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Vaisnavas in Tehran - earthquake in Iran

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I received this in email.




Namarespected and dear Vaisnavas and Vasnavis,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All GLories to Srila Prabhupada.


You may all have heard about the horrible news of the recent earthquake in my country Iran, which cause death of about 30000 people! Here in Tehran we tried to send them some Prasadam and tommorrow,4th Jan, 2004, we have a Nama Yajna. So I want to humbly ask all of you to chant with us in your heart and help us to glorify the Lord. We are very weak and seeking your mercy and blessings!


Your servant,





I hope no one reads this passively. This letter is an active request. Anyone can chant Hare Krishna with them in mind for a moment (and Krishna of course!), or else anyone can put two hands together and pray to Krishna for them for a moment. Or mentally put it on your schedule for the next time you chant japa, etc. And it doesn't have to be limited to the one day they asked. After all, that earthquake did a lot of damage and they could use the help any day! -- Well, what kind of response did you expect from someone who runs a Krishna Prayer egroup. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Even though this happened over a week ago, the people there are still in my thoughts, since so many became homeless and lost their family. One question about the devotees there, though. Does anyone know if it is OK to wear Tulasi around your neck, or will the secret police know what that is and arrest you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

To get the benefit of wearing the Tulasi mala without being noticed better wear clothes that hide them. Otherwise wear a lot of different necklaces at the same time making it look as if it is just a hip fashion. An idea may be 2 pin it on the neckline of ur upper garment.


All glories to ur services.

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