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Hridy: So there's a big difference by saying we distort our own understanding or something, by our own egocentrism or whatever …as if it creates the whole thing out of nothing. For example, if there's an automobile accident, you get seven witnesses, seven different stories. Does that mean that they created the accident? It means there was an objective accident, but their perceptiion of it is distorted by their own muddled cognition or whatever.


So, therefore there's no logic to say they create these gods. There's no logic to it. It's just atheistic speculation.


So that means liberal. Not all of them obviously. Getting back to our premise libera… who nurtured me and raised me… you know, raised on liberal breast milk… so if these liberals… many of them uh rejected… violently rejected… the idea of religious authority.


In other words, if someone wants to claim that God is his left shoe, and you want to claim that God is the supreme father, your perception is in no way better than his. If you say that God - you know - is your dog… or the stool of your dog… your conception is in no way inferior to someone's worship of the supreme father, and that person should have every right you know… it's all the same… it's all one.


In other words, they carry their egalitarianism to an absurd degree which began to destabilize the whole moral fiber of the country.

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Guest: … there are alot of gods to choose from.

Hridy: No, not really!

Guest: (unintelligible)

Hridy: Well that's superficial. If you study nature's traditons, and try to extract essential principles… not rituals and ceremonal details… but essential universal principles, there's not so much difference.


So my point is that when the American people are confronted with a situation where the uh… where they're being offered a godless and basically degenerate and destructive - self-destructive - world view… And so they needed religon and they needed God… and the only people giving them (at least) some type of religion were also not very rational people…

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