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They Were All Genetic Engineers

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Translation. Please Repeat. He was a great emperor and possessed all the opulences of his acquired kingdom. He was so exalted that he was increasing the prestige of the Pandu Dynasty. Why did he give up everything to sit down on the bank of the Ganges and fast until death? Purport. Maharaja Pariksit was the emperor of the world and all the seas and oceans and he did not have to take the trouble to acquire such a kingdom by his own efforts. He inherited it from his grandfather’s Maharaja Yudisthira and brothers. Besides that he was doing well in the administration and was worthy of the good names of his forefathers. Consequently there was nothing undesirable in his opulence and administration. Then why should he give up all of these favorable circumstances and sit down on the bank of the Ganges fasting until death? This is astonishing and therefore all were eager to know the cause.


(Prayers) So here the question is raised, ??? For what reason? For what cause? ??? This emperor, ??? who was increasing the prestige of the Pandu dynasty. ??? He simply sat down fasting on the bank of the Ganges until death. ???, neglecting. Not caring about, not giving any importance to ???, the great opulence of his empire. So there are many important things here. ??? means prestige. ??? and ??? comes from the Sanskrit root ???, which means to grow, to increase. ??? discuss this word in relation to ??? who’s called ???. Literally grown or senior, elderly. So ??? means growing, increasing. So the word mana-??? means increasing the prestige, causing the prestige to grow, ??? of the Pandu dynasty. So it’s a common thing especially now in this age that a very big man will have insignificant children. For example nowadays Reagan was the most popular president, most influential. His children are not very important. Isn’t it? Practically? They’re not very distinguished, not very important. Similarly, I remember when I was young in school, we once received at the school a son of Franklin Roosevelt who was running for Congressman. Just Congress, some district near where we lived and I think he lost. So FDR, as he was known, was a very big president. He was elected four consecutive terms and yet his son could not even get elected to a Congressional seat. So it’s a very common thing. It’s a very very common thing. Also in Texas, the Hunt family. Mr. Adi Hunt was a multi-billionaire and he left his many billions of dollars to his sons. They’ve just filed for bankruptcy. Did you know that? One time the devotees where walking around Whitestone lake in Dallas. When you walk around this big lake, on the other side you see the Hunt mansion. So once they were walking many years ago, maybe fifteen years ago, sixteen years ago. And the president of Dallas temple said to Prabhupada that’s the Hunt mansion and explained He’s so rich and so on. Prabhupada said you should go to him and tell him, “My dear Mr. Hunt, You’re going to hell so you should take to Krsna Consciousness.” Anyway, old Mr. Hunt had many billions of dollars. Now his children have filed for bankruptcy. In a short span of time they accomplished the impressive task of wasting billions of dollars. So this is a very common thing, unworthy sons.


But here, it’s said Pariksit Maharaj was not unworthy. Now so to speak, the Pandavas were a tough act to follow. Just see. Pandu was such a great emperor that as soon as he was put on the thrown. He immediately went out and began conquering everywhere. Not masquerading, he didn’t commit genocide. He simply established his sovereignty and established the tax structure. Everyone would pay taxes to him and he would guarantee good government. This is just like that ???. In other words, by having a supreme and pious government, everyone was assured of peace and tranquility. There was not alot of warfare like nowadays. Somehow under the influence of nationalism we think at the city, state, or even national level there should be good government. But at the international level there should be anarchy. Because of nationalism, we feel at the highest point, when it most counts so to speak, there should be anarchy. This is the result of nationalistic propaganda. Anyway, during the reign of Pandu, there was good government at all levels.


Then the Pandavas themselves were personal friends of Krsna, they conquered the world. It’s difficult to even glorify the Pandavas. So Pariksit Maharaj was not only worthy of the Pandavas, he was increasing their prestige. So this is the position of Pariksit Maharaja. Also when he was born, Yudhisthira, his grandfather, was very concerned because there would be no more men in the Kuru dynasty. The Kurus were all killed. This great dynasty was hanging by a thread so to speak. The Pandavas were all senior. They were not going to beget more children. Their children were all dead. The five sons of the Pandavas were killed by Aswattama. Abhimanyu was also killed. The only survivor of this great dynasty which had come down for so many centuries was in the womb of Uttara. And he was almost killed also.


So was this just family attachment? No. Just like in Europe, formerly the term was used “good breeding”. Human beings are so irrational, foolish. In the twentieth century there are so many quirks and idiosyncracies, so many blind spots and biases. It’s very difficult for people to be objective about anything. But just as in all other species of life, breeding is very important. If you want good horses, good pigs, good birds, good anything, breeding’s very important. So somehow or other on the one hand when it’s time for free sex, we’re suddenly just animals. But on the other hand, when it comes time to arranging marriages, “What do you think we are, just animals?” Isn’t it? So the underlying principle is just sense gratification. In other words people have no intelligence nowadays. So in human beings also, there must be breeding. If you want a good race, if you want a good species, you have to breed. Now that doesn’t mean when we hear the term breed we think, “What are you going to do? Are you going to throw everyone in a corral or something? Just put everyone in a stall and some corn kernels tumble down a shoot?” I mean what does it mean to breed human beings? It simply means that men and women should be combined so they produce very good children. We are so attached to our American self-centeredness, our so-called freedom, the idea of arranged marriages is barbaric. Better everyone just marry whomever you want and you just turn your semen into a semen bank and the woman turns her eggs into the local egg bank and the scientists will mix you up a good batch. You see? They talk about genetic engineering. In the Vedic culture they were all genetic engineers. It was done naturally just by proper marriages. Otherwise, what do you think arranged marriages are? It’s genetic engineering. So in this way, everything was there. So to make a long story short, in the Vedic culture, by their very careful genetic engineering, they had produced a super genetic line–super genes. And these people with super genes were meant to rule the world. Therefore, you didn’t get the kind of failures and disappointments so often get nowadays. Whoever uses the best toothpaste becomes the next president. Isn’t it? Whoever can soundbyte you. So Julius Ceasar said to just give the people bread and circus. So that is now being perfected in America. Bread and circus. So anyway, the Kuru dynasty, their very blood or their genes or however you want to say it was a result of centuries of cultivation. Therefore, it was not simply ordinary family attachment, but a desire to preserve this exalted family which had taken many many centuries, hundreds, practically tens of generations to develop and which was especially qualified to govern the world.


So Yudhisthira Maharaja did not want this family to be lost. So when Pariksit Maharaja was born, the ??? were called. ??? means scientists, learned, scholar in ???, birth calculation. ??? they were called. And they were requested “Please calculate what is the position of this child?” because Yudhisthira was very anxious. If this child was a lemon, you couldn’t take him back to the factory and get another one. This was it, end of the line. Everything was invested in this one child. So Yudhisthira asked, “What is his position?” The ??? made their calculations and said, ??? “Oh there is no cause for anxiety Maharaja. There is no trouble here. Maha-bhagavata ??? Your grandson is a maha-maha-bhagavata.” So from the very beginning, it was understood that Pariksit Maharaja was most exalted, maha-bhagavataoman, so exalted Krsna personally entered the womb of his mother and saved him. So because of his relationship with Krsna, ??? the sages wanted to hear about him. They said to Suta Gosvami, “Please tell us all about Pariksit and Sukadeva–???–if this is intimately related with talks about Krsna. Then we want to hear about it.” ??? There are many statements that ??? Because the sages said when such great souls as Sukadeva, son of Vyasa… Just see the position of these people. The son of Vyasadeva, Sukadeva Gosvami, a completely liberated soul and Pariksit Maharahja, grandson of the Pandavas, a great devotee. The sages said, “When people like this meet together, there must be very important discussion about Krsna consciousness.” ??? There must be very important, significant discussion about Krsna, ??? when there is an assembly of such exalted persons. So therefore tell us what did they say? What happened” They wanted to get the news. This is real news.

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