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Protecting Surabhi Cows

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SB: 1.17.9



O son of Surabhi, you need lament no longer now. There is no need to fear this low-class Sudra. And, O mother cow, as long as I am living as the ruler and subduer of all envious men, there is no cause for you to cry. Everything will be good for you.



Protection of bulls and cows and all other animals can be possible only when there is a state ruled by an executive head like Maharaja Paraksit. Maharaja Paraksit addresses the cow as mother, for he is a cultured, twice-born, ksatriya king. Surabhi is the name of the cows which exist in the spiritual planets and are especially reared by Lord Sri Krishna Himself. <font color="red"> As men are made after the form and features of the Supreme Lord, so also the cows are made after the form and features of the surabhi cows in the spiritual kingdom. </font color> In the material world the human society gives all protection to the human being, but there is no law to protect the descendants of Surabhi, who can give all protection to men by supplying the miracle food, milk. But Maharaja Paraksit and the Pandavas were fully conscious of the importance of the cow and bull, and they were prepared to punish the cow-killer with all chastisement, including death. There has sometimes been agitation for the protection of the cow, but for want of pious executive heads and suitable laws, the cow and the bull are not given protection. The human society should recognize the importance of the cow and the bull and thus give all protection to these important animals, following in the footsteps of Maharaja Paraksit. For protecting the cows and brahminical culture, the Lord, who is very kind to the cow and the brahmanas (go-brahmana-hitaya), will be pleased with us and will bestow upon us real peace.

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what's with Hindus and cows? I dont understand why hindus are obsessed with cows. Please dont be offended, i am a muslim and i am finding it hard to understand. Please explain for my benefit.

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dear muslim,


Thank you for your question, as that gives me an opportunity to explain.


There are 6 mothers as per hinduism(sanatana dharma actually). They are defined by their nuturing us in some way. They are our biological mother, our nurse, mother earth, Wife of a saintly brahmana, wife of the saintly king, The cow.


Why is cow on the level of mother ?


We need milk, in order to nourish us. So by the mecry of The Supreme Personlity of Godhead, we get milk naturally from our dear mother's and helps nourish us and help us grow.


After some time the mothers milk stops and it is then the mother cows milk that nourishes us throughout life. So in that way, she is on the level of our own dear mother.


Like we do not kill our mother when she is old, we also do not kill the cow when we just need to just satify our tongue.You see. That is the first reason


Lastly i have been near cows and dogs both. I must say that the cow is the most loving creature by my first hand experiance. It is also the experiance ofmany of my friends.Why don't you try it.


Why? we do not kill our pet dog, it would be too cruel, you see, similarly the cow is like that. That is the second reason.


The last reason is if you really need nourishment fromm the cow you can make so many things from the cow milk. Paneer, lassi,chaas, sweets like sandesh, barfi etc..., even the white sauce insubji's. So many things without killing the cow for toungue satisfaction.


So in addition to the above reasons, you can read the krishna book, you can download from here.




In that book you will find the detailed exchanges between the cows and The Supreme Personlity of Godhead Sri Krishna.


On a side note, by the Mecry of The Supreme Personlity of Godhead, The cow gives milk, actually more milk than the calfs can drink.(I have first hand experiance of this, the calf gets sick in the stomach if it drinks too much.)


Do forgive me if i sound too harsh


Allah u Akbar

Hare Krishna

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Hadith on Milk, Ghee and Beef


This comes from the famous hadith collection Zâd al-ma‘âd by Ibn Qayyim. I have been all through the many hadith books and I have never found any saying that the Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him, ate beef. In fact, he advised against it. If this guidance from the Prophet would be better known, then it could really help to ease the tensions between Hindus and Muslims over the beef issue, if the Muslims would leave off eating beef on the advice of their own Prophet. Let there be peace and harmony between Hindus and Muslims, peace and harmony in the whole world. I wish that could come true!


First, the hadith in the original Arabic:


‘an suhayb Allâh ‘anhu yarfa‘uhu:

‘alaykum bi-laban al-baqar fa-innahâ shifâ' wa-samnuhâ dawâ' wa-lahmuhâ dâ'.


The Urdu translation:


hazrat suhaib raziyallâhu ‘anh se rivâyat hai keh huzûr-e akram sallá Allâh ‘alaihi va-sallam ne farmâyâ:

"gâ'î kâ dûdh isti‘mâl karnâ lâzim pakaR lo, kyûnkeh us men shifâ hai, aur us ke ghî men davâ kî tâsîr hai, aur us ke gosht men rog hai."


Free translation in English:


The Prophet, peace be upon him, said:

"You should use cows' milk, because it is good for health, and cows' ghee is good for health, but beef is bad for health."


Actually, the literal meaning of the words the Prophet used is much stronger than that. He said that milk is "healing," ghee is "medicine," and beef is "disease."


Urdu commentary by Hafiz Nazr Ahmad:


mustadrak-e hakîm kî kitâbuttibb men pahlî hadîs yeh hai keh rasûlullâh sallallâhu ‘alaihi va-sallam ne farmâyâ, "allâh ne ko'î bîmârî nahîn utârî jis kî davâ nah utârî ho, aur gâ'î ke dûdh men har bîmârî se shifâ kî tâsîr hai." us kitâb kî tîsrî hadîs men shifâ kî vajah yeh farmâ'î, "kyûnkeh gâ'î har dirakht se cartî hai -- fa-innahâ tarummu min kull shajar."


yeh ek haqîqat hai keh ûnT, bhens, bheR, bakrî, aur dusre tamâm janvaron ke muqâbalah men gâ'î kâ dûdh sab se a‘lá hai. tamâm mazarrat se pâk hai aur muta‘addid ‘avâriz ke liye shifâ bakhsh hai. gâ'î ke dûdh kâ makkhan aur ghî bhî kitnî hî bîmâriyon kâ mudâvâ hain. atibbâ' ba-taur-i davâ tajvîz karte hain. dûsrî taraf gâ'î kâ gosht garm hai, aur apnî garm tâsîr ke bâ‘is ba‘z-i ‘avâriz paidâ kartâ hai. lekin hamain yeh bât hargiz farâmosh nah karnî câhi'e keh gâ'î halâl hai aur kisî halâl shai ko apne aur harâm qarâr dene kî hargiz ijâzat nahîn. tibbî nuktah-i nazar se isti‘mâl aur ‘adam-i isti‘mâl kî sûrat aur hai.


In the Book of Medicine of the Mustadrak al-Hakîm [a classical hadith commentary by al-Hakîm al-Nîsaburî], the first hadith is: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings upon him, said: "Allah did not create any disease without creating its cure; and in cows' milk is a cure for every disease." The third hadith in this book says on the subject of healing: "Because the cow grazes from every kind of plant."



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As men are made after the form and features of the Supreme Lord, so also the cows are made after the form and features of the surabhi cows in the spiritual kingdom.



I understand Plato had a similar idea. That the horses we see in this world are a shadow of a perfect horse in the "world of ideas" or some such. That is, this world is a reflection of eternal forms that do exist in the spiritual world.

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