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IS THIS TRUE: the Chakra of Lord VISHNU

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Chakra - (Wheel) it means a wheel or force field, its name is Chakra Sudarshana.

It was made by Lord Siva and gifted to Lord Vishnu as a token of love. The story of Lord Vishnu's most excellent devotion to Lord Shiva is relayed in a story where Lord Vishnu offered a thousand lotuses to Lord Siva every day. One day in order to test the sincerity of Lord Vishnu, Lord Siva hid one of the lotuses. During worship, Lord Vishnu discovered that he was one lotus short, in order to complete his vrata he then plucked one of his eyes out and offered it to Lord Siva. Lord Siva became highly pleased and gave his prized weapon that he had labour through intense Tapas (austerities) to make.

This discus possesses a terrible energy, Lord Vishnu holds this as a weapon but also to preserve the Universe as where ever this energy is released it instantanteously causes destruction therefore if released it would end time and causation as we know and perceive it.

Hence it is also representative of the Wheel of time.

The energy of the Chakra is governed by a mantra called the Vishnu Sudarsana mantra, when the mantra is activated even wood that is soaked in water will burn.Its deity is Kartivirjuna.

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I think the Mahanarayana Upanishad mentioned here is not the one also called as Yajniki Upanishad but the Tripadvibhuti-Mahanarayana Upanishad.





Vishnu seeks Shiva's blessings to slay the demon, 'jalandhara'. With that purpose, he worships Shiva with thousand lotus petals every day. One day Shiva, to test Vishnu, hides a petal. To make up for that, Vishnu takes out an eye of his. Pleased with that, Shiva grants him the sudarshana chakra. This also explains the reason for Vishnu's name being 'puNDarIkAksha'.



That Vishnu obtained sudarshana chakra from Shiva is contradicted by the shruti: charaNaM pavitraM (See P.S), that talks of Vishnu possessing the sudarshana always (charaNaM pavitraM vitataM _purANaM_). Even the idea of

Vishnu getting the appellation of 'puNDarIkAxa' is contradicted by the Chandogya statement: tasya yathA kapyAsaM puNDarIkamevAxiNI tasyoditi nAma sa eva sarvebhyaH pApmabhya uditaH. Here, it is only the form of Lord (bhagavadvigraha) that is considered 'aprAkrita' and it being beginningless and endless is mentioned. Due to these contradictions, the purANa statements can be rejected. Such anti-vedic ideas, generally found in tAmasic purANas,

are also found in sAttvika purANas like varAha purANa, pUrva-khaNDa. In case of purANAs like the padmapurANa, there are three parts: sAttvika, rAjasa and tAmasa. Likewise, here too, it must be understood that the

pUrva-khaNDa of varAhapurANa is tAmasic and therefore, not to be taken seriously.


shrI madhveshakR^iShNArpaNamastu,




This is from Mahanarayana Upanishad. I was quite perplexed that the word 'charaNaM' denotes 'sudarshana'. Answer was in Sri Dhirendra tirtha's commentary on the Mahanarayana Upanishad. Under the pertinent verse of Mahanarayana Upanishad, he writes: snAnAntaraM mudrAdhAraNamAha | charaNaM iti | yatpavitraM pAvitryakAri vitataM bhakteShu dhAraNAdinA vyAptaM purANaM purAtanaM yachcharaNaM chakraM pavitram.h | 'charaNaM chakraM rathanemiH sudarshanaM cheti paryAyavAchakA hyete chakrasya paramAtmanaH'

iti vedanighaNTau | Thus, he quotes the Vedanighantu to support the meaning of charaNaM as chakraM.


There is a sub-commentary by Satara Raghavendracharya. He quotes padma purANa, uttara-khaNDa and writes 'charaNaM pApabhakshakaM pApanAshakaM pavitraM chakram.h | padmottarakhaNDe tathokteH |

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Hare Krishna,




In the Mahanarayana Upanishad also called as Yajniki Upanishad, Lord Rudra, explicitly mentioned as consort of Uma(Umapati ie Lord Shiva) and also in Kaivalya Upanishad, is claimed as the supreme GOD. There are again several other upanishads which claim Amba, Ganesh etc. as Supreme GOD. So which is the truth.


I believe Upanishads were manipulated so much that there are some 108 Upanishads according to Muktikopanishad(actually there are about 350 in total), with conflicting or contradictory ideas, each Upanishad claiming one divinity as supreme GOD over all others, are there. So some people say that all this shows the advaita concept of Vedas.


Luckily the Veda Samhitas were not manipulated. Perhaps luckily no Acharyas(including Adi Shankara, Ramanuja or Madhva) wrote commentaries for each and every verse in it although some wrote Bhashyas only to selected texts.


So how do we come to conclusion what the Vedas teach. Read the Veda Samhitas.


For example Ambrani Sukta or Devi Sukta of Rig Veda:


Rig Veda: 10:125


Verse 5:


yaM kAmaye taM--tamugraM kRNomi tambrahmANaM taM RSiM taM sumedhAm


I make whoever I like Ugra(Rudra), Brahma, Rsi or a wise man.


Verse 7:


ahaM suve pitaramasya mUrdhan mama yonirapsvantaH samudre


She says that the source of her might is the being from the ocean.


Again Rudra, Brahma etc. are found here to be lower in Taratamya to this Goddess and she says that her home is in the ocean. This is again the unmistakable reference to Goddess Laksmi. She is subservient to Lord Visnu.


In the 10th book of Rig Veda, Vayu Sukta mentions Vayu Deva powdering and making the Visha (from the ocean that was churned) edible to Lord Siva. So Lord Shiva is even lower in Taratamya with respect to Vayu Deva.


Rig Veda: 10:136:7


vAyurasmA upAmanthat pinaSTi smA kunannamA

keshIviSasya pAtreNa yad rudreNApibat saha


Vayu hath churned for him: for him he poundeth things most hard to bend,


When he with long loose locks hath drunk, with Rudra, water from the cup.


The famous Purusa Sukta clearly mentions that the Purusha is the consort of Sri(Lord Narayana).


"all the deities are Agni; the sacrifice is Visnu; verily he lays hold of the deities and the sacrifice; Agni is the lowest of the deities, Visnu the highest; in that he offers to Agni and Visnu on eleven potsherds, the sacrificer envelops the gods [4] on both sides and wins them." Yajur Veda 5:5:1


"With offerings I propitiate the branches of this swift-moving God, the bounteous Visnu.

Hence Rudra gained his Rudra-strength: O Asvins, ye sought the house that hath celestial viands." Rig Veda, 7:40:5


In light of so much evidence from the Vedas itself for Lord Visnu being much superior to Lord Rudra and Lord Rudra being lower in position to Sri(Lakshmi) and even Lord Vayu, whatever Purana the verses regarding Sudarshana Chakra were obtained from, those verses should be considered tamasic nature and so not valid.

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