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More Halliburton News, Brought to You By Halliburton

A Tale of Two "Employees"...Oops...Make That "Workers"



Hardly had the words "unfairly maligned" escaped Dick Cheney's lips when his former company found itself neck-deep in yet another bribery scandal. Halliburton praised itself for "strong internal detective work" as it revealed the latest "apparent overcharges," amounting this time to $6.3 million.


"In the towns I am tracked by phantoms having weird detective ways," wrote Thomas Hardy.


The phantom detective agency formerly run by Cheney appeared to be going to extraordinary lengths to protect rather than divulge the identities of the two "employees" who allegedly demanded and got $6M in kickbacks for subletting a contract to a Kuwaiti firm (whose identity is also a mystery).


Elements missing from both the "detective report" and, alas, the media coverage of the scandal: Who were these mysterious "employees"? How high up in the corporate hierarchy were they? What were their job titles? What has happened to them? Where are they now?


Forbes called them "workers," as though they carried lunch buckets and sang Woody Guthrie songs. Apparently Forbes believes "workers" are typically in a position to sign-off on major international contracts and demand multi-million dollar kickback fees.


Most accounts since the story broke have simply identified the alleged bribe-takers as humble "employees." In some versions they appear as "officials" or even "staffers." Sent by a temp agency, perhaps?


It was up to The Guardian and a few other sources, mostly outside the U.S., to identify the perps as "executives."


Whatever they were, they were placed high enough to be negotiating contracts big enough to permit them to skim off $6 million.


Assume, then, that we are talking about "executives." What happened to them?


Both the Wall Street Journal and the Associated Press reported last Friday that Halliburton had fired them. Most press accounts have repeated the firings as fact. Reuters, however, originally reported that Halliburton "declined to say the employees had been fired."


Most interestingly, CBS News (also last Friday) cited unnamed sources who claimed the two people "left before the problem was discovered and were not fired." Did they leave with the $6M?


If two "employees" grabbed $6M in kickbacks, some might (and did) wonder, why was it Halliburton (and not, say, the two crooks who took the bribe) who cut the check to reimburse the government? Is corporate money one thing, but personal money another?


"The key issue here," said Halliburton spokeswoman Wendy Hall, "is self-disclosure and self-reporting."


Actually, Wendy, the issue is corruption.


Hall's efforts to turn a confession of criminal behavior into an orgy of self-congratulation were nothing compared to the company's decision to relaunch an ad campaign to "counter negative publicity." Actually, the ads have been running since last November, with spots airing on CNN, MSNBC, Fox and selected local news programs.


When they first appeared, Preston Turegano (of Sign-on San Diego) observed that the campaign makes Halliburton unique among other Iraq and Afghanistan contract holders, who "do not have TV spots ballyhooing their business in the Middle East." He found the ads reminiscent of the campaign Saudi Arabia launched in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, carried out for the most part by Saudi men.


Halliburton is running paid print announcements, too. In a Houston Chronicle ad, CEO Dave Lesar says "not many companies have our know-how" then proceeds to call flipping omelets for troops a "special skill," not a "special interest."


Lesar somehow neglects to mention the fact that, as NBC News reported last December, the Pentagon has repeatedly warned Halliburton and its subsidiary KBR that U.S. troops in Iraq were being served dirty food in dirty mess halls. The Pentagon reported finding "blood all over the floor,dirty pans,dirty grills,dirty salad bars" and "rotting meats and vegetables" in military messes the company operates in Iraq.


Blood all over the mess hall floor. Including the one where George W. Bush posed with a turkey on Thanksgiving.


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Part 44

Saddam Double-Crossed

by Sherman H. Skolnick 12/4/03



Some years ago we coined the phrase "oil-soaked, spy-riddled American monopoly press". It is not an idle statement. The basis for it are the numerous examples we have shown over the forty years we have functioned as a research/investig ative group.


About forty years ago the American CIA created Saddam Hussein and his political party as a bulwark against a growing left-wing in Iraq. Historically, it was just another way the West deals with Europe and the East. American/British Big Business financed Adolf Hitler and the Nazis as an opposition to the Soviets which had themselves been created by the West.


Common Americans do not seem to understand, or want to undertand, the principle, perfected many centuries ago by the Romans. To solidify your power, create so-called "enemies". and then build up your armies to protect you from "them".


Shortly after he was Director of Central Intelligence, Daddy Bush was instrumental in supplying Saddam with chemical/biological weapons as well as starting Iraq on the road to nuclear development. The Elder Bush, as a stooge for Americ an.British Big Business, instigated the Iran-Iraq war, 1980 to 1988, to tie-up both nations and keep up the price of oil, while weakening and impoverishing both Mid-East nations.


The Reagan/Bush White House armed Saddam. [see the heavily-documented book "The Spider's Web" by Alan Friedman, 1993, which did not get much mass media mention.]


Savvy folks are well-aware that Saddam was suckered into invading Kuwait, in 1990, as part of a long-simmering ruckus over Iraq's claims to oilfields on the Kuwait-Iraq border going back to 1960 when Kuwait was still a British colony.


In the pre-emptive attack on Iraq by the U.S., March, 2003, the Bush White House arranged to massively bribe the top element of the Iraq Republican Guard, the elite military units supposedly most trusted by Saddam. Thus,` the U.S. Mili tary went almost unopposed up the highway to Baghdad. These turncoat brass and their families were quietly and secretly whisked out of Iraq to safety and housing in the U.S. Remember also, we were among the first to mention that following Persian Gulf War One, Daddy Bush arranged to bring into the U.S. more than four thousand supposed Iraqi military intelligence defectors. Two thousand of them were with their families, at U.S. taxpayer's expense, housed, fed, and given work, in Oklahoma City. Kn owledgeable journalists have contended that these supposed defectors played a role with American dissidents as surrogates for Iraq, in the multiple bombings of the Alfred Murrah Federal Office Building, in Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995.


Yet, Daddy Bush and his financial crony, Bill Clinton, were both in a position to know that these Iraqi military brought into the U.S. had a number of double-agents, saboteurs now on U.S. soil.


[Related details on earlier parts of this website series.]


The Kuwait dictators, the al Sabah Royal Family, after Persian Gulf War One, hired an American investigation firm, Jules Kroll & Associates, to locate Saddam Hussein's properties. Details were published in 1991, in the Wall Street Journal. Saddam was one of the richest men in that part of the world. He held a huge financial position (and still does) in what became Daimler Chrysler (maker of Mercedes Benz and Chrysler cars); Fairchild Missiles, of Italy; Hachette, which owns, amon g other things, magazines in the U.S.; and Matra, the Paris-based firm operating the "People Mover" System at O'Hare Airport, Chicago, a light railway moving passengers and baggage from the airport terminals to the planes.


December 13, 2003, was an unlucky day for Saddam. At least, some think so. It may have been a staged event, with Saddam as one of the actors. Bush Crime Family super bagman, James A. Baker III (Daddy Bush Administration Secretary of St ate), heavily bribed Saddam's guards to abandon him. This made Saddam, supposedly all by himself, available to be arrested in the basement of a farmhouse on the outskirts of his home-town, Tikrit. Coming to grab Saddam was part of a secret U.S. unit alo ng with Saddam's historical enemies, Kurdish troops. Assisting with the bribery of Saddam's guards and the apprehending of Saddam, were OPERATIVES OF CBS NETWORK NEWS. In a live broadcast after the arrest, a CBS Network news hen accidentally let slip th e role of CBS in arranging the capture of Saddam. Maybe we can expect that the newswoman making the monstrous mistake, will mysteriously later be found shot to death "accidentally" by some U.S. military, like numerous other report! ers in Iraq.


You can see why we call it "the spy-riddled American monopoly press". CBS has assisted the American CIA since the creation of the spy agency.


James A. Baker III is the same bagman, in the year 2000 Presidential election mess. He reportedly bribed southern Florida DEMOCRATS, at a strategic moment, to stop the recounting of ballots for Albert Gore, Jr. Thus George W. Bush was able to get the Florida vote, crucial to the Electoral College vote, and thereby steal the Presidential election.


If Saddam lives to be put on public trial, he could defend himself and wreck the Bushies, with his own eyewitness testimony of treason committed by the Bush Crime Family. A complicating factor, is that France is in the middle of the de al to grab Saddam Hussein. Master blackmailers, the French have plenty on the Bushies, their role in the assassination and the cover up of the same, of President John F. Kennedy, the Florida election theft, George W. Bush and his travels with his male s ex-mate, and a French as-yet not released documentary on the Florida election, and plenty more. Insofar as Saddam has been moved out of Iraq, was he quietly moved to Paris?



Part 45

Saddam, Prisoner of Carlyle Group

by Sherman H. Skolnick 12/16/03



As usual, the Liars and Whores of the Press promote the Big Lie as to the secret team that snatched Saddam Hussein.


Some claim the unit was not fully informed, other than they had a high priority target. And there are contentions that the unit, part of the American CIA, came within a few seconds of misguidedly hurling a grenade down into the "spider hole" in which Saddam was kept as a prisoner. Left unsaid by the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press is that Saddam was being kept as a prisoner buried in a grave-like hole, breathing air through a tube to the surface, rather than the media fairy tale that he was simply hiding.




The reasons for having kept Saddam a prisoner under such circumstrances, and elsewhere kept for some time in captivity, revolve around his huge worldwide properties. Through some of his relatives, and through secret trust accounts and agreements, and through secret bank accounts and other financial intermediaries, Saddam Hussein has been a major stockholder/bond holder, through nominees, front persons, and other ways to conceal ownership, of and in the following, among his other worl dwide properties


===as owner of Daimler-Chrysler, maker of Mercedes Benz car and trucks and through cars and products of Chrysler. Supposedly, if Saddam was not held prisoner as he was for some time prior to be removed from the hole near a farm h ouse, on the outskirts of his home-town of Tikrit, Saddam could come to a meeting of Daimler's Board of Directors and demand to sit down as a duly authorized member of the Board, Saddam being a major owner of the firm.


===Hachette, the foreign firm,owning, among other things, magazines in the U.S. and elsewhere. In the U.S., Saddam's firm owned George Magazine, now defunct, the editor of which was John F. Kennedy, Jr. In 1999, as the son of assassina ted President John . Kennedy, Junior was fighting around with magazine owner Hachette which was planning to cease publication of George magazine on or about December, 1999. Junior claimed this would violate his contract and agreement with Hachette.


John F. Kennedy, Jr., was secretly intending to use the magazine to publicize at least two otherwise censored stories. (A) As to who-all was complicit in the murder of his father, including the Bush Crime Family, particularly Daddy Bush, the Texas oil tycoons tied to Daddy Bush and then Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, as well as some owners of the Federal Reserve key unit, the Federal Reserve District Bank of New York.


Just prior to being assassinated, President Kennedy issued an Executive Order, under a little-known provision, authorizing him to issue hundreds of millions of dollars of genuine U.S. paper money, principally two-dollar bills, in opposition to the Federal Reserve private paper money masquerading as "the U.S. Dollar".[More details in Part 42 of this website series, sub-titled "The Public Execution of John F. Kennedy". And, as archived through MAIN PAGE, left-hand side of sa me CLICK on COLUMNISTS Sherman Skolnick at


And further, (B) For JFK, Jr., planning to use George Magazine to publicize, as he knew, the treasonous arrangements of Daddy Bush with Saddam Hussein. Junior was threatening, to keep Hachette from suspending publication of George Magazine, to publicize Daddy Bush's private business partner, Saddam, as a major owner of Hachette. Also, to expose the long-time trickery and game-playing by Saddam by, for, and with the American CIA and Daddy Bush and his various business pals including Carlyle Group.


The monopoly press, belatedly ran a story of Saddam's more than 40 year role with the American CIA. United Press International, UPI. AFTER the U.S. as a pre-emptive strike, not by a Declaration of War, invaded Iraq, ran a story of the secret role of Saddam with the American CIA. The UPI story, April 10, 2003, had an opening statement in a detailed article "U.S. forces in Baghdad might now be searching high and low for Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, but in the past Saddam was seen by U.S. intelligence services as a bulwark of anti-communism and they used him as their instrument for more than 40 years, according to former U.S. intelligence diplomats and intelligence officials." UPI goes on to point out that Saddam, at a very young age, was made by CIA, a part of an assassination team in 1959, trying to murder the Iraqi Monarch running the country. Saddam, apparently incompetent to do so, failed.


Also, visit our website story "The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh", where we point out the secret private business partnership in the billions of dollars between Daddy Bush and Saddam Hussein, as shown by suppressed records of a Chicago unit of an Italian bank owned in part by the Vatican. It became the subject of a Chicago Federal Court lawsuit where we were the only journalists attending a key hearing in the litigation and in the back of the courtroom we interviewed participants.


As to the murder of JFK, Jr., by a sabotaged airplane, visit our website series, "What Happened to America's Golden Boy". The series has the substance of a secret FBI report of what happened. Also, in the series, the aborted attempt, one week apart in July, 1999, to first assassinate Vice President Albert Gore, Jr., intending to be a candidate for President, and then succeeding in murdering John F. Kennedy, Jr., who was himself secretly planning to be a candidate for President in the year 2000.


===ownership by Saddam of Fairchild Missiles, of italy.


===ownersip by Saddam of Matra, the Paris-based firm operating, by satellite, among other things, the "People Mover" System at O'Hare International Airport, Chicago,a light railway transporting passengers and baggage between the airport terminals and the airplanes. Hey, with Saddam owning this system, what is all this talk about "terrorists" at airports?


So, Saddam Hussein was being kept as a prisoner in a grave-like hole, called by a top U.S. Military Officer as a "spider hole", where Saddam himself could NOT get out. Saddam Hussein was being kept as a prisoner by surrogates, including Saddam's relatives as CIA contract employees, for CARLYLE GROUP.


Carlyle is run by by a group of top level stooges for the American/British aristocracy, including a former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, a former top official of the American CIA, Daddy Bush, and others jointly with Saudi Royals. Carlyle is a sinister worldwide operation to take over war production firms, among others and reportedly by corruption, squeeze war contracts out of the Pentagon. Among other things, Carlyle reportedly owns in great part a sinister manufacturer of an thrax vaccine---Are THEY the cause in part of strange illnesses and deaths among U.S. Military? Visit Part Three of the Overthrow series, subtitled "The Anthrax Commissars".



By holding Saddam Hussein as a prisoner for many months before he was removed from the grave-like hole he was kept in(somewhat similar to a Viet Cong "tiger cage" for humans), and in other places where he was kept captive, Carlyle Group was determined to force Saddam somehow to divulge his portion of at least a two-part series of codes into Saddam's vast ownership of worldwide properties.


The other half of the secret codes has been kept by Saddam's half-brother who resided in Switzerland. That relative, according to European sources, made public statements in the 1990s, that were Saddam to be harmed or assassinated by the American CIA, that the relative would release secret records of the Bush Crime Family's treason, requiring that they be subject to criminal prosecution, as shown by their worldwide 25 secret accounts.


Late in the 1990s, that relative's great bunch of documents fell into our possession. We began posting them early in 2000, ON-LINE as attached to our website series "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush".The records are in two parts. First, there are the hand-written notes of the head of the Internal Affairs Division of the U.S. Treasury, analyzing with codes the Bush Crime Family's secret 25 worldwide accounts. Then there are the secret Federal Reserve wire transfer records, under the secret code of Alan Greenspan, Fed Commissar, showing the worldwide accounts of the Bush Crime Family.


One document shows the Bush Crime Family with their joint account with Queen Elizabeth II, of ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS, in HER private bank, Coutts Bank London. Part of that sum belongs to Saddam Hussein. There are related documents in our website series. Also, the Hundred Billion Dollar document is archived through www.cloakanddagger.ca the website of a radio program where I am a regular participant. In the Financial Times of London, December 19, 2001, is a story how Queen Elizabeth II ordered the head of her bank to go and become an official of Carlyle Group.


Thus, the secret codes of the vast ownership of Saddam's worldwide properties are divided in at the minimum, two parts, One, with Saddam's half-brother, the other with Saddam himself. Shortly after the U.S. without resistance captured Baghdad (the top Iraqi military were bribed by the American CIA and the Iraqis and their families taken to safety and profitable refuge in the U.S.), Saddam's half-brother mysteriously showed up in Baghdad where he was seized by the American CIA and put into captivity.


The sinister, war-mongering, worldwide octopus, Carlyle Group, has been in the process of keeping Saddam as a prisoner, in a grave-long hole and elsewhere. To facilitate surveillance of Saddam's captivity by satellite imaging, a orange and white taxicab was parked, for example, nearby to the "spider hole" at the ramshackle farm house.


Will Carlyle Group succeed in extracting, from Saddam, his part of the secret codes to unlock the details of his worldwide properties, so they can reportedly be stolen by the Bush Crime family jointly with the Carlyle Group?


Acting as a "terrorist" stooge for the Carlyle Group/Bush Crime Family/Saudi Royal Family Bankers/American CIA, has been Osama bin Laden, originally an inhabitant of Saudi. Convenient to this adjunct nest of the American/British aristocracy is the mass media and their accusation, repeatedly using the word "terrorist", of "Osama did it!" This, as an excuse to cancel the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights (as outlined in this website series).


WILL THE CARLYLE GROUP GET ALL THE SECRET CODES of Saddam's worldwide properties?


Naive and foolish folks repeatedly heckle us why we do not make these details "available" to the mass media. To state an answer bluntly if not crudely, we try to be polite in responding to assholes. Evidently, we sometimes do not succeed. Plainly said, the monopoly press has dumbed down America.


More coming. Stay tuned.



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Will Skull and Bones Really Change CEO's

Inside John Kerry's Closet



Last month, some ninety environmentalists gathered in DC to consider what to do about the BushCo assaults on our nation's public ecosystems. The group, mostly paid staffers of one group or another, sat through a two-hour long report from the DC greens' "political expert." She regaled the group with strategies necessary "now that Dean has the nomination sewed up."


When told this tale, I thought, "Hey. If someone this clueless can get six-figures for such obviously lame assessments, maybe I should take a stab at it." So, here are my 2004 election year predictions:


1) Unless Skull and Bones desires a change in their CEO, it's Bush in a landslide. Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) will get the DLC nomination. And, then his real record will come out.


A friend recently wrote, "I just ran into a woman in (the organic grocery) who's been working on the Kerry campaign for 18 months, when I asked her what his political accomplishments are, she hesitated and said, "Well, I don't know, check out his website."


Save yourself the website search, here's a synopsis:


It's deplorable. Three-hundred-seventeen bills introduced. Seven passed. And four of those were ceremonial ones -- designating special days. Voted for the horrific Telecommunications Act (in fact, led the charge); voted for the illegal war/occupation; voted for the Patriot Act (in fact, helped draft parts of it when it was first drafted under Clinton); brags about voting for class war on poor moms and kids--Clinton's welfare "reform" -- need I go on?


Yes, I will. One of the few Bills he got passed was 1999's Plan Columbia, the phony Drug War's defoliation of the rainforest with toxic chemicals. Since the Plan was launched some 325,000 acres of South America's oldest democracy have been sprayed with toxins, yet there has been no drop off in cocaine imports to the US. In fact, according to the Harvard Political Review, Columbia's cocaine production increased 11%.


The multimillionaire John Kerry, who rails against "special interests" on the campaign trail, got more special interest PAC money than any other senator this last six years! And, he refused to accept voluntary spending limits.

Expect to see this GOP ad: Kerry at the helm of the "Scaramouche," his $750,000 speed boat (he paid cash!), with overdubs of Kerry's pontificating about "millionaires" and "overprivileged."


Then, we'll see ads of Mr. Forbes Heinz skiing at a palatial Aspen spa (they own it!). And, just wait until they trot out the ad with footage of Kerry exhorting Vietnam vets to throw their medals over the Capitol fence and then cut to Kerry's medals framed on his office wall. The creep actually threw fake medals while encouraging others to throw their real ones!


They may not even need to point out his lying over his narcissistic taking of poisonous injections of Botox - a lie not even necessary in these MTV days. When a Boston radio announcer asked him last week: "Can you categorically deny the reports that you have used Botox or other kinds of cosmetic surgery or cosmetic enhancements to your appearance?" Kerry responded, "Absolutely, I've never even heard of it." Very interesting, since his current heiress wife, Teresa Heinz, has been quoted in Elle magazine about her fondness for the stuff.


Speaking of Teresa Heinz, she heads up the Heinz Environmental Defense Fund. The fund's most prominent board members since 1995 is none other than Enron's Ken Lay. Enron's bank, Citigroup, has been a major contributor to Kerry's various campaigns. In 1995, Kerry cast the deciding vote to override Clinton's veto of the very bill used by Enron and Citigroup to conduct their now well-known consumer rip-offs. Can you just imagine if Dr. Judy Steinberg Dean was hanging out with Key Lay? How about Laura Bush?


2) Dick Cheney? The question here is: will he resign BEFORE or AFTER the election? If before, expect to see Rudy Guliani as vice-presidential candidate. If after, expect to see Elizabeth Dole reprise the Gerry Ford role. The other Cheney question is: how long before he is indicted on bribery charges?


3) Colin Powell? Expect to see Powell resign soon after the election for "health reasons."


4) Nixon Redux. Some time in 2006, Congress will begin exploring Impeachment proceedings for Bush. All sorts of charges will be leveled -- most true. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) will play the hero role here as a member of the "Intelligence Failure" investigation commission. Expect the CIA to doggedly defend its turf and turn viciously on BushCo.

Heads will begin to roll over the security 'failures' of 9/11. The country will be in crisis mode. The heroines here will be the few, courageous 9/11 widows who refused to take the government hush money.


Then faced with possible treason charges, as well as Impeachment; Bush will resign, as will Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle et al. Then, again reprising the Ford role, President Dole will pardon the lot of them in the fine American sweep-it-under-the-rug tradition. "Our second long national nightmare is over."


Then, come 2008, it'll be Clinton v. Dole again. H. Clinton and E. Dole provided Dole can get by the right-wing assault in the Republican primary. (The Brahmins of Skull and Bones won't lick wounds for very long.)


How that all turns out will depend on whether or not there is a true progressive in the race.


But, for now, the real question for all those "Nader cost Gore" head-in-the-sand folks is: why are the Democrats throwing the election again?


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