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In the case of being faithful, let us say one should respect one's parents or one should be faithful in one's marriage and so on. These are certainly important moral principles. And ultimately they derive their meaning from God because these are religious injunctions. But does God derive His meaning from something else? Then how is He God? In other words, if we say we should serve God as an act of obedience to some higher principle… but is there some higher principle than God?


So the point I'm getting at here is we should give all of our love to God because He actually deserves it and He's actually the natural repository of that love… because in fact He's all-attractive. He possesses ALL opulences of strength, wealth, beauty, fame, etc. Therefore, He's God. Therefore the injunction to love Him with all our heart, soul and might is based on something very real.




I think a good meditation is to think of Krsna's opulence of renunciation. Who can be more renounced? He doesn't aspire for anything. I go nuts thinking how His other unlimited opulences don't make Him some power-mad tyrant.

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Krsna's renunciation is very conceivable because He possesses these other opulences completely, in total. In the world we see that people who are very very beautiful or strong or intelligent are not hung up about it. It is only those who only possess some of that beauty, strength or intelligence who get all bent you of shape and haughty about it, always trying prove something.

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"In the world we see that people who are very very beautiful or strong or intelligent are not hung up about it."


I don't think I agree with you here. Beautiful people tend to pair off with other beautiful people. Probably the threshold of "will I even talk to you?" is alot higher.


I think such people that you mentioned can definately feel like they've arrived 'cause they have what others want and envy, but I don't think they ever forget their assets in their mental calculations. That could be considered a hang-up.

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