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The Magic of Sixty-four Rounds

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We take so much for granted, even the use of our tongue in this human form of life. The wonderful opportunity to invite the Lord to dance on this tongue and journey to Him in loving service by chanting his Holy Names.

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Why do we waste even a moment not engaged in this sublime activity.

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Dandavads Puru Prabhu


I have a completely dry mouth permanently, i lost my saliva glands because of radio therapy and chemotherapy when i had troath cancer, so there is no wetness at all, my teeth are rotting also since then.


i spoke to Srila Narayana Maharaja about it in hollland and He told me to chant silently at the time.


unfortunately when He spoke to me I was very drowsy and absent minded because i just finished the treatment and was very ill.


Harernamanada Prabhu from germany send me a video recording of the conversation and i was able to listen to Gurudevas advice again.


He also said that soon I would be better and the cancer would be gone and that is excactly what happened.


So now I chant everyday in my mind, aided by Srila Prabhupadas jappa recording.


I often wondered what you are doing and I am glad for your reply here.


I hope you are doing well, maybe we can see each other again at the german festival.




Devarsirat das



Dear prabhu,

I hope you are taking advantage of Srila Prabhupada's books and reading with great concentration.


I read a lot myself. Some days when I am off work I will set and study for hours on end.

Sometimes I read for 8 hours a days. Even sometimes 10 or 12 hours a day and I never get tired of these books.

I have been reading these same books for 32 years and everytime I read them it is so refreshing and I get new insights.


Absorbing in the books will enrich your mind and make your chanting more full and focused.


I don't know if Narayana Maharaja really emphasizes that enough?


Whatever you do, just keep your mind deeply absorbed in the books of Srila Prabhupada and you will have sufficent knowledge to meet all challenges.




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Dear Guruvani Prabhu

I do and read and hear every spare minute ive got. Yes, Srila Narayana maharajas continuous advice is and has always been, to read Srila Prabhupadas books, listen to his lectures and try to understand what Srila Prabhupada has written and spoken.


Even if this is an obvious requirement for every Prabhupada disciple anyway, and one might say we dont need anyone to tell us this.....it has a very inspiering effect when those reminders are spoken by someone like Srila Narayana Maharaja, who is completely pure and desireless and whose obvious mission partly is to re-inspire those who have fallen away in the past to cont to follow Srila Prabhupada and pick up devotional service again. Not something just anyone could do.


He was asked by Srila Prabhupada, to help His disciples ones He is gone and He is doing an incredible service to do just this. When I met Him first, it was like meeting Srila Prabhupada again.


These are the great devotees of the Lord, their only mission is to guide the conditioned souls back to Krishnas lotusfeet, they are desireless and full of love and compassion, all comming and trailing in the wake of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu to deliver the fallen souls back to godhead.


what more can be said, these great devotees stirr up incredible transcendental vibrations everywhere, fueled by their total love for Radha and Krishna, spreading the sweet aroma of vrindavan everywhere and everyone is wondering where this sweet aroma is coming from...


Narayana Maharaja is such a person, He has no desire to take over Iskcon or distort Srila Prabhupadas teachings, in fact He lectures and writes AS IT Is and never touches subjects not meant for our ears...like some like to lie about...


One should seek His association as much as possible, there is no way not to make advancement even by meeting Him for just a moment, as it was with Srila Prabhupada.








Dear prabhu,

I hope you are taking advantage of Srila Prabhupada's books and reading with great concentration.


I read a lot myself. Some days when I am off work I will set and study for hours on end.

Sometimes I read for 8 hours a days. Even sometimes 10 or 12 hours a day and I never get tired of these books.

I have been reading these same books for 32 years and everytime I read them it is so refreshing and I get new insights.


Absorbing in the books will enrich your mind and make your chanting more full and focused.


I don't know if Narayana Maharaja really emphasizes that enough?


Whatever you do, just keep your mind deeply absorbed in the books of Srila Prabhupada and you will have sufficent knowledge to meet all challenges.




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