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Real Liberation

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Therefore, real liberation means to become free from bondage. But the real bondage is birth and death. Why do we oppose war? Why is everyone so uptight about nuclear war? It just means a few billion people are gonna die.


But if you are actually concerned about death, I say no only… in a nuclear war, maybe 70% of the people will die.


Above and beyond that, we say 100% of the people die! Do you think anyone on the Earth right now is gonna be here 100 years from now? Why are all the foolish, mindless people protesting nuclear war because 70% of the people will die …when 'cause of being in these material bodies, 100% of the people will die and no one is protesting that?


No one has a serious program to transcend material nature. Why is everyone so self-righteous about nuclear war and so dull and indifferent to death itself which is gonna claim 100% …not only the present population of the Earth, but all succeeding generations as well?

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The people are afraid of a nuclear war because it threatens the survival of the human race itself today and in the future. The entire race might be obligerated, thats why we have to worry about them. Still I see your point, but to say that we should not worry about nuclear weapons and let the countries with these crazy dictators just nuke everyone else is not good. It would be like Arjuna saying "Lets not fight" and the Boss Krishna would never agree to that. Surely a person with some common sense is able to see this fact of life.

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