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why do I feel depressed?

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Do something fun,

get some sun,

Live your life,

Don't forget your wife,

Be happy and chant,

Hare krishna

Hare Rama


The reason you are depressed could be loneliness, or it could be middle age crisis. If you are not that old, then just get some chocolate, offer it to krishna, eat prasadam and be happy. Don't forget our true nature, which is ofcourse happiness.


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The initial stages of devotional service can be very difficult because you do come to the realization that material activities are a waste of time and that can be contrary to everything that society has conditioned you into believing especially here in America where material life is the standard of modern civilization. I don't mean to suggest you should give up material activities jut continue to chant Hare Krishna while performing your duties and with time hopefully you will feel much better inside your heart.

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"At times I get depressed and think that everything I've worked for is for <font color="red"> nothing </font color> now after beginning to practice."


Lord Krishna says:

Bhagavad-Gita 2.40:

In this endeavor there is <font color="red"> no loss </font color> or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear.


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It all has brought you here now, and now your soul is sensing the truth. Attachments have been played out, and shown as the empty temporary shadows they are. They are no longer in control. The big ego has lost, the penniless sitar player has won. This time it is God you really want, now for the right reasons, now with a humble heart. We have to go through what we have to go through to get here.




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"Do something fun,

get some sun,

Live your life,

Don't forget your wife,

Be happy and chant,

Hare krishna

Hare Rama


The reason you are depressed could be loneliness, or it could be middle age crisis. If you are not that old, then just get some chocolate, offer it to krishna, eat prasadam and be happy. Don't forget our true nature, which is ofcourse happiness."


I apologize for writing "chocolate", I did not know it was/is tamasic. What I was trying to say in my made up poem is that you need to treat yourself well and do things that will cheer you up. Thats why I said "Do something fun " and then "get some sun". I also was saying, get an 'ear' to listen to, probably the closest person you can have other than God is your wife. Thats all.


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All zAstras describe our different depression levels as being necessary sentiments in our gradual spiritual growth. The key is to never give in to TamogunIs, Lord Siva's friends & neighbors.

They cannot help, only hinder.

Sorry Shankarji, we have to lay it on the line. No hard feelings.



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hare krishna,


At times I get depressed and think that everything I've worked for is for nothing now after beginning to practice.


Does this stage pass?......I feel so alone and listless at times.




endless Aparadha

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O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.




In the proper discharge of duty, one has to learn to tolerate nonpermanent appearances and disappearances of happiness and distress. According to Vedic injunction, one has to take his bath early in the morning even during the month of Magha (January-February). It is very cold at that time, but in spite of that a man who abides by the religious principles does not hesitate to take his bath. Similarly, a woman does not hesitate to cook in the kitchen in the months of May and June, the hottest part of the summer season. One has to execute his duty in spite of climatic inconveniences. Similarly, to fight is the religious principle of the ks&#803;atriyas, and although one has to fight with some friend or relative, one should not deviate from his prescribed duty. One has to follow the prescribed rules and regulations of religious principles in order to rise up to the platform of knowledge, because by knowledge and devotion only can one liberate himself from the clutches of maya; (illusion).


The two different names of address given to Arjuna are also significant. To address him as Kaunteya signifies his great blood relations from his mother's side; and to address him as Bharata signifies his greatness from his father's side. From both sides he is supposed to have a great heritage. A great heritage brings responsibility in the matter of proper discharge of duties; therefore, he cannot avoid fighting.



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