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Don’t be self-complacent: “Oh, I have advanced very much.”

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You may not have time to read, but try to read. If you have no time, you are hearing. We are publishing literature, I am trying to speak to you. The Vedas are received through hearing. And in this age, Kali-yuga, people cannot study so much. By unflinching faith in God and spiritual master then things will be revealed from within. This is also confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita [bg. 10.10]. Lord Krsna says, “Those who are engaged in My service with love and affection, I personally give him intelligence by which he can come to Me.” In another place it is stated, “In order to show these devotees special favor, I personally dissipate their darkness within the heart.” So He is within you. If you are sincere to Him and following the instruction, then everything will come out automatically even if you don’t read. This is the special significance of Krsna consciousness, that we want simply a sincere soul; then everything is there. But for preaching work, studying is required.


There are different stages of devotional life. But so far we are concerned, we have to preach. That is the second platform of devotional life. The second platform is not only to love God, but to make friendship with devotees who are loving God. And then those who are innocent, those who do not understand what is Krsna, we shall preach. And those who are atheist, against God, we shall avoid. And the highest stage is paramahamsa. Don’t try to imitate paramahamsa. Even if you are on this topmost stage, when you are preacher you have come to the second platform. So you have to raise yourself from the lower stage to the second stage, and if you are in the highest stage, even then you have come to the second stage for preaching work. So we are concerned with three: To love God, to make friendship with devotees and to teach the innocent. And those who are atheist, against God, avoid. Useless waste of time. By suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, a day will come when he’ll understand God, at that time, preaching to him is better. So you do not expect that our preaching will be appeal to everyone. It will be useful for the devotees and for the innocent. Not for the atheist.


So try to understand the philosophy very nicely, because you are going to preach. So many opposing elements will come. You have to defend yourself by giving some reference from books of authority. But even if you don’t give references, you can speak logically. The more you can defend yourself from the opposing elements, the more you are advancing. You should know that is the test. Because you are preacher, you have to test yourself, how you are making advancement. Don’t be self-complacent: “Oh, I have advanced very much.” Your advancement will be tested when you can meet opposing elements. Not that when the opposing elements come, “Oh, let him talk with Guru Maharaja, our spiritual master.” Why are you being taught? So you should be very careful to understand the philosophy, otherwise, you are not making progress. Progress means you shall defend yourself from the opposing elements. Thank you. Chant Hare Krsna. (Classes by Srila Prabhupada 11/18/1968, 4/30/1970)


My Lord, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, who are the shelter of the Vedic knowledge contained in the shastras like the Pancharatras and Vedanta-sutra, which are Your representations, and who are the source of the parampara system. Because it is You who can give liberation, You are the only shelter for all transcendentalists. (Gajendra SB 8.3.15)


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


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