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By Your Speculation…

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Guest: You’re giving hypothesis. Do you know what I don’t?


Hridy: Yes, of course. You see nowadays it’s considered impolite to say you know more than someone.


Guest: You meet so many people on the street who say they know, they know…


Hridy: Yes, but we accept standard authority. The Bhagavatam says, ??? In this democratic age, “oh you say, he says.” But so what? There should be serious discussion. Here look at this great culture. People are taking to Krsna consciousness and giving up four sinful activities and becoming very happy. No illicit sex, no gambling, no meat eating and no intoxication and very happily serving God day and night. So that’s not very easy. They’re getting a higher taste. ??? By all your concoction and all your foolish speculation there is no higher taste. You cannot give up sinful life nor can you understand what God is. It is all concoction! You’re not actually liberated. So anyone who’s a little intelligent will appreciate this movement. Just like if you read Srimad Bhagavatam or just study this movement, there is so much great literature and culture, this long tradition for centuries and millinia, greatest saintly persons are coming to the highest perfection of spiritual life. If someone studies this. This for thousands of years, people are producing the greatest literature which is revered all over the world, producing the greatest saints by the hundreds of thousands, training up all boys and girls to give up all sinful life and act like saintly persons, and you think any fool on the street that just says some nonsense, that’s the same thing. No. This is a philosophical democracy. This is a political idea, not a spiritual or even a philosophical idea. This is political propaganda. Everyone has their idea, everyone is right. It’s all just foolish demogogery, it’s not serious thinking.


Guest: Perhaps what you call a higher taste is just a pride.


Hridy: You say perhaps. Perhaps the moon is made of linburger seeds. Perhaps down is up and up is down. Left is right and black is white. Perhaps everything is nothing and nothing is everything. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. We want to come to a solid platform. Here is authority, here is knowledge. Here is the process to realize the knowledge.


Guest: I was just trying to be polite.


Hridy: You were trying to be polite. You try to understand, don’t just be polite. There are so many polite fools. The point is here is real knowledge. It’s not just a question of word jugglery. Anyone can say “how do you know, how do you know, how do you know?” You can die saying this. Anyone can say it. No matter what anyone says, “Oh I don’t believe it. It’s just your opinion.” Even a parrot can be trained to say this. Everyone has a theory, but here is real knowledge. There are so many theories. You can go on for millions of years with your theories, but that won’t liberate you.


Guest: How do you know yours is not a theory?


Hridy: How do you know? How do you know you know? How do you know you know you know? You know by knowledge! If you want knowledge, then try to understand. These arguements can be given to anything. No matter what anyone says, you can say, How do you know? This is called blind doubt. If someone says, How do you know? If he’s sincere you say you know by this. You have to take the process and try to understand. Otherwise, he says, How do you know? What does he mean by that? You know by knowing. How do you know anything? If I say “the sky is blue”, you say “how do you know the sky is blue?” How do you know there’s a nose on your face? How do you know two plus two is four? You know by knowing. So what does it even mean this question, how do you know? What does it even mean?


Guest: Let’s say I grant you that platform. So how do you give up pride and self-righteousness when you are just… instead of attaining a higher taste you just think you are restraining from gambling and intoxication and so on. Your getting the higher taste of just giving it up, not…


Hridy: No, there is no higher taste in just giving it up. People go crazy if they just give it up. You’ll have to lock them in a padded room and let them beat their head against the wall. Isn’t it? If it was a higher taste just to give it up, everyone would give it up. Actually, it is a higher taste to live in the mode of goodness, but people cannot do it without Krsna consciousness.

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