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Everything About Krishna is Sweet

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Everything About Krishna is Sweet


Someone sent this to me, and I really like it. It touched my heart. Had to share it with the devotees here! ~ YS, Prtha dd




Madhurashtakam of Shri Vallabhacarya


adharam madhuram vadanam madhuram

nayanam madhuram hasitam madhuram

hRdayam madhuram gamanam madhuram

madhuraadhipater akhilam madhuram


"His lips are sweet; His face is sweet; His eyes are sweet; His smile is sweet: His Heart is sweet; His gait is sweet; Everything about the Supreme Lord of sweetness is sweet.


vacanaM madhuraM caritaM madhuraM

vasanaM madhuraM dalitaM madhuram

calitaM madhuraM bhramitaM madhuraM

madhurAdhipatim akhilaM madhuram


"His words are sweet; His acts are sweet; His dress is sweet; His posture is sweet. His walk is sweet, and His wanderings are sweet. Everything about the Supreme Lord of sweetness is sweet."


veNur madhuro reNur madhuraH

pANir madhuraH pAdau madhurau

nRtyaM madhuraM sakhyaM madhuraM

madhurAdhipater akhilaM madhuram


"His flute is sweet; the dust of His lotus feet is sweet. His hands are sweet; His feet are sweet. His dancing is sweet; His friendship is sweet. Everything about the Supreme Lord of sweetness is sweet."


gItaM madhuraM pItaM madhuraM

bhuktaM madhuraM suptaM madhuram

rUpaM madhuraM tilakaM madhuraM

madhurAdhipater akhilaM madhuram


"His song is sweet, His drinking is sweet; His eating is sweet, His sleeping is sweet. His beauty is sweet, His tilaka is sweet. Every thing about the Lord is completely sweet."


dharaNaM madhuraM taraNaM madhuraM

haraNaM madhuraM ramaNaM madhuram

camitaM madhuraM zamitaM madhuraM

madhurAdhipater akhilaM madhuram


"His acts are sweet, His delivering is sweet, His stealing is sweet, His enjoyment is sweet. His heartfelt outpourings are sweet, His peace is sweet. Everything about the Supreme Lord is fully sweet."


gunjA madhurA mAlA madhurA

yamunA madhurA vIcI madhurA

salilaM madhuraM kamalaM madhuraM

madhurAdhipater akhilaM madhuram


"His Gunja necklace is sweet, as is His garland. His Yamuna River is sweet, her waves are sweet, and her waters are sweet. The lotus flowers are also sweet. Everything is completely sweet about the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord of sweetness."


gopI madhurA lIl A madhurA

yuktaM madhuraM bhuktaM madhuram

dRSTaM madhuraM ziSTaM madhuraM

madhurAdhipater akhilaM madhuram


"His foremost devotees, the gopis, are sweet. His pastimes are sweet. Meeting with Him is sweet. Being enjoyed by Him is sweet. Being noticed (seen) by Him is sweet. His character is sweet. Simply everything about the Lord of sweetness is all-sweet."


gopA madhurA gAvo madhurA

yaSTir madhurA sRSTir madhurA

dalitaM madhuraM phalitaM madhuraM

madhurAdhipater akhilaM madhuram

madhurAdhipater akhilaM madhuram


"His cowherd friends are sweet; His cows are sweet. His cane is sweet; His creation is sweet, His destruction is sweet, and His fruition is sweet. Everything about the Supreme Lord is totally sweet."



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