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How do you offer something to Krishna?

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Bhagavad-gita 13.1-2


Bombay, December 29, 1972 (excert)

Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada:


And Krishna being satisfied with you love... Because real thing is bhakti. Bhaktya mam abhijanati [bg. 18.55]. Patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati. Patram puspam phalam toyam. Here we are offering a little food, little leaf, little flower. But what is the essence? What is the value of flower? Value, there is practically no value. But yo me bhaktya prayacchati. The real value is that the flower is offered with devotion, the food is offered with devotion.


Therefore the devotee gradually realizing that, "Yes, I am offering this flower directly to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I am offering the food directly to the Supreme Personality of Godhead." He is eating. He is perceiving. He is taking the prasadam. He's advancing. He's chanting Hare Krishna mantra. It is self-evident. Pratyaksavagamam dharmyam. This devotional service is directly appreciated. You haven't got to take certificate from others. If you be engaged in devotional service, you actually realize. Therefore it is called pratyaksavagamam dharmyam. Other things will remain in theoretical, but this is such a nice thing, devotional service, that you directly understand how much you are making progress, how much you have appreciated God, how much you have understood Krishna. Pratyaksavagamam dharmyam su-sukham. Su-sukham.


And also there is no trouble. Very easily and very happily it is performed. Just like the devotional service. One may be illiterate, one may be having no qualification, but the process is so nice, to prepare flower garland for Krishna, to prepare food for Krishna, for chanting Krishna, for reading books for Krishna, for hearing about Krishna. You simply hear, you don't do anything. Simply if you hear, sravanam kirtanam visnoh [sB 7.5.23], you become devotee. Simply by hearing. Sthane sthitah sruti-gatam tanu-van-manobhih. You remain in your place. It doesn't matter what you are, but if you simply hear about Krishna, then you become devotee. It is so nice. You don't require any education. You don't require any money, don't require anything. You simply hear. That is also confirmed in the Srimad-Bhagavatam.


srnvatam sva-kathah krsna


hrdy antah-stho hy abhadrani

vidhunoti suhrt satam

[bhag. 1.2.17]


Suhrt satam. He is special friend of the devotee. Suhrt satam. Satam means those who are devotees Asatam means nondevotee. So He is suhrt satam. So He is sitting within your heart.



<font color="blue"> "If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit, or water, I will accept it."</font color>

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