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Escape to Uselessness

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At every moment my hand must serve my body. Just like for example you have your wrist watch. So there are so many electronic parts in your watch, and each part is meant for serving the entire mechanism. If any particular part can no longer function properly, if it can serve the entire mechanism, then you throw it away. So long as it is serving the whole mechanism it is most valuable, but if it cannot it has no value. The value is zero.


So in the same way, we are part of God; this is the whole understanding. We are part of Him, we must serve Him. It is our duty. We cannot say I am also God, therefore I will not serve.


We are part of God, we are subordinate. Therefore, we must serve. And when we do not serve whatever we are doing is useless. Just try to understand. If somehow or other there is some disease of the hand, it cannot follow the instructions of your brain, what is the use? It is simply a burden. If your hand cannot work properly you are simply carrying it as a burden. It is useless.


So in the same way - at the present time - because we do not know perfectly what is Krsna's desire, because we do not know perfectly how to serve Krsna, we are simply a useless burden for the Supreme Lord.




So this Krsna consiousness movement is for going all over the whorld and making every useless burden a pure devotee of Krsna. This is the idea. It does not matter what position we come from. We are proving that because we are coming from such an unfortunate postion.


Although America as I said… just like in Europe there are many sincere people, there are many… actually everyone practically believes in God. There are very few people that do not believe in God. But unfortunately it became just like aborigines. It is still like that.


Unfortunately, although they are originally Aryans… actually, if you study historically, the European and American race, that is also originally coming from India. But they were chased out by Parasurama.


That is described in sastra that (Sanskrit) … that Parasurama, He became very angry, because the ksytrias were insulting the brahmins… harassing the brahmans. He could not tolerate it. So he killed them 21 times! And those who escaped went to Europe. And that can clearly be seen by the history, how they continued their violent activities. It is a well-known history.


They were Aryans actually, but they were chased-out because of their rebellious attitude. Now the time has come to bring them back to Bharatvarsha. That is the purpose of this movement. So there is no question of Indian and Americans and Europeans. Technically, they are the same race of people. That's a fact.

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I have always felt like KC is a (potential) bomb that could blow away the evil that's so strong in this Western world.


I was thinking about that this weekend when I saw the devotees chanting in the temple. Srila Prabhupada brought the movement here so many years ago and I guess that I don't have to make clear how 'the bad' has always tried to hold it back (as it will always try to do with that which is promoting what's good) and still, despite the many problems that the movement had to overcome there's still so many people overhere that are chanting so sincerely, and still more people get attracted and attached to it...I guess that this clearly illustrates the potential that KC is.

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The Difference Between Useless Disciples and Useful Disciples


Some of the disciples strictly accepted the orders of the acarya, and others deviated, independently concocting their own opinions under the spell of daivi-maya. This verse by Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami [in his Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Adi Lila 12.10] describes the beginning of a schism. When disciples do not stick to the principle of accepting the order of their spiritual master, immediately there are two opinions. Any opinion different from the opinion of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (11-15-03)


The order of the spiritual master is the active principle in spiritual life. Anyone who disobeys the order of the spiritual master immediately becomes useless. Persons who strictly follow the orders of the spiritual master are useful in executing the will of the Supreme, whereas persons who deviate from the strict order of the spiritual master are useless.


Paddy is mixed with straw at first, and one must fan it to separate the paddy from the straw. This example given by Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami is very appropriate. In the case of the Gaudiya Matha members, one can apply a similar process. There are many disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, but to judge who is actually his disciple, to divide the useful from the useless, one must measure the activities of such disciples in executing the will of the spiritual master.


Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura tried his best to spread the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to countries outside India. When he was present he patronized the disciples to go outside India to preach the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, but they were unsuccessful because within their minds they were not actually serious about preaching His cult in foreign countries; they simply wanted to take credit for having gone to foreign lands and utilize this recognition in India by advertising themselves as repatriated preachers. Many svamis have adopted this hypocritical means of preaching for the last eighty years or more, but no one could preach the real cult of Krsna consciousness all over the world. They merely came back to India falsely advertising that they had converted all the foreigners to the ideas of Vedanta or Krsna consciousness, and then they collected funds in India and lived satisfied lives of material comfort.


As one fans paddy to separate the real paddy from useless straw, by accepting the criterion recommended by Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami one can very easily understand who is a genuine world-preacher and who is useless.




Prabhupada quotes:


72-08-26. Letter: Gaurasundara

All along I HAVE BEEN DISCOURAGED IN EVERY WAY BY MY GODBROTHERS, but still I have stuck to my duty, keeping my Spiritual Master always in front.


72-09-09. Letter: Krsna dasa

MY GODBROTHERS ALWAYS DISCOURAGED ME BUT I DID NOT GIVE UP, I am doing my duty and always keeping my spiritual master in front. Even there is some difficulty or hardship, or even my godbrothers may not cooperate or there may be fighting, still, I must perform my duty to my spiritual master and not become discouraged and go away, that is my weakness.


.71-02-23.Jay Letter: Jayapataka

SO FAR AS COOPERATING WITH MY GODBROTHERS IS CONCERNED, THAT IS NOT VERY URGENT BUSINESS. SO FAR UNTIL NOW MY GODBROTHERS HAVE REGULARLY NOT COOPERATED WITH ME AND BY THE GRACE OF MY SPIRITUAL MASTER, THINGS ARE STILL GOING AHEAD. SO COOPERATION OR NON-COOPERATION, IT IS THE DESIRE OF BHAKTIVINODE THAKURA TO PREACH THE CAITANYA CULT ALL OVER THE WORLD AND IN 1875 HE PREDICTED THAT SOMEONE WOULD COME VERY SOON WHO WOULD INDIVIDUALLY PREACH THIS CULT ALL OVER THE WORLD. SO IF HIS BENEDICTION IS THERE AND MY GURU MAHARAJA'S BLESSINGS ARE THERE, WE CAN GO AHEAD WITHOUT ANY IMPEDIMENT BUT ALL OF US MUST BE VERY SINCERE AND SERIOUS. We have been a little inflicted by public criticism that we Godbrothers do not work together. My Guru Maharaja wanted also us to work together but some how or other it hasn't happened up until now. So your program of cooperating with Madhava Maharaja is not so important. Best thing is that all we Godbrothers work together. Then the criticism will stop, otherwise even we join together, criticism will go on. So this has been going on for the last 24 years, but everyone of us is doing his best keeping Lord Caitanya in the center. We should be satisfied so much.


74-06-08.Acy Letter: Acyutananda

You should not write anything to Madhava Maharaja's camp. You may have talked many things with Mangala Niloy but why write him in black and white. The letter must not be sent. THEIR POLICY HAS BEEN ALL ALONG TO SUPPRESS ME AND TAKE CREDIT FOR HIMSELF. THEIR PROPOSAL FOR COOPERATION IS A MYTH. THEY HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING WHICH IS COOPERATIVE. YOU KNOW IN A RECENT ARTICLE THEY MANAGED TO WRITE IN SUCH A WAY THAT MADHAVA IS DOING THE WORLD MOVEMENT AND WE ARE HIS SUBORDINATE. FROM THE BEGINNING THAT HAS BEEN THEIR MENTALITY. SO THERE IS NO POSSIBILITY OF COOPERATION WITH THEM. RATHER YOU SHOULD AVOID STRICTLY MEETING WITH THEM. THEY ARE NOT AFTER PREACHING BUT MATERIAL GAIN AND REPUTATION AND ADORATION. OTHERWISE WHY THEY ARE NON COOPERATING WITH ME? SO NO COOPERATION IS POSSIBLE. Do not think or indulge in loose talks. Be careful always. Let us do the duty of propagation sincerely and seriously on our own principles. Krsna and Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura are our only hope and they and helping us. If anything thing has to be done it is to be talked on the higher level between Madhava Maharaja and myself, but I know his mentality is different and there is no possibility of cooperation.


Just like with a diseased man, it is a waste of time to try to find out how he has become diseased, better to spend time curing the disease

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