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That's All We're Doing

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So the idea is that all of these activities… everything, is in the three modes of nature… even the different forms of government… everything… there's no exception… absolutely everything within this world is under these three modes of nature.


So Lord Krsna says (Sanskrit) …that indeed He… the purusa… living being is prakriti-stah… stah means situated. The living being is situated in prakrti. And what is he doing?


What are we doing here in this material world? That's a good question. What are we doing here? Sankrit… we are experiencing… What? …(Sanskrit) …we are experiencing the different modes born of prakrti. That's all. That's all we're doing.


Just like a karmi - an ordinary person - goes into a shopping mall, and they go into the store and just walk around trying to experience all the different modes. Isn't it? …letting all their senses go wild. Isn't it? Trying on clothes, picking up things, imagining, "What if I bought this?"


On television they have commercials…

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… in which they have so many different psychological techniques and so many ways… just trying to induce material desire:


"You need this! YOU"VE GOT TO have this!"


Isn't it? "You have bad breathe!" …one commercial.


Actually, they had one commercial once that "Your best friends won't tell you." You know that? What was it, that you have bad breath? In other words, you have bad breath, so even if no one told you… even if you think you don't… you actually do…, it's just that no one will tell you you do. Actually, all of your friends secretly hate you and when you leave the room people sneer at you and despise you because actually you have bad breath. But no one will tell you. So the only solution is you have to buy this product.


So this whole capitalist society is geared to the utmost to induce material desire. Everywhere we turn, the environment is saturated with a barrage of propaganda meant to intensify our desire to enjoy this world.


That means as Prabhupada said, this is "a soul-killing civilization."

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Hare Krishna



Thats great post, doesn't though a Uttama Adhikari devotee, only see everybody is serving Krishna..


also i know this may sound dumb, but has anybody been doing something (sence gratification) and then thought with eyes wide open, the realisation of how insignificant it is, its almost like relief from Maya, maybe this is a taster provided by Krishna. I don't know.



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