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This is a diffent topic, I know, but I wanted to say that it looks, on my buddy list, that you have blocked me, so I thought maybe cuz you were under the impression I had blocked you? I didn't. Right now, my PalTalk is completely messed up. It has gone from bad to worse. And in the process of trying to get sound, somene had me delete something (they were not hackers and actually correct, BUT did not understand I do not have the CD to replace the info!), ..... anyhow, now I can't even log onto PalTalk at all to tell u this. So am letting you know here. We have a devotee friend who is very knowledgeble with computers and will have him come fix it but he is often out of town. It appears he may be now. So nothing I can do. I am feeling very frustrated at the moment, so I better go.

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"(Don't join to advertise. And with all due respect this is not a place for GM.)"


maybe you are paying some karma...



Maybe you are speculating. Maybe you are changing the topic. And maybe Maya doesn't want me to get on there cuz she knows I will defeat anyone who is against SP but pretending they are not.


At least I am being up front in that quote (you went out of your way to take from my newsletter site and put here), and I SIGN my name. Its easy to criticize with no name. Anyway, lets not go there and TRY to start a fight. Lets stick with the topic and agree to disagree.


After all, I could say you got the flu last week (or anything) for the same reasoning. ha Lets just try to resepct each others beliefs.

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Haribol and thank you so much. Unfortuantely, the problem is not with PalTalk, but with my computer. I did not have the proper sound system. Then went into a chat room for advice, and they told me to delete something. Now its all messed up. In their defense, I dont think they were trying to jerk me around. We looked it up on the net and their instructions were actually correct BUT I dont have the CD needed to reinstall the program. Anyway, thanks for trying.

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It was good while it lasted at least, I think Lord Krishna is saying something, don't know what though!


I would never think you'd try to delete me from you Pallist /images/graemlins/wink.gif, not like it hasn't happended before /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/crazy.gif /images/graemlins/confused.gif I can say one thing Priita Mata, the mis-understandings that go in cyber-world can give you a right head-ache, so maybe its not a bad thing you don't have Paltalk anymore /images/graemlins/ooo.gif

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" And maybe Maya doesn't want me to get on there cuz she knows I will defeat anyone who is against SP but pretending they are not."


oh yes, SP against GM, GM against SP.. broken computer.. Jaya Sri Krishna

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" And maybe Maya doesn't want me to get on there cuz she knows I will defeat anyone who is against SP but pretending they are not."


oh yes, SP against GM, GM against SP.. broken computer.. Jaya Sri Krishna



Hey, you're car broke down last week - must mean you offended ISKCON! haha Same logic.


Believe me, let it go. You dont WANT me to show all those quotes from Prabhupada AGAINST the GM. Let it rest. If u dont want to agree to disagree, dont expect others to.


Or, you had a fight with someone? Must be ur offense against ISKCON again. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Let things slide.



Prtha dd

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You dont see me going to GM web sites or newsletters and trying to impose my contradictory beliefs there, nor posting their comments on various message boards.


You dont know me so let me clarify, once.


I dont have any problem with anyone from GM subscribing to my newsletter, but why would they? Sooner or later they would want to post something by their GM guru and I would not allow it to go thru, so we would no longer be friendly. I see no reason to push for that relationship. OR they may eventually will disagree with something in my ISKCON-mood newsletter that is contradicotry to GM beliefs, so again I do not think they would even want to , and they would prefer to know up front rather than some sneaky back door way. If they want to read, that would be fine, and if you want me to remove that comment, I will. But I want to be honest regarding what my newsletter is about and what its philosophically centered on.


I am not into this mood of fighting and rather try to get along with everyone. However, I will not give up what I believe for what you believe. This is the best I can offer, but we can't play God and think we know why anyone experiences any karma. I am tired of devotees claiming to be so 'all knowing' about any persons karma for ANY reason and not just this one, but any. No one knows anyone elses karma, only God/Krishna does. The minute I hear someone say they do, I am inclined to suspect that person is speculating at best, or a new devotee, or an old one that doesn't want to advance, OR a name caller. To clarify, I am not saying I know the specifics why each person does this, but I have never found it convincing. For me, I rather get along with all, but no one should need me to change my mind and surrender unto them (especially I have not asked that of you!), in order to avoid a dispute and feel their belief is ok. Therefore it all comes across to me as TRYING to pick a fight.


And you also dont see me jumping all over the Narayana M thread that just went up, which I easily could! Easy. Without breaking a sweat. So lets go our own separate ways and when we both become pure devotees, when we both go full circle, we can THEN meet in Krsihna loka. Until that time ....... peace / shanti would be nice.




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"Believe me, let it go. You dont WANT me to show all those quotes from Prabhupada AGAINST the GM."


no problem, because Prabhupada is beyond all of them after having him said that it was only for the purpose of preaching to immature disciples. You can say also that Prabhupada put his meal in the refrigerator with the meat or that he asked to chant 64 rounds, but there's other preaching and instructions


"And you also dont see me jumping all over the Narayana M thread"


I.s.k.Con (krsna consciousness) is a Gaudya Math (the path of sri chaitanya) branch, and Gaudya Math is not only Srila Narayana Maharaja and his disciples.. so maybe you are more loyal and discriminative (essential for a madyam adhikari, useless for a kanista) if you clearly write what you think. To decide to criticize or dissociate from a pratictioneer or a group of pratictioneers of krishna consciousness is not prohibited and maybe it is our duty if we see something wrong or against the acharya we're following, but we have to discriminate to avoid offences to who has not faults.

If i do not like you (and i like you, you're a nice and full of faith devotee) i write "i don't want to speak with pritaa", not "i don't want to speak with hare krishnas" to make the things more sweet... because it is not more sweet, it is uselessly offensive.

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All Glories to Guru & Gauranga!


I am not sure, so I cannot say, also I don't wish to participate in the forum anymore, I would rather read Prabhupada's books for now, not that I am saying anything bad about this Forum, but for my own personal advancement, I need to do this, on a side note - I learn more from reading One Hour from the Srimad Bhagavatam that I do from coming here (recently have been reading with more zest) for x amount of time, I am not a very clever person as well, so I don't bring much to the disussions that go on, anyway I digress (ha), so Please Accept my humble obeiences, and Preach away!! Love you all.


Please Pray for me also, with out which I cannot do anything. Hari!

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