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I am confused

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I am really confused as to what is my duty. I feel , getting an master's degree is my duty now.

I live in India . Everyone expects me to get a Master's degree in a prestigious college or university, And these colleges charge a lot for the courses i.e in Lakhs of ruppees like 4 lakhs, 10 lakhs or 12 lakhs etc. But I do not have that much of money and neither does my father or mother. If I have to study then I have to get a loan from a bank. I am not against studying but I am really against the idea of getting a loan from the bank as I have to work hell a lot of days and nights to repay it to the bank with interest. Everyone wants me to get into a good college so that I can get a good job.


I read the Gita, Bhagavata, some of the upanishads and chant the lord's name daily. I work in a firm and I try to think that I am doing everything for God even if those people ask me to work overtime for 12 to 16 hrs. I am really really confused person in this whole world. I really dont know what else to do.I sometimes think of getting a Master's degree thru correspondence course as its not too costly, but friends and relatives advice me to get into a good full time college. So that in the future I will get a good Job with lotza money.I have already wasted my time for 2 to 3 yrs with this confusion but at the same time I have learned a lot about great Indian philosophy.


What do you think?


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What do they want you to get a Master's in? And why--just to make a lot of money? What do you want to do? What are you good at? How do you think you could best contribute to society?


If you want to get this Master's degree and are willing to take on the debt, or whatever else is needed to make it happen, then it may be part of your "duty" to do so. If you're an adult and will be finacially responsible for the costs of the degree, the decision is yours to make, not your parents'. To be honest, it's going to be hard for any of us to give you any meaningful advice without knowing you and your situation better.


I think the best thing would be for you to speak openly and confidentially with someone you trust and who knows your material and spiritual aspirations. Make any decision that requires the kinds of commitment you're talking about very carefully.


And don't hesitate to share whatever is appropriate with us, because we do care about you. I just think you should be a little cautious.

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1) What do they want you to get a Master's in? And why--just to make a lot of money?


Answer: Yes, Nowadays Everyone studies till death only to make money and nothing else.


2) What do you want to do? What are you good at?


Answer: I am confused. I am not sure, what I like. Currently I like God and his philosophy.


3) How do you think you could best contribute to society?


Answer: There are many ways to do so.


I am a young girl staying with my parents.

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I agree that many people adopt wrong means to make money. But it is wrong to think that making money is bad. People do not realise the importance of money when they do not suffer due to lack of money. But when there is nobody to support you financially; rather you have to support some people, and you do not have any source of income even if you want only basic needs to be met, then money is found to be very important.


So, please do not think that it is wrong to make money. But, I do agree that one should not try to make money in any way without considering legality and ethics. There are many good ways to earn. Education really comes in handy. So, please have good education. Ask yourself what subject you like the most. Have higher education in that.


You have written that you like God and His philosophy. Fine. Continue that. You can continue to pursue your interest in God and His philosophy while trying to get a degree which will help you meet your financial needs in future.

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I never said that money is bad. I have seen people, who Study, Work etc only to make more & more & more & money without knowing the purpose of life. They have lofty ideas and dreams and for that sake they dont mind lying or commiting a murder. Take for Example Karim Telgi or Dawoood Ibrahim, they have lotza n lotz of wealth and do you think that they r really happy knwing the way they have earned it.


I always respect people who have earned money in a righteous manner.


The only think I said was " I am Confused " thaaaaat is it....and I also have the greatest Tamooguna i.e unable to make decisions and have a fluctuating mind.

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Please answer the following questions if these are not too personal for you.


1. You have written that you are working. What kind of firm is it?


2. How many years (or months) of experience do you have?


3. What is your qualification?


4. Are you pursuing some course now? If yes, what is it?


Wish you happiness

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I am sorry, I do not wish to reveal the company I am working in.


Work experience: arnd one and a half


I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and currently not pursuing any course.

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I was not asking the name of the firm. I was asking what kind of firm it is? Perhaps it is a software firm.


I agree with you about the cost of regular MBA course. It is true that regular course is better than correspondence in many ways, but its cost is exhorbitant. Those who do MBA from IIM can afford to take loan from bank because they get very good salary and hence they can repay the loan easily. But, it is not the case with MBA's from other institutes.

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i would work as long as i could. save money then pursue a masters degree. i live in the states. the way it works here is that if you are working and you want to go back to school, you company will pay for it or at least some of it. do they have something like that in india???


in all of what you have stated, you do not seem interested in going back to school. just becasue people say you should do this or you should do that, does not mean you have to do what they say you should


do what you think is right for you

you say you are confused. think about what you want ..then do that....

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"The guest who says that he lives in States is not the same as the guest who started this thread. The starter of this thread is a lady who is living in India. The other guest is living in States and he is saying what he would do if faced with a similar problem."


Well, thank you for clearing that up. It is very confusing with "two or three guests" posting here.



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