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All Specific Things

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Hridy: Sober philosophers can understand that if everything in the world is specific, then shouldn't the absolute truth also be something specific?


… But a specific which includes everything else. That in fact is Krsna.


Now to include everything, something must actually have infinite opulences. That which includes all specific things must have unlimited beauty. You may say, "Does the absolute truth include ugliness?" But what is ugliness? It's a lack of beauty. No matter how ugly you are, someone is uglier. So… don't feel bad.


So therefore if we say someone is ugly it's a lack of beauty. Darkness is the abscence of light. Similarly, we find that which has unlimited beauty, unlimited light, unlimited fame and strength, that is God. So God is the source of all specific things of this world. And uh He's Krsna. Of coarse God has many names.

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Darkness is the absence (not opposite) of light (energy).

Cold is the absence (not opposite) of heat (energy).

Death is the absence (not opposite) of life (energy).


There is always the positive (light, heat, life) that we can have more of or less of. Krishna is all attractive. And His attractive capability can extend infinitely. There does not need to be an infinite ugliness in order for there to be infinite beauty. There is no infite death, cold, or darkness. They simply exist or don't exist. But when we add the positive aspect of light, heat, or life, these can infinitely grow.

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