kavaca to the mix, but have trouble keeping it on the necklace. I tried string and that broke overnight. (By the way, do you wear yours to sleep in?) I next tried a fancy looking golden cord, and that frayed in hours. What do you use to keep yours attached with? Thanks.

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Thanks L.E.


Well, I did not want to put it on my neckbeads cuz I dont want to get it wet in the shower. For a long time I did not know WHAT to put it on. Then I remembered years ago we use to sell semi-precious stone necklaces and I had a lapiz one. This is also good for me both astrologically as well as throat problems. So I kinda want to keep that. Maybe I should use some dental floss, or get some jewelry wire. Not sure where to get jewelry wire anymore tho, since I no longer live in Ca. Oh well, thanks anyhow.


Oh, are there any rules about not wearing them to sleep in or is that your personal preference?

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Thanks L.E., I didn't mean to change the topic of this thread, but I just had to ask those questions. I know how you feel about making sure you put it back on daily. On the back of the Nrsimha kava (paper) I wrote the maha mantra and a quote from Prabhupada's books. Its one I had heard but never "saw," so my godsister emailed it to me exactly. It says there is no sin one can commit that the Maha mantra can't purify you of! I just had to have that on my neck too, daily.

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Haribol prabhu,


I first had given to me a silver bullet that devotees put kavaca's in, Vrndavana dust in, etc. I dont know where my friend got it, maybe Krsna Culture.


Yes, the mantra is in Sanskrit. I have a web page you can get it off of:


Nrsimha Kavaca



There are two on there. I use the one from KushaKrata's books (the first one).

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For me I selected the first one cuz, it was at one time the 'only' one I had. And it was translated by Kushakrata who I feel is authorized to translate. Not that others cant do a good job. They can. Simply I dont know Sanskrit well enough to tell the difference. Since my husbands knows Kushakrata, maybe I'm biased. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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But I am still very much an Indian, a Hindu and a deep believer of Sanatana Dharma. External attributes are not always necessary (sometimes, these things might help someone to develope the feeling of 'belonging') for the developement of Sattvic Guna and the devotion to the Lord. I know, many Siddhas, Yogis wear nothing, are they not Self-Realised souls? They are. At the end only the PURE DEVOTION and LOVE for God counts.

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" They are. At the end only the PURE DEVOTION and LOVE for God counts. "

•••yes, but the dressing of devotional clothes or the wearing or the tilak has to be viewed as an act of devotion to krsna and the spiritual master


we have not to be extreme in this matter, wearing vaishnava clothes it is neither indispensable nor maya!!


one has not to be fanatic in wearing and in non wearing

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