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Ancient Patriot - Web Site Question

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Ancient Patriot,


I dont know if you can help or not, but I had to ask. If you dont mind I'd like to post here what I put in my newsletter about this problem. It explains it better than if I had to remember and retype it all over again.




Once upon a time I joined a Hindu web ring. Later I decided to leave it and thought I had. Then recently I looked at my site and there on the bottom was an advertisement for some guys Buddhist site. I was not sure if he was part of the webring or not (though now suspect he may be the webring Master), so I emailed him. He never answered. I joined his egroup to contact him. My membership went thru and I emailed him again, this time at that address. I can no longer access that group, and he never replied. I emailed a third address. No response. I always spoke in polite and considerate ways, did not criticize his religion but did ask him how to get his ad off my web page. You may wonder why I can’t do it from my end? That’s the entire problem. It’s NOT ON my end. I tried republishing, which I did, but before that and when I went to remove his Buddhist info, it was not there at all on my hard drive! Finally, I recently went back to the web ring and tried to . Since it was years ago, I lost my password. I applied for it to be sent to my email box at least three times. No response. So, if there are any talented hacker devotees out there :-), or just someone who knows how I can get this guys ad off my site, maybe someone who could do it for me, please contact me. Or if necessary, who I report him too. I don’t like to go that route, but I have politely emailed him repeatedly, and he never even responds.


This is the site of mine which his advertisement is on (at the very bottom) -






I can't even report him because if I send in an abuse email, he's the one who receives it since he's the web ring master. Its getting a little unnerving that he won't remove his Buddhist stuff from a Krishna web page. Can you do anything? Or have any suggestions? Thanks.


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Mother Pritha,


nirvizeSa-zUnyavAdi-pAzcAtya-deza-tAriNe. If you remove this line, your problem will be resolved:


(Starting with 'less than sign' and the word script) language=javascript src="http://ss.webring./navbar?f=j&y=priitaa&u=100215109410104511" (then ending with the word script and some 'greater and less than' signs)


When I paste the line here we get the pushy text below:


<script language=javascript src="http://ss.webring./navbar?f=j&y=priitaa&u=100215109410104511"></script>


While you're using notepad or wordpad or Word to edit your index.html file you may want to also remove the next line about "searchbox.html" since that link seems to be no longer operational.


Of course the real cure for impersonalism is the beautiful three-fold bending form of Lord Syamasundara, head bedecked with peacock feather, always enchanting all living entities with His flute:


<center><img src=http://home.primus.ca/~caitanya/Syamasundara.jpg></center>

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gH, Thank you!


Since its not on my hard drive, how do I get this stuff off?


Am glad someone else said it was pushy. Thats how I've been feeling and thought someone would acuse me of religious intollerance or something. But heck, to have the highest knoweldge of Krishna, and be polite to the webring owner, I feel I did all I could do.

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I think I figured it out! I have FrontPage so usually ya just work directly on the site you are making. But then I clicked on the html button, and I see what you are talking about. Such a relief. Thanks.


Now, I just hope the webring doesn't put it back on when they notice its missing.

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To get the current distant_healing.htm code, you can get your webpage in front of you on the screen, then right-click on it and select "View Source". That will generate a text file in notepad which you can 'save as' somewhere in an appropriate folder - but leaving the filename still distant_healing.htm. Then you can edit the file to cut out those lines.


Then sign in to your geocities/ account, 'priitaa'. Then http://geocities./ and select 'easy upload'. You can then upload the new distant_healing.htm which will replace the current one with the webringworm.


Once you remove the code, the webring guy should be cut out.

You should try this on your own for experience, but if you have problems, I have zipped up a modified distant_healing.htm as a last resort. You will still have to sign in and upload it. Hopefully you have access to the /geocities 'priithaa', otherwise nothing is possible. But best to try the whole thing yourself to see how easy it is. You could save these instructions in a little file on your hard drive in the same folder as the new html file, in the event of further changes. Ooops, I just went to do this and see you have already accomplished your mission. Clever girl. /images/graemlins/blush.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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Thank you for saying its objective! I got an email last night 'politely' blasting me for it. I was trying my best to be objective while holding true to my personal understandings of Prabhupada's instructions, and we all have to stick with our individual understandings.


P.S. Just realized -- I don't want this thread to turn into a controversy over that topic, so PLEASE let it go folks. I'm not up for it.

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But if we present all the quotes for either 'side' then we do a service to others. I just skimmed it and did not get any impression that you were for or against anything.


Frankly, I am tired of 'sides' too. Life is too precious. If we are to waste our lives quibbling, then let it be about the amount of salt to put in rice.


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