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Pandu's Falldown

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So he would hunt, and he got a little carried away by his hunting… so carried away with it… cause that happens. So one day he was out hunting and he saw a deer… and he was going to shoot that deer with his arrow. But as he shot the deer with some arrows, suddenly the deer let out some horrible human scream and fell to the ground, saying, "What have you done? You've killed me? …talking in a blood curdling human scream! So Pandu rushed over there… and it turned out that that deer was just about to mate with a doe.


But actually the deer was a powerful brahmin. So it was a powerful brahmin that had performed so many pennances, so many austerities, that he was actually embarassed to engage in sexual affairs as a brahmin… because he performed so many austerities, he couldn't really do it, and yet he had to give his wife a child and he had to do that. So therefore, seeing how spontaneous and romantic the deer in the forest are… cause they lived in the forest… they knew all the forest animals very intimately. By his own mystic power he changed himself into a deer and his wife into a doe, so that without any innibition they could procreate in the forest and enjoy. So they were practically just doing that when Pandu shot them.

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Whatever happened, how was Pandu supposed to know that the deer was a brahman in disguise?

Btw ancient_paztriot, someone attacked the great Radheya! what are you doing here talking aout Pandu?:-)

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Kunti is pure devotee, most likelly nitya-siddha, so she is acting in accordance with Sri Krishna's divine will.

Everything what happened was arranged by Sri Krishna, it is His lilas. Everything what is done by pure devotee like Kunti devi is perfect and most auspicious to everyone.

Even if sometimes it looks like maya. Remember Arjuna on the battlefield of Kuruksetra? Can you say that he was doing like materialstic person, ready to abandon his religious duties? That was arranged by Sri Krishna.


For a long time I also did not understand Kunti devi's silence and even hated her for she never helped Karna..

Now I am very sorry for my misunderstanding and hope she will be mercifull to me.

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Had Pandu not shot the deer and got the curse, how would the world get to see the great five Krishna Bhaktas? The five Pandavas were destined to be born of Kuntidevi's womb, but of five demigods, so God had to arrange all that.

Kuntidevi was just 16 yrs when she chanted the mantra that would help her to beget a son of SUN, without knowing its implications, out of curiosity. In Dwapar Yuga, people up to 40 yrs were considered still young (and were truly innocent, unlike in this KaliYuga!). It is her maidservant who forced her to abandon the child, though, she wanted to keep the child, but still did not know how to do it. Kuntidevi is another great devotee of Lord, who asked Him to put her in troubles constnatly, so that she would remember Him constantly. Is this not her greatness?

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