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How do I know all of this is true?

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I read the book couple of times, and im asking, how can do I know this is the abosulet truth? Is there any evidence? I do wanne belive in what the baghvad gita says, but how can I relive my mind with this doubt?

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You want proof of the discourse between Krishna and Arjuna and the Battle of Kurukshetra? Some people who go to Kurukshetra in India feel very intense upon coming there, I've heard you're immediately overcome by some feeling that something very important occured in that very spot.


What about the bible? Do you believe in Jesus? What did you require to believe in Jesus and the bible? Did your Christian upbringing infuse you with that belief, did you derive it from historians' testimony, or did a trip to Jerusalem do it?


I was enchanted by the Bhagavad Gita. I did not believe in it immediately and surrender, but it was devotee sanga and sadhu sanga which gradually cemented this belief. Vancha Kalpa Tarubyas Ca Krpa Sindhu Bya eva ca Patitanam pavanebhyo Vaishnavebhyo Namo Namaha


It's ultimately a matter of faith. Every religion has some element that may seem outlandish by scientific and historical standards.


There are some great devotees here that have other perspectives, and I'm sure they will be able to provide an even greater insight than me /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Is like meeting God.


Follow His instructions, and you will know that He is God, your best friend. There is a saying: "The proof of the pudding is in the tasting".


Essentially the Gita guides you through a path to become detached from the humdrum drama of material life, the burden of worldliness. Standing free, simply being, God becomes apparent as does our eternal nature, the soul. The truth of our existence is a basic part of us, an inherent part of our nature. We need only strip off the nonsense to see the truth of reality.


The Bhagavad-gita is a process. Following the process God gives to His friend Arjuna, witnessing this truth in our every movement and breath, we come to understand what is being explained. Eventually those parts that are not immediately intuitive will be accepted, for Krsna is indeed our best friend and He teaches us by practical example through life experience as we follow His advice. There is nothing to fear; many have followed this noble path to the ultimate truth. They concur on the result; the saints all agree on the final reality of Sri Krsna.


This is the sole purpose of life. Everything else is inconsequential. "No pain, no gain." You get out of the Gita what you put into it, multiplied by millions. One cannot speak highly enough about the Bhagavad-gita; all other literatures on the planet seem puny by comparison. It is the ABC of religion. And it is the XYZ of religion. It is God, Sri Krsna. He is our kindest friend. Accept His mercy.





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such a nice glorification of the gita



This is the sole purpose of life. Everything else is inconsequential. "No pain, no gain." You get out of the Gita what you put into it, multiplied by millions. One cannot speak highly enough about the Bhagavad-gita; all other literatures on the planet seem puny by comparison. It is the ABC of religion. And it is the XYZ of religion. It is God, Sri Krsna. He is our kindest friend. Accept His mercy.


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… What is valid evidence and what constitutes proof?


Well, how do you know what is the real world and what is a dream? What empirical evidence you gonna present?


Everyone has the ability to distinguish truth from illusion. Laws are based on the assertions that this is definately right and that is definately wrong… this is real… not that! (… which are by the way based in mataphysics and not empirical proof… thus revealing the hypocrisy of the sectarian state.)


How do you know so many things you accept beyond your experience or ability to validate? How do you empirically 'prove' your disposition?


May sound silly, but ultimately 'you know' because 'you know'… NO exceptions! the quality of your existence is determined by your faith.


How do you empirically prove that you love someone? Or how much? Or that love even exists? What to speak of Absolute truth, how do you even prove these EXPERIENCES?


How do you prove 'anything' to an unqualified observer? If you can't understand the evidence, then what does proof mean?


Silence from the skeptics again?

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Who are you to demand 'proof'? Why should confirmation or 'knowing' God be any different for you?


You don't consider the Bhagavad-gita proof? Some things can only be proved to qualified observers.


There is way more 'proof' and consistency in the Vedic religious world view than all the other thought systems put together––especially and including empirical science. You just have to have the eye to see.


That eye comes with effort and experience.


It is indeed unfortunate that you can't understand. It implies serious mental problems involving the false ego. It also makes you less than human. ugh… that was a "quote". It means you will waste your human potential without a change of heart.


If you are a devotee of any other religion, then just ignore the above.

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Dear Guest,

I understand your concerns. From what I understand, the Bhagavad Gita is God's instruction for us to get to know Him. If you follow what it says, then you will receive your proof. Like gHari said and what George Harrison said, which pretty much got me to start chanting the Maha Mantra, is "The proof of the pudding is in the eating". You have to chant in order to purify your heart so that you can perceive the proof you desire. For me, the proof is in the fact that I can't stop chanting Hare Krishna. If you try to chant some other word, over and over, you will get bored. However, since the Maha Mantra is completely spiritual and transcendental, you never get tired of chanting it. In fact, the more you do it, the more you want to chant. Therefore, my suggestion is to just chant, and you will recieve proof. Just like Arjuna, the choice is up to you.



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That's it! Sinimat puts that so succinctly.



It is irrational to deman material proof for spiritual things just as it's irrational to show you the time with a thermometer.


Krsna is God. My experience tells me you actually have to become expert in dealing with Krsna before you actually get physically close to Him - unless you have the great fortune of seeing Him walk by. We all have that ABILITY to communicate with Him without restriction IF we so desire.


Our leaders surround themselves with people serving them. So how might this apply to God? God is actually waiting to see what kind of evidence you give Him. Now who is in the position to demand? If it comes down to your way or God's way, which way will it be?

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Room Conversation


August 25, 1976, Hyderabad



<font color="green"> Indian man: </font color> I mean the doubt I am having, Gita, I mean...


<font color="red"> Prabhupada: </font color> Then you, you now you just become out of doubt. That... Just like Krishna says in the Seventh Chapter, mayy asakta-manah partha yogam yunjan mad-asrayah asamsayam. Here is asamsayam. No doubt. Why you are in doubt? You do not accept Krishna. You accept somebody else.


<font color="green"> Indian man: </font color> Not a question of accepting. We are all ignorant people in the field of...


<font color="red"> Prabhupada: </font color> Therefore you are in doubt.


<font color="green"> Indian man: </font color> We are, we have...


<font color="red"> Prabhupada: </font color> No. Therefore you are in doubt. If you want to be doubtless, then you accept Krishna. Mayy asakta-manah partha yogam yunjan mad-asrayah. Asrayah. Not that equal footing. Mad-asrayah. Asamsayam samagram mam yatha jnasyasi tac chrnu [bg. 7.1]. So you have to accept Krishna. If you become, if you want to become doubtless. Otherwise, you'll be put into doubt. Here it is said asamsayam, "without any doubt." That is the process. And if you want to remain in doubt, you continue. You accept this man, that man, that man, that man, that man. That is your business. But if you want to be doubtless, then you have to accept Krishna.

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