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Karma-kandha Culture

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… This is very nice. Many important poiints. He siad first of all by becoming Krsna consciousness, that is the real vidharbha for your sins. The word vidharbha means tranditionally the offerings which are meant for the forefathers. Uh, this is very interesting point in the karma-kandha culture.


The point was that as an incentive that parents give their children religious education, a particular rule is put there by Krsna that the only way the parents could keep a position in the material world… going to Prtiloka or going to Heaven is… they can only stay in a good material position as long as their future generations continue to perform religious ceremonies. As soon as the chain is broken, these forefathers collape, they fall down from their high position and again fall down into great material suffering.


Therefore, this was an extraordinary incentive to the karma-kandi parents… families …to do everything possible to make sure their children were so religious, they build up so much pious momentum, they were carried down for many, many generations. Because if one link was broken, they're finnished in terms of their material heavenly pleasure.


So these offerings are called pinda. Uh Arjuna also mentions the pinda in this first chapter of the Bhagavad-gita. He says, "If I kill these men - therefore destroying family tradition, then this chain will be broken." Arjunja said (Sanskrit)… the ritualistic ceremonies by which infra, this offering, and uddhava… sacred water ans do on is offered to the forefathers, that would be lukta, devestated, ruined… and not only will the present population of the Earth fall down, but so many previous generations will also fall-down.

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