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Why do we believe what we believe?

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Hare Krishna,


Why are we drawn to this krishna consciousness movement?


How can we be sure this is the way anymore than all of the other religions are sure their way is the way?


What evidence do we have that this information is what it says it is?


How can we be sure we're getting accurate information, from God, and pure?.........just because someone tells us it's so?.........don't the other religions do the same thing?


All I can say to most of these questions is that this feels right most of the time? Is that the only way to really know; how it 'feels' to us?


Thank you for any thoughts you offer.

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I find it hard to believe that that should be the only reason to have faith in a religion, because it just feels right. I mean, what exactly does that mean? "It just feels right". What is this feeling? Many things "just feel right" but I don't think that means they are necissarily always good things. I mean, people do crazy things for the same reason. It doesn't seem very objective... sorry. It just seems like such a sentimental thing to say.

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Personal Opinion not really Vedic or anything : I read many posts about this and even here, some people say that they have a better understanding of what is said in the Bible and Quran after they read Vedic Scriptures. I think I read somewhere that there are many ways to reach the Almighty, just like there are many rivers leading to one ocean. You can do tapasya, you can think of God as impersonal being with no form(Allah), You can think of him as the guy with the big beard on a cloud(Christian) ,You can think of Him as the enlightened one (Buddha) or Yin/Yang, Shinto, whatever. You can even think of Him as a Rat God(some where in India they worship rats, I heard that in America). So, there are many paths, but instead of doing a serious Tapasya which is very hard and will not be pleasant to you and to the witness in your heart, why don't you just serve Him, by dancing for Him in devotion.


Somewhere- Probably in "Teachings of Queen Kunti", Prabhupada says that they used to do serious Tapasyas in the past to reach God, but in this Age of Kali- people don't have that much time, so He simplified the process so that all you need to do is chant, dance and be happy and do a little community service here and there, and people today can't even do that!. They spend their time on something else and waste their time.


It is my personal view that you can reach God in anyway you like- He is the one who says that in Bhagavad Gita, but for me, if I am purified and if I am happy and if I am making Him happy by simply chanting , eating prasadham and serving Him, then I will gladly do that and just surrender unto Him.


He might be testy in some ways, but don't worry, it will get better. Material happiness and unhappiness are like the changing seasons, we should try to stay aloof to them.




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Why are we drawn to this krishna consciousness movement?

••vaishnava's mercy


How can we be sure this is the way anymore than all of the other religions are sure their way is the way?

••following the school, may religion say that we have to accept that they are the best available at all before starting the practice..


krsna consciousness no.. it is a school, with masters, books, companions and a progressive understanding of the truth.. all the truth. If we want to know if kc is true or it is a farce we have to do well our homeworks, to practice exactly... if we do it we are tolde by masters that we will see krsna. If we became perfect devotees and we do not say krsna we can protest, go away and call the money back


All I can say to most of these questions is that this feels right most of the time?

•••no.. too basic.. this is ok only before entering the school.. now there's the time to start practising seriously not expecting to have realizations untill we are at a sufficient level.. like an university


we are too attached to a "faith" concept of religion, we think that it is enough a strong believing to see krishna... but training is more important, humbleness, guru and gauranga want to see us humble, little, pupils, students, ready to be corrected, to be directed


and prabhupada says : "do not try to see krishna, but work hard and in this way krsna will see you!"


so true or false we have to study to discover it

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Hare Krishna


another thing you need to know is this: do not think that Krishna will make you completely happy just because you try to remember him and chant his name and offer prasadama. there will be tests. Krishna, before accepting you, wants to know that you are sincere and want to advance in Krishna consciousness. you may ask for money and a nice house and a nice car and such; he may even give that to you; but will that make you happy? No. it will only bring more problems.


i said this to someone before: when you pray to God--Krishna--in times of trouble or bad times, and Krishna helps you by taking away that problem if you pray with full heart--that is, you remember Krishna more than normal. many quit praying after the problem is solved. but think about this: how good would it do to you if you prayed to and remembered Krishna even in good times? that is where many fall: they remember Krishna when the times are bad, but not even a fraction of that when Krishna has taken away their problems.

hope this makes sense to you.


also, if you don't have live near a temple, you can use PalTalk:


go in groups; then religious; then the Rupanuga Vedic College Online. it is a group that has live class on the Bhagavatama and Gita, one in morning and other at night. there is a lot of bhajans, Krishna lectures--by Prabhupada and Danavir Goswami--Krishna katha, and more.


anyways, do not feel lonely, and know that Krishna is with you no matter where you go. you, the soul, live in the heart of the body and so does Krishna, so none other is closer to you than Krishna. WHAT JOY!


other religions say: if one doesn't follow this religion, conver them, and if that doesn't work, kill that person.

this Krishna consciousness movement says: it is an offense to even talk about Krishna consciousness with someone that doesn't show interest.


never lose your trust from Krishna, know that what he does is for your good, to make you come closer to him, even if it is something that you think is bad. he knows what is good; most of us don't, me being no exception.



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