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Tips to know Radha

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Hi, I am very familiar with Krishna and until now I was only engaged in Krishna Bhakti. I need some tips to develop devotion toward Radha. How do you worship Radha? I mean to say, she worships krishna and we need to worship "Radha-Krishna". So, How do you worship Radha?


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Radha is Krishna's mercy. Mercy is not impersonal. The highest mercy one can garner for themselves is to be engaged in Krsna's service. This is the focus of Hara or Radha. Pleasing Krsna is Her only interest. Some make the mistake of trying to develop a relationship with Her separate from Krsna. Not possible.


So we can approach Her as Hare in the Hare Krsna mantra and wanting to be engaged by Her in Krsna's service.


Lord Caitanya is said to be the combined form of Radha/ Krsna and the most munificent avatar, the universal guru, Who is freely distributing the Holy Names of Hare and Krsna. His mercy, which is the mercy of Radha/Krsna is also embodied in His pure servants as they try to draw others into this service mood.


We can please Her by pleasing them, the servants of Lord Caitanya.

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your connection and service to Sri Radhika is through

the bona fide spirtual master, in the gaudiya vision

Radha and Krsna are two sides of the same coin,

Radha is Bhakti personified,in this way she is considered

the original Guru as is Nityananda who is the first expansion of Krsna,Baladeva.


What this means is that Radha is the personification of the

serving mood of God,God is serving all of us by the

inherent power of Godhead and by the desire to

give and share that with us all, that is Radha,

She is devotion personifed,God is eternally devoted

to providing us all with all we need, in Krsna lila

She is the queen of Vrndavana,Krsna is the same

as Radha but in a different role.


All service to Krsna is through Radha,

sometimes this is misunderstood to mean that

Radha serves Krsna in the same way we serve another and that

helping Her in Her service to Krsna is the goal

of all the devotees in the line of Sri Caitanya,

The misunderstanding is in thinking that Radha's

service to Krsna is like our service to Krsna,

Her service to Krsna is that of Hladini Sakti,

the pleasure potency,

Through Her Krsna is enjoying lila,That is Her service

to Krsna,She is Krsna and through Her Krsna is served,

this is the meaning of serving Krsna through Radha

Dasyam,the service of Srimati Radharani is how one pleases

Krsna,She is How Krsna enjoys.


This service is done through the vehicle of Nityananda

Balarama, He is the first expansion of Sri Krsna and His

function is that of the canvassing agent,He brings

you to the service of Sri Radha Krsna,He is Sri Guru,

He is non different from Radha Krsna,He is the supreme

lord as instructor,canvasser,Guru.


He appears in the form of the bona fide spiritual master,

His function is to bring you into the intimate

association of the Divine couple ,He is non different

from them,but his function is to give that reality

to the conditioned souls, He gives you the service of

Sri Radha through the bona fide spiritual master,

this is how it is done,by serving the bona fide spiritual master you are serving Radha,and at the same time

becoming qualified to serve more intimately as you progress

from 3rd class to 1st class level of devotion.

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I don't know that we should say not to try at all, tho we should only try the right way, or not cross the line and become sahajiya.


Read bonafide shastra about Radha, such as some at:




There are all sorts of stories there and not just about Radha, but you can look for those which are, and when you read them they will be bonafide descriptions by a bonafide spiritual master.

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correct, the sahajiya is the person who does

not accept the proper introduction to Sri Radha,

which is through Baladeva/Nityananda,Sri Guru.


this is the only process, anyone who does not accept

the service of Radha through the bona fide spiritual

master in the line of Nityananda but claims to be

serving Radha is in illusion.


the sahajiya or similar type of mental concocters

attempt to imagine themselves as able to

directly serve Radha or Krsna, disregarding

the bona fide authority of the disciplic succession

they imagine themselves to be great devotees simply

because they have some emotional feelings, this should not

be confused with the descending form of the devotional

service given by the representatives of the canvassing

agent of the supreme lord, the disiplic succession

of the bona fide acharyas empowered as representatives

of Sri Nityananda have nothing to do with the self styled

imitators who profess themselves as great devotees

while disregarding the message of Sri Nityananda.


Nityananda is THE agent of deliverance for the conditioned

souls, those who disregard His empowered representatives

and consider his message to be like any other,

only cause a disturbance in the devotional community.


the sahajiya or those similar to them reject out of hand any authority other then their own whims,in this way they present themselves as great lovers of Radha or Krsna

and belittle the actual acharyas doing the work of

godhead,they accept no authority seeing themselves as authority,therefore anything that comes to their mind

is the word and will of God.


The bona fide disiplic succession rejects the imitative

path of the self indulgent, Nityananda and his representatives are not interested in the emotional

proclamations of the self worshippers,they have a mission,

to give out the highest love of God to one and all,

the imitators also have a mission, their's is to

gain acclaim as great lovers of God,and they do this

by belittling others and trying to appear as emotionally

great lovers of Radha Krsna,this is their business,

they will actually do nothing to serve Nityananda who is God as distributing agent,and actually try and dissuade

others from their greatest good.


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