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This is the Real Hope

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So this is the real hope. Uh this is the real hope for America, for the world, for Los Angeles… uh this is the real hope. Otherwise, this modern society is so utterly ridiculous that it's uh… it'll obviously collapse. It's just too ridiculous to go on. And the seeds of destruction are already planted. They're growing very nicely in the garden of modern civilization, it's very fertile soil. And the collapse will be there. So rather than just go on uh dancing on top of this time-bomb, uh we should understand the real purpose of life and get down to our real work, which is Krsna consciousness. So uh Prabhupada said the most important process is hearing. It's nice you've come to hear the Bhagavad-gita because after all that is the most important process. So we should not underestimate the value of coming to hear about Krsna. It's very valuable, very important. We should go on hearing regularly about Krsna. It is not that we have better things to do. According to Prabhupada's words here, we do not have better things to do than hear Krsna's own words. We do not have better things to do. This is the best thing. So a devotee should come regularly, hear Bhagavad-gita, and also of course Srimad Bhagavatam and so on and make spiritual advancement. Everyone should come and hear and chant Hare Krsna. So I'll stop at this point. Are there any questions on these topics? Um, yes?

Guest: Sometimes people, they say that uh this hearing is nice, but you also have to have practical devotional service in so many devotional activities within our Krsna Consciousness movement…

Hridy: We should not become lopsided. We become lopsided we'll become lumpheaded. We have practical devotional activities, but this is not practical. Bhagavad-gita's not practical so why did Krsna speak it? Was it just a whimsical moment? He had nothing better to do so He… Prabhupada says that it is the main process for spiritual advancement. Prabhupada said that in India for many thousands of years the custom would work during the day and at night they would gather and hear about Krsna… or the Ramayana, Mahabharata, and so on… Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita. So we have the whole day for practical activities. Is this not practical? If we become lopsided we'll become lumpheaded. Prabhupada didn't come to America just to train up a class of transcendental grunts, as they say in modern language. Prabhupada wanted to train up a brahmin class. And the symptom of a brahmin is he's eager to hear.

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