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How can someone develop simplicity ?

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Devotee: How can someone develop simplicity?


Gour Govinda Swami:

Associate with a simple sädhu. As I described my guru-mahäräja, how he came and inculcated faith. And why are you lacking faith now? Because you are not associating with sädhus! You say, “We can-not see sädhu. There are no sädhus present now.” That’s the whole trouble with you.


Devotee: But if we are duplicitous in the heart, then we will be blind and we won’t be able to see who is a sädhu. So how can we associate with sädhus if we don’t know who is a sädhu?


Gour Govinda Swami:

Therefore I say, even if sädhu comes, because you are blind you have no faith in him. You want to be the seer, so you cannot get any benefit. You cannot associate. If a sädhu comes and chants here, speaks Krsna-kathä, it will never enter your ear. You cannot get any benefit. You don’t do sädhu-sanga at all. Although you come and sit here, you are just posing, you are just pretending. You are such a pretender! Because you have no faith, the sädhu’s kathä will never enter your ear. Thus, you cannot get any ben-efit. Just pretending. Sitting for ten or fifteen minutes, then getting up and going out. Why is this? Because you have no faith. You are not simple. You want to be the seer. But you are not the seer. That’s the whole trouble.




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Sädhus Have no Defects


by Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami


Those who have vision, they see and they say, arya-vijïa-väkya nähi doña catuñöaya — the words of the mahäjanas, sädhus, are free from the four defects. Why don’t you put unflinching faith in their words? You say, “I must think about it first. I must deliberate on what they say. If I am con-vinced then I will apply it.” — This is all du-plicity, crookedness, lack of faith! You are not prepared to admit that you have four defects. Your senses are defective, how can you see? You think, “I am the seer. I will see.” But you are not the seer. You have defective vision. How can you see a sädhu who is free from defects and exists on the transcendental platform? He is in the fourth dimension. You are limited to three dimensions: length, breadth and height. Can your material mind conceive the fourth di-mension? Then how can you say, “If I see, only then I will accept?” Nonsense! Such nonsense! You can only act on faith. Nothing else.

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