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Fast Facts about the Iraq-US "Conflict"

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Q: What percentage of the World's population of the world does the US have? 6%


Q: What percentage of the world's wealth does the US have? 50%


Q: Which country has the largest oil reserves? Saudi Arabia


Q: Which has the and largest oil reserves? Iraq


Q: How much is spent on military budgets a year worldwide? $ 900 billion+


Q: How much of this spent by the US? 50%


Q: What percent of the US military spending would ensure the essentials of life to everyone in the world according to the UN? 10%


Q: How many have died from wars since WW2? 80 million


Q:How long has Iraq had chemical and biological weapons? Since the 1980s


Q: Did Iraq develop these chemical and biological weapons on their own? NO. The governments of US and Britain supplied the materials and technology through private companies.


Q: Did the US govt condemn the Iraqi use of these weapons on Iran? NO.


Q: How many people did Saddam Hussein kill using gas in the Kurdish town of Halabja in 1988? 5,000


Q: How many western countries condemn this act at that time? 0


Q: How many gallons of Agent Orange did the US use in the Vietnam war? 17 million


Q: Are there any proven links between 9/11 and Iraq? No.


Q: What is the total estimated civilian casualties in the Gulf War? 35,000


Q: How many casualties did the Iraqi forces inflict on the western forces during the Gulf War? 0


Q: How many retreating Iraqi soldiers were buried alive by US tanks with ploughs mounted on the front? 6000


Q: How much of Iraqi's military capacity did the US claim it had detsroyed in 1991? 80%


Q: Is there proof that Iraq plans to use its weapons for anything other than deterrence and self-defense? No


Q:How many civilian deaths did the Pentagon predict in event of a 2002/2003 war on Iraq? 10,000


Q: Were the US and Britain at war with Iraq during Dec 1998 to Sept 1999? No.


Q: How many pounds of explosives were dropped on Iraq during Dec 1998 to Sept 1999? 20 million


Q: How many years ago was the UN resolution 661 introduced, imposing strict sanctions on Iraq's imports and exports? 12 years


Q: How many Iraqi's died by Oct 1999 as a rsult of the sanctions? 1.5 million


Q: How many Iraqi children have died due to sacntions since 1997? 750,000


Q: Did Saddam order the inspectors out of Iraq? No


Q: How many inspections were conducted in November to December 1998? 300


Q: How many of these inspections had problems? 5


Q: Who said that by Dec 1998, "Iraq has in fact, been disarmed to a level unprecedented in modern history? Scott Ritter, UN SCOM chief


Q: In 1998, how much of Iraq's capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction did the UN claim to have dismantled? 90%


Q: IS Iraq willing to allow the weapons inspectors back? Yes (and they did!)


Q: How many UN resolutions did IRaq violate? 1


Q: How many UN resolutions did Israel violate since 1992? Over 65


Q: How many UN sanctions against Israel did the US veto? 30+


Q: How many countries are known to have nuclear weapons? 8 (US, UK, FRANCE, CHINA, INDIA, PAKISTAN, NORTH KOREA, RUSSIA)


Q: How many nuclear warheads does Iraq have? 0


Q: How many nuclear warheads does the US have? 10,000


Q: How many nuclear warheads does Israel have? 400+


Q: Which is the only country to use nuclear weapons? The United States


Q: When did they use these nuclear weapons? WW2. Nagasaki and Hiroshima


Q: Was there a consensus among US leaders for using the A-Bomb? No. In fact, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, and other top US officials at the time disagreed with President Truman on this action.


Q: How many people died when the US dropped these atomic bombs? about 10,000 per city


Q: How many died in the 9/11 attacks? about 3,000


Q: Are the casualties of the atomic bombs soldiers? No. Mostly the elderly, women, and children.


Q: Were the US tried as War Criminals for genocide because of the Atomic Bombs? No. The leaders of the Axis powers (Japan, Germany, Italy) were tried as war criminals


Q: Who said "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter"? Marthin Luther King


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Whats the point of this thread? It simply goes on to show that US is wealthy and powerful, so they have the ability to do whatever they want. That is the law of nature-only the strong shall survive. That's what US is doing. If other countries don't have the same ability to generate wealth, then why blame US for being successful?

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Guest, who, in history has maintained superiority? Did all the powers of the world plan their downfall?


What if terrorists become a little smarter about their targets? What if a natural disaster destroys much of America? What if America pushes the rest of the world too far and they retaliate? What if people find control in their lives by boycotting the rich? What if others are just as crazy as you?


You sound like a blind patriot. They're usually government DOGBOYS. They have a dog's mentality to serve an unqualified master simply for the bones the rich misers throw them. They are blind to the misgivings of the government and how the people suffer under their rule. They are no better than Hitler's henchmen.


What did Radharani say (talking to the bumblebee)?

An unqualified servant of an unqualifed master?


That's you …you ignorant fool!


Guest said: "It simply goes on to show that US is wealthy and powerful, so they have the ability to do whatever they want."


I say you're delusional. Does anybody agree with this sh*t? My country - right or wrong?


These people are happy just to have authority given by THE POWER. And they are blind to the consequences in their own selfish pursuit. (lick… lick… the assssesss of the employer).


Brahmanas should be free of this doggish mentality. What to speak of vaisnavas?




As if I really didn't understand

That I was just another part of their plan

I went off looking for the promise

Believing in the Motherland

And from the comfort of a dreamer's bed

And the safety of my own head

I went on speaking of the future

While other people fought and bled

The kid I was when I first left home

Was looking for his freedom and a life of his own

But the freedom that he found wasn't quite as sweet

When the truth was known

I have prayed for America

I was made for America

It's in my blood and in my bones

By the dawn's early light

By all I know is right

We're going to reap what we have sown


As if freedom was a question of might

As if loyalty was black and white

You hear people say it all the time-

"My country wrong or right"

I want to know what that's got to do

With what it takes to find out what's true

With everyone from the President on down

Trying to keep it from you


The thing I wonder about the Dads and Moms

Who send their sons to the Vietnams

Will they really think their way of life

Has been protected as the next war comes?

I have prayed for America

I was made for America

Her shining dream plays in my mind

By the rockets red glare

A generation's blank stare

We better wake her up this time


The kid I was when I first left home

Was looking for his freedom and a life of his own

But the freedom that he found wasn't quite as sweet

When the truth was known

I have prayed for America

I was made for America

I can't let go till she comes around

Until the land of the free

Is awake and can see

And until her conscience has been found


© 1986 SWALLOW TURN MUSIC, ASCAP - Jackson Browne


Prabhupada said America was lika a bunch of zeros. Put Krsna or THE ONE before it and you have a very big number. Otherwise, it remains a bunch of zeros.


"then why blame US for being successful?" …because that success is built on theivery and corruption. You mean why blame a thief or murderer if he's got the goods?

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Myra's just listing facts. Some r uncomfortable with facts. They prefer false promise, ongoing illusion, polluted water, polluted air, shoot first/ask questions later, hit the dog & win a puppy, cover up madcow, cover up birdflu, cover up 9/11, always have a fall guy ready, shift attention elsewhere, upward licking/downward kicking...

karmanA daiva-netreNa...

Y such get human birth? Your guess is as good as mine.

God's idea of a joke? Laugh Laugh - Beau Brummels

"U found u don't know everything there is to know"

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Nobody is materially big enough or strong enough to defy everyone.


Rome fell because of their own internal shenanigans. Sometimes a leader is assisinated. Sometimes it's disease or natural disaster. One would have to live in a hole to be invulnerable - and that's still not absolute.


So, considering all these vulnerable points, the only thing guest can say with accuracy is what Prabhupada said about nuclear war… whoever strikes first will win. (Sure makes me wonder what they'll win).


This is exactly what the Europeans have been doing around the world for the last so many hundred years. The world is becoming a little monstrous and unbearable.


Without empathy and basic respect for life, the soul and God, then it is the law of the jungle. In modern terms with the technology that empowers people, that simply means who strikes first.


I wish Krsna would descend as he describes in the Gita, IF ONLY to rid the world of these monstrous fools.


Dark Horse


You thought that you knew where I was and when

But it looks like they've been foolin' you again,

You thought that you'd got me all steaked out

But baby looks like I've been breaking out


I'm a dark horse

Running on a dark race course

I'm a blue moon

Since I stepped from out of the womb

I've been a cool jerk

Looking for the source

I'm a dark horse.


You thought you had got me in your grip

Baby looks like you was not so smart

And I became too slippery for you

But let me say that was nothing new.


I'm a dark horse

Running on a dark race course

I'm a blue moon

Since I picked up my first spoon

I've been a cool jerk

Looking for the source

I'm a dark horse


I thought that you knew it all along

Until you started getting me not right

Seems as if you heared a little late

But I warned you when

We both were at the starting gate


I'm a dark horse

Running on a dark race course

I'm a blue moon

Since I stepped from out of the womb

I've been a cool jerk

Cooking at the source

I'm a dark horse - George Harrison


I know something you don't know: I KNOW Krsna is there.

I know something you probably do know: You will be exposed by KC.

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It recently occured to me that the powers that be have made it to the top through deciet and corruption. Therefore, they block access by others.


But - knowing how they cheat others in secrecy - they want access to you so they don't get 'secretly' cheated. Therefore, they want to know and control everything. And they are trying very hard to do just that.

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One way to look at it is that people do not deserve to live in a better world than the one we already have. this is the age of Kali: the time for the rascals to have a shot at self-improvement by getting a human form. the world will not change unless the people improve their consciousness. that change IS happening, but it's a slow process. we were supposed to be the catalyst for this change but we were poisoned by our greed for material power...

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* What if terrorists become a little smarter *


Then they wouldn't be terrorists, would they?


**What if a natural disaster destroys much of America? What if America pushes the rest of the world too far and they retaliate? What if people find control in their lives by boycotting the rich? What if others are just as crazy as you?**


Mere speculation. It has no substance. Let's stick to reality, shall we?


**You sound like a blind patriot.**


I am neither an American nor a patriot. I am a keen observer, that's all. And I happen to observe frequent anti-American rhetoric for two reasons ONLY and they are NOT based on facts, as Tarun says. Firstly, it is because misguided youngsters in America like to think it cool to hate their country. So they go around protesting Vietnam war or whatever. Second reason, non-Americans like to make a hue and cry because they are jealous. They would love to conquer Iraq, its oil field, but since they dont have the guts or the capacity, they grudge US which does.


**They are blind to the misgivings of the government and how the people suffer under their rule.**


People suffer all over the world, not just in America. But aren't American people relatively safe, secure, wealthy and happy in US? Then why complain? Or would you prefer to live in Afghanistan under a clean religious govt.? lol


**They are no better than Hitler's henchmen.**


Hitler's henchmen wouldn't let you post on this forum, would they?


**What did Radharani say (talking to the bumblebee)?

An unqualified servant of an unqualifed master?


That's you …you ignorant fool!**


Sorry but I don't understand riddles. I am not Chinese.


**"then why blame US for being successful?" …because that success is built on theivery and corruption.You mean why blame a thief or murderer if he's got the goods?"**


That's just an accusation, no proof. Every nation is corrupt, including the so-called spiritual nations like India, Israel and Arabia that were apparently graced by saints and prophets. Duh!


**I wish Krsna would descend as he describes in the Gita, IF ONLY to rid the world of these monstrous fools.**


Well, well, didn't you see the halo around Bush? Who knows, maybe he is...you-know-who!


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**Myra's just listing facts**


They are more like accusations from the prosecution with US as the defendant and god as the judge!


**Some r uncomfortable with facts. They prefer false promise, ongoing illusion polluted water, polluted air, shoot first/ask questions later, hit the dog & win a puppy, cover up madcow, cover up birdflu, cover up 9/11, always have a fall guy ready, shift attention elsewhere, upward licking/downward kicking...**


Almost all countries are guilty in this respect. There has never been a perfect society. That's life, it is the best we can get. So why target US alone, just because they've been more successful, is that it?



**Y such get human birth?**


To evolve and it is possible only in prosperous societies.



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as Jesus Christ Our Saviour was, allows full disclosure of Jeb's, Cheney's, Jackson Steven's, Mossad's 9/11 ties, when he publicly denounces slaughterhouses, wholeheartedly admits we didn't have to attack Afghanistan or Iraq, he'll have my vote, not b4.

In one sense I don't blame B; he's small time. If he ever came clean, if he ever began to sing he'd b removed from office so fast... or put to sleep in his sleep.

I believe Amerika can lead this planet into at least a semi-rekindled Vedik age if & only if we/they r willing.

It has to begin with increased chanting + organic food + + pure air+ pure water + decreased slaughterhousing.

Krishna is showing them with Madcow & Birdflu = Avionflu, no?

Personally, so far condemning ugra-karma, I wish Krishna would put lotus pedal to the metal, but He works & plays at His own speed.

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Most of us have known these all along, these are hard, historical facts that are well, overshadowed by whatever press release that U.S. cooked, in my opinion. Please do your research if you are not convinced. It's up to you if you want to have stand with this issue or what.


US is wealthy? The American economy is an economy of false appearances. There is no real economic ballast to the American economy. The American GDP of is something around $10 trillion, of which just 1 percent represents agriculture, and just 24 percent represents industry. Therefore, 75 percent of the American GDP is service and most of this is financial speculation.


If you understand economics, and it appears that the American Secretary of the Treasury, Paul O'Neil, doesn't or doesn't see it, it's enough to say that the USA acts like a huge "dot-com," and dollars, strictly speaking, are its shares.


Furthermore, the value of a company's shares is directly proportional to the profitability of the enterprise. When a business is just a service provider and doesn't produce any durable goods, the value of its shares depends on its credibility. Which is to say that if the credibility of the USA were shaken, its shares (the dollar) would fall with incredible rapidity and the entire American economy would begin to collapse.


This already happened after the 9/11 attack. Now, the US government wanted to find a scapegoat, a way to heal it's wounded HUGE ego.


In my personal capacity as a citizen of a humble "democratic republic" (I'm not from US FYI), I add my voice to the global chorus of protest and feeling of disappointments against the impending US war on Iraq.



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Just see! Our Myra makes more sense in one post than all our treasury secretaries since Alexander Hamilton put together.

If anyone in Wash DC today was even slightly qualified, Myra would immediately b hired into upper level federal economic management.

But alas!

As connotation increases, denotation decreases.


Blair accepted BBC's unconditional apology; so what?

Was that the point?

What about the soldiers & civilians dead & wounded in Iraq due to Blair & Bush both being misinformed & misinforming us?

Chalk it up to our collective vikarma-viphalam?

If so, we may as well back one tyrant after another. All important expedience.


Decorated Vietnam War Officer John Kerry asked Tricky Dick Nixon in Wash DC 1971:

"How do u tell someone to keep on fighting so he can b the last US soldier to die in an unjust war?"


Big Israeli-Palestinian prisoner exchange coinciding with yet another suicide bomber destroying citybus.

At any point during Kaliyuga, solutions remain the same:

Butchered animal meat can never b Kosher nor Halal, so all Jews & Muslims must become vegetarian.

Jesus, Prince of Peace, was strict lacto-vegetarian.

Buddha never ate meat & declared nonviolence the supreme dharma.

Pro-Peace Conclusion: Close all Slaughterhouses, Chant God's Holy Names

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**Furthermore, the value of a company's shares is directly proportional to the profitability of the enterprise. When a business

is just a service provider and doesn't produce any durable goods, the value of its shares depends on its credibility. Which is

to say that if the credibility of the USA were shaken, its shares (the dollar) would fall with incredible rapidity and the entire

American economy would begin to collapse.**


That's a stretch. If all this is true, then how come it didn't happen earlier?


**In my personal capacity as a citizen of a humble "democratic republic" (I'm not from US FYI), I add my voice to the global

chorus of protest and feeling of disappointments against the impending US war on Iraq.**


US war on Iraq is an entirely different matter; it has nothing to do with $$$. Apparently, US wants to liberate the people of Iraq from the clutches of Hussein. This is what Lord Krishna would've done, this is what he advises in the Gita.




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