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This is from Bhaktisiddhanta


"No jiva can be the medium of the service of the Absolute to another jiva . The Absolute alone may communicate His service to the separable constituents of Himself. This is the real nature of the function of the guru.


Nityananda is the Primary Manifestive Constituent of the Divinity. Nityananda alone possesses the distinctive function of the guru. In Nityananda the function is embodied. Nityananda is the servant-God. He serves Sri Gaurasundar by the distinctive method of reverential servitude. He is identical with Sri Balarama of Krsna-lila."


We are not the controllers of anyones destiny,we

may have some small part as a vehicle for knowledge

but in fact we are superfluous to the process,

if the jiva is meant to have knowledge come to him through

you then that will happen, either way it's not in our hands.


So therefore Krsna told Arjuna this battle is over before

it started,You have your duty but do not be attached to the

result,that is in My hands.

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