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Internal Energy bewilders Lord Vishnu devotees?

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Srimad Bhagavatam 1.9.18 Purport (excerpt)


The living entities are expansions of His marginal energy, and thus they are sometimes bewildered by the internal energy and sometimes by the external energy. By internal energetic bewilderment, Sri Krsna expands Himself into unlimited numbers of Narayanas and exchanges or accepts transcendental loving service from the living entities in the transcendental world. And by His external energetic expansions, He incarnates Himself in the material world amongst the men, animals or demigods to reestablish His forgotten relation with the living entities in different species of life. Great authorities like Bhisma, however, escape His bewilderment by the mercy of the Lord.



While reading the above it came to my mind, that does the Internal Energy of Lord Krishna even bewilder devotees who are devote to Lord Vishnu, as in they cannot understand even Lord Krishna?


Also knowledge of Paramatma (lord Vishnu is four handed form) is Partial knowledge of Krishna, so from this point the above would make sence, any comments? would be appreciated!

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in the transcendent world the jivas are under yogamaya

which keeps them ignorant of absolute truth,that is the

absolute understanding of the identity of God,just like

in goloka or gokula the jivas engaged in lila with

Radha Krsna are unaware of their position having lila

with the supreme personality of godhead,yogamaya creates the illusion they are under that makes them see themselves

as ordinary people on earth leading ordinary lives,

God is living with them as their friend,lover,child

etc,but to them they are unaware of that,knowledge

of the absolute truth and identity of god among them

would lessen the intimate casual rasa God desires.

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