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Raghavendra Jayanthi 27-2-04

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Guru Raghavendra Swamy preached "Dwaita" Philosophy. Guruji is incarnation of Lord Prahlada.

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hers gurujis miracles & information :




Sri Raghavendra Swami was born in 1595 in Kaveripattana, Tamil Nadu to Thimmanna Bhatta and Gopikamba. His ancestors were of the Gautama Gotra. He was named Venkatanatha as he was born by the grace of Lord Venkateshwara. When his father was performing akSharAbhyAsa, Venkatanatha asked how a small letter like Om can explain the great God. The father was overjoyed that his son understood that the God cannot be fully explained by one small letter. Venkatanatha's Upanayanam was performed in chaitra mAsa, when he was 8 years old. Although his father passed away by then, Venkatanatha did not consider himself an orphan, as he considered Sri Narayana as his father and Gayathri, who reveals Him, as every twice-born's real mother.


Venkatanatha studied yajur veda, maNimanjari, and anumadhvavijaya at Madurai.His powers of meditation were shown when his water from doing sandyAvandan happened to fall on a dry seed, which sprouted. He also developed an expertise in playing the Veena, so he became known as Veena Venkata Bhatta. This is not surprising, since Venkatanatha came from a family skilled in music. His great-grandfather, Krishnabhatta, tutored the King of the Vijayanagar kingdom, Krishnadevaraya, in vina, and his father was skilled in music as well. Upon returning from Madurai, he was married to Saraswati, who was from a noble family. His marriage, just like his Upanayanam and schooling, was arranged by his brother Gururajacharya.

The Shastras say that for one who has control of his senses, wedded life does not hamper learning. For Venkatanatha, most of his learning occurred after marrying Saraswati, through the blessings of Goddess Saraswati. So Venkatanatha went to Kumbhakonam, the seat of learning at the time. There, he studied under Sri Sudindrateerta.He used to stay awake past midnight to write his own comments and notes on the lessons that had been done. Once, he engaged in a debate and defeated a mAyAvAdi at Rajamannar temple. Though his victory was not unexpected Sri Sudhindra tirtha was surprised at his scholarship in grammar, profound knowledge and rare debating skill, and called him "Mahabhashya Venkatanathacharya" Similarly he explained the significance of taptamudra dhAraNa quoting several smR^iti-s that the opponents had to accept his arguements were irrefutable. He had a son, Lakshminarayana. Although he and his family were in stark poverty, he was unaffected by it, being immersed in the sweet nectar of the Madhva philosophy. Not even once did he give up his teachings and learning; he was steadfast in his determination to live by whatever came to him unsought and unasked. Still, when his master asked him to take sanyAsA, he found himself in a grave dilemma. For one thing, he knew that if he took sanyAsA, he would eventually have to take control of the maTha. While trying to find a solution to this problem, Vidya Lakshmi herself appeared before him. She told him that if such great people like himself did not spread the right philosophy, that of Sri Madhvacharya, the maTha-s would fall into ruin. The light of Tattvavada would be extinguished by the darkness of Mayavada. Understanding where his true duty lay, Venkatanatha obeyed Vidya Lakshmi and took sanyAsA. Sri Sudhindra initiated Venkatanatha on the second day of the bright half of PAlguNa mAsa in the year durmati corresponding to the year 1621.He was given the holy name "Raghavandra Tirtha".

Sri Raghavendra Tiirta started his services by teaching all the works of Srimadacharya to his disciples. He propagated right knowledge and vanquished several opponents. Apart from imparting knowledge and guiding his disciples,he composed works for the benefit of future generations

Soon after becoming the pIThAdipati, he began a series of piligrimages that took him to several places. After visiting Dyupuri and Paripurnadevanagara( Paripurnadevanagara in Sanskrit means "place where God, who is complete in every way, resides"). At Manishrunga, he taught works such as pramaaNa paddhati and realized that it would benefit the public, if sub-commentaries were written on these major works, to make it easier to understand them. So it was here, that Raghavendra Swami wrote glosses on pramANa paddhati, vaadaavaLi, pramaaNa lakshaNa and many other works, many of which are known as bhAva dIpas.

He visited Rameshvaram and Madurai. Madurai was the seat of learning in those days, and one of the experts there was Neelakanta Dikshit. After seeing the lucid yet powerful style with which Raghavendra Swami debated, he was convinced that Raghavendra Swami's master was really pUrNaprajna. When Neelakanta tried testing Raghavendra Swami on various sutras, Raghavendra Swami showed him the work he had just finished-Bhatta Sangraha. Neelakanta was so thrilled by the depth of this work and how well it propounded Sri Madhvacharya's philosophy, that he had it placed on an elephant and taken on a ceremonial procession.

At Srirangam, he gave extensive discourses on upanishads especially the Ishaavaasya upanishad. His disciples requested him to write a book, explaining the meanings of all the mantras, as well as their commentaries and glosses, of all the Upanishads. He wrote glosses on the Ishaavaasya, thalavakaara, kaataka, ShaTpraShNa, mundaka, maanDukya, taittarIya, bR^ihadAruNyaka, and chanDogya Upanishads. He was about to write one for the aitareya, as well, but he wanted to give the honor to his disciple, Smrutimuktavali Krishnacharya, who had already completed the work. Raghavendra Swami wanted to keep his oath of writing a gloss on all the Upanishads, so he wrote a gloss on only the mantra part of the Upanishad-aitareya mantraartha sangraha

He visited Vishnumangala,where Trivikrama Panditacharya had debated Madhvacharya for fifteen days,and finally had become an ardent worshipper of Madhvacharya. Sri Raghavendra,then visited Subramanya and then Udupi,where he started giving discourse on Sarvamula Granta. He wrote a gloss for the Vyasaraya Tattparya Chandrika, called Chandrika Prakasha. Seeing his students struggle to understand this tough text, he wrote the meanings of the Sutras, called Tantradipika and the meanings of adhikAranas, known as Nyayamukthavali. At Udupi, he sang his famous "Indu Enage Govinda" song upon seeing Udupi Sri Krishna.

At Bidarahalli he met Srinivasacharya who was a unique householder. The glosses that he had written were already well known. Sri Raghavendra examined his works and was filled with admiration for Srinivasacharya, who, though being a householder,dedicated himself completely to the spreading of knowledge and learning. Raghavendra Swami bestowed upon him the name Srinivasa Tirtha, as a mark of his high learning.

After leaving Bidarahalli, he went to Pandarapur, Kohlapur, & Bijapur defeating Mayavadins, spreading Tattvavada philosophy, and giving Taptamudhradaran, thus initiating them into Vaishnavism. While residing on the banks of river Krishna, he wrote a tippani for Tattva Prakashika called Bhavadipa. He wrote a direct commentary on Anubhashya, called Tattva Manjari

At Malkhed he celebrated the Suddha Mangala of his teachings and discourses. Malkhed is situated on the Kagini River and is the place of Sri Jayatirtha's Brindavan. Raghavendra Swami explained that, just the way Kagini River joins Bhima river, then Krishna River, and finally the ocean, Sri Jayathirtha's work explains Bhashya of Sri Madhvacharya, who in turn tells us of Lord Krishna, who is an ocean of auspicious qualities.

Raghavendra Swami undertook extensive tours, under so many odds, visiting Tirupati, Srisailam, Kumbakonam, and Kanchi. He neither stopped teaching his devotees nor did he stop writing books. He took a vow to write Tippanis for all the Tikas of Sri Jayathirtha. When he had completed tippanis for 17 of the 18 Tikas of Sri Jayatirtha, Lakshminarayanacharya, his son, shows him his work on Rig Bhashya, written along Raghavendra Swami's line of teaching. This great saint felt that his disciple's teaching should be shown to the rest of the world, so instead of writing a Tippani, he wrote a Rigartha Manjari, a vivritti, which gives the meaning of the first 40 suktas. He wrote Mantroddhara, which gives details of all mantras according to Tantrasara.. By understanding the mantras according to Tantrasara, it is possible to perform many impossible tasks, through the grace of Sri Hari, by leading an austere life.

During his pilgrimages, Raghavendra Swami not only covered a vast area geographically in the days when road conditions were poor and travel was arduous, but also wrote several works covering a vast area of the Tattvavada philosophy. He convincingly defeated many Advaitin pandits, through the grace of bhArati ramaNa mukhyaprANAntargata srIlaxmInArAyaNa.





Although Raghavendra Swami performed various miracles, the most significant miracle lies in the vast literature he left behind & his contribution to the philosophy of Sri Madhvacharya. He wrote extensive commentaries on the upanishads, bhagavad gIta, vedAs, as well as several granthas that Madhvacharya wrote.


The Tanjavore district was under a great drought at that time. Raghavendra Swami made the ruler perform appropriate rituals and ceremonies. Soon afterwards, rain once again fell upon the lands. The king, to show his gratitude offered Raghavendra Swami a priceless necklace, which Raghavendra Swami in turn put into the Yajna as an offering to Lord Vishnu, who had really brought the region out of the drought. The king grew angry at what he thought was an insult. Raghavendra Swami immediately brought back the necklace from the fire. The king, realizing that for one who renounced the world a necklace meant nothing, asked for Raghavendra Swami's forgiveness.


Raghavendra Swami visited Bijapur, where the scorching heat was unbearable. One brahmin was overcome by the heat and fell down, unable to get up. Raghavendra Swami recited a mantra, and water sprung up from the scorching sands, which saved the Brahmin's life. In another instance, a child was traveling with an entourage, through a desert. The heat was so unbearable that the child started to cry. Raghavendra Swami threw his upper cloth towards the child. Flying through the air, it gave shade to the child for the rest of the journey

At that time there was a Desai who had no faith in God or the Vedas. He would challenge scholars to make a twig sprout, using Vedic mantras. No one was able to do this. So then the people called Raghavendra Swami to prove to the Desai the power of the Vedas. He sprinkled some water on the twig while reciting a Vedic mantra. Right before the Desai's eyes, the twig began to sprout. This incident instilled deep faith in the hearts of many scholars who were present. They had heard that Raghavendra Swami, in his earlier days, had made the cool sandalwood paste burn, by reciting the Agni Sukta, then made it cool again by reciting Varuna Sukta. After witnessing the twig sprout with their own eyes, they believed that such miracles were possible through the grace of the Lord. The Desai, himself, who used to scoff the Vedas, became a true believer in God and upheld the Vedas, with Raghavendra Swami as his guiding light.


Raghavendra Swami, while performing miracles clearly stated that what he did was not magic or sorcery or witchcraft. It was not Patanjali's yoga, but the yoga of the Bhagavad Gita. The aim of his miracles was to remove the suffering of those who seek refuge in him and thus draw them towards God and religion.


Last speech of Raghavendra Swami


The day that Raghavendra Swami had chosen to enter Brindavan (Virodhikruth Samvatsara, Shravana Masa, krishna paksha, Dvitiya : 1671 A.D.) had come. Thousands of people had congregated there, hearing that Raghavendra Swami would enter Brindavan. The crowd contained devotees as well as doubters. Some people had come just to make fun of what was going on. The devotees were filled with anxiety; they didn't want their revered Guru to leave them. There were also people who were merely curious, just to see what would happen-although Sri Vadiraja Tirtha had entered the brindavan in the same manner, alive, in the year 1600 A.D, there were few who had witnessed that. Those who had only heard about it were greatly curious to see such a miracle with their own eyes.

Sri Raghavendra, as was his daily practice, got up before dawn meditating on Sri Hari and finished his bath during the early hours itself. After his japa and dhyana he conducted the morning discourse. His disciples were in deep sorrow at the thought that this was going to be their master's last discourse. Their master was filled with an overwhelming desire to teach as much as possible and the disciples were anxious and eager to absorb everything. The subject matter was as usual Srimadacharya's Bhashya and Sri Jayatirtha's commentary for it. That day's discourse was the culmination of his life's mission. For the thousands that had gathered there the realisation that such a treasure-house of knowledge would leave them forever filled them with pain and agony. The discourse came to an end. After bathing once again, he started the puja of Sri Rama and other icons of the samsthan. After going through all the details of the puja he blessed the entire gathering with tirtha, prasad and phalamantrakshata. As the appointed time was nearing he went to the spot that was already chosen and sat in padmasan. He had his japa mala in his right hand and in front of him were all the moola granthas, sarva moola, tikas and tippanis on the vyasa peetha. For a while he was lost in contemplation; then Sri Raghavendra started his soul-stirring speech.

"Hereafter I will disappear from your sight. The Lord who sent me to you has Himself ordered me to return to Him today. I have completed His task. Everyone has to obey His orders - coming here and returning when He calls us back. You need not feel sad that I am leaving you. The moola granthas, sarva moola and their commentaries will be your guiding light. Never give up their study under a worthy master. The Lord has blessed us with this priceless life just to study them. The shastras have an answer for all our mundane problems. Follow the shastras and listen to the words of the enlightened. Put into practice as much as you can whatever you learn. The shastraic way of life is the royal road to peace, prosperity and happiness.

The search for knowledge is never easy. As the Upanishads say it is like walking on the razor's edge. But for those who have strong faith and put in sustained effort and have the blessings of Sri Hari and Sri Madhvacharya, this is not difficult. Always keep away from people who merely perform miracles without following the shastras and yet call themselves God or guru. I have performed miracles, and so have great persons like Srimadacharya. These are based on yoga siddhi and the shastras. There is no fraud or trickery at all. These miracles were performed only to show the greatness of God and the wonderful powers that one can attain with His grace. Right knowledge (jnana) is greater than any miracle. Without this no real miracle can take place. Any miracle performed without this right knowledge is only witchcraft. No good will come to those who perform such miracles and also those who believe in them.

The Lord is full of auspicious qualities and absolutely faultless. There is no virtue that does not exist in Him. He is the Lord of Ramaa, Brahma and all other devathas at all times and in all ways. His form is beyond prakrithi (nature). His body is made up of jnana and ananda. He is omnipresent and omniscient. All the jivas are subservient to Him. Mahalaksmi who is ever liberated is His consort. All jivas (souls) are not equal. There is gradation amongst them and they are of three types. Whatever state they attain finally is in keeping with their intrinsic nature. The sattvik souls attain moksha which is a state of eternal bliss. The tamasic souls attain eternal hell where there is all pervading darkness. This is a state of eternal sorrow. The rajasic souls keep rotating in samsara always, experiencing both happiness and sorrow. The shastras declare such a three fold classification and gradation of souls. It can be seen everywhere in this world. There are several schools of philosophy which go against these tenets and declare that there is no God, no dharma, this world is false; there is nothing but void; the jivas and Brahma are the same; there is no three fold classification or gradation, all the jivas are equal to Brahma, the Vedas are not true, Brahman is nirguna (attribute less), nirakara (formless). None of these philosophies are correct. The world that we see is real; this world has a master; he is neither nirguna nornirakara. The shastras declare Him to be nirguna and nirakara because He is devoid of the three qualities of sattva, rajas, and tamas (unlike us). For the suffering soul His grace is the only means to attain salvation which is eternal bliss. Those who forsake Him will never be truly happy.

Without right living, right thinking will never come. Right living is performing one's ordained duties according to one's station in life without hankering after the fruits of the actions and on the other hand offeringall one's activities to the Lord. This is real sadachara (right living). This is real karma yoga. Another facet of right living is performing right rituals and observing fasts. Fasting on ekadashi and krishnashtami is compulsory for everyone. Both men and women belonging to all walks of life have to observe this. Those who give up this will always have the doors of the Lord's home closed. This is what the shastras declare. Observance of chaturmasya vrata is another compulsory mode of worship. Along with this, vishnupanchaka and other vaishnava vratas can be performed according to one's capacity. The main goal of all such vratas is to earn His grace and love.

One should always be careful never to harm or hurt another. Philosophical thought is very necessary for the soul's growth. Without philosophical thought we can not arrive at the right conclusions. But let there be no personal enmity. Social work done for the good of worthy people should also be considered as the Lord's worship. In short our life itself is a worship.Every action is a puja. This life is precious. Every second of our life is precious. Not even a second that has gone will come back. Listening to the right shastras and always remembering Him is the highest duty. Without this life becomes meaningless. Have devotion to the Lord. This devotion should never be blind faith. Accepting the Lord's supremacy wholeheartedly is true devotion. Blind faith is not devotion. It is only stupidity. We should have devotion, not only for the Lord, but also for all other deities and preceptors in keeping with their status. In short having devotion to those above us, goodwill amongst those who are our equals and having affection for those who are below us are the excellent values of life. Anybody who approaches you should not go heavy at heart or empty handed. Spirituality can never exist without social grace. And social life without spirituality is no life at all. Spirituality never denies any virtue. But always remember that the Lord is the home of all values. The world does not exist for our sole pleasure and enjoyment. The thought that we are here for the good of the world is real spirituality. While incorporating right thinking and right values in our life we should also make it a habit to give up wrong values and wrong thinking. If we do not fight against them it amounts to approving them. But such disapproval should never turn to cruelty. It should be within the limits of justice. The outstanding feature of this should be love for truth and not personal hatred.

This is our philosophy. This is Srimadacharya'a philosophy. This is the philosophy all the shastras proclaim. This is the philosophy that kings and sages like Janaka and Sanaka believed and followed. The Lord's devotees like Dhruva and Prahlada incorporated this philosophy in their lives. Those who believe and live by this philosophy will never come to any harm is the assurance of the Lord.Being God's devotees you should honour and respect His devotees. Help as much as you can those who seek your aid. But always remember your duties. Offer all your actions to the Lord and never hanker after temporal gains. All actions performed with a selfish motive is like milk turned sour. There can be no higher motive than the motive to please God and the motive of earning jnana (right knowledge). But giving up all actions and following unworthy methods is like taking poison which will destroy us completely. It was Srimadacharya who preached this wonderful philosophy. The same Vayu who manifested as Hanumantha to serve Lord Sri Rama and as Bhimasena to serve Lord Sri Krishna also manifested as Srimadacharya and preached this philosophy. This was his service to Lord Sri Vedavyasa. His life, like his works was philosophy itself.

Now I take leave of you. Though I will not be with you in person my presence will be in my works and in my brindavan. You can serve me best by propagating, studying, preserving and listening to my works. My blessings to you."

The message of the master gave new light to all the people gathered there. He had revealed to them the secret of his philosophy which he believed in, the philosophy which he preached and the philosophy by which he lived all his life. But the pain of separation made them forget the happiness that his message gave them. As they were hearing his sermon, they realized that he was a true jnani, a yogi, a scholar and a radiant monk possessing a soft and compassionate heart. Fear of displeasing him was the only reason why they held back their tears. After this Sri Raghavendra began reciting the pranava mantra. In a very short time he was lost in meditation. He reached the highest point in mediation. His face was serene. He was shining with a rare brilliance. All the learned people who had gathered there were reminded of the sloka from the Bhagavad Gita :

omityekaksharaM brahma vyaaharan.h maamanusmaran.h

yaha prayaathi tyajan.h dehaM sa yaathi paramaaM gathim.h

At one stage the japamala in the master's hand became still. Venkanna and other disciples who understood this sign started arranging the slabs around him. They arranged the slabs up to his head and then, as per his earlier instructions, they placed a copper box containing 1200 Lakshminarayana saligramas that had been specially brought from Gandaki river. Then they placed the covering slab over it and filled it with earth. They poured twelve thousand varahas (abhisheka) over the brindavan that they had built.

Appanacharya was very close to Raghavendra Swami. At the time that Raghavendra Swami entered Brindavan, he was on the other side of the river Tungabhadra. Appanacharya wanted to be with his revered guru, but the river was flooding. He jumped into the Tungabhadra, singing Sri Poornabhodha stotra, realizing that if Raghavendra Swami could lead him across the ocean of samsara, a mere river could not hold him back. And he did cross the river safely, only to see that Raghavendra Swami had already entered Brindavan. Appanacharya was in such a profound state of grief, that he could not finish the stotra he had started to compose-it was missing 7 aksharas. These final 7 aksharas came from inside the Brindavan. Not only did this show that Appanacharya's Sri Poornabhodha had Raghavendra Swami's approval, but it also showed that Raghavendra Swami was still with them. This was the first miracle he showed after entering Brindavan, and even today miracles happen to people who go to Mantralaya Brindavan to seek his blessings.


The speech that Sri Raghavendra Swami gave just prior to entering Brindavan, is a concise summary of the philosophy of Sri Madhvacharya. In this materialistic world, such values and morals that Sri Raghavendra Swami, and many other great souls propagated will lead us to true happiness. It is our 'saubhAgya' that we have such people like these to both guide us on the path of right knowledge and lead us away from the path of incorrect knowledge.


Works by Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha

dasha prakaraNa-s (6): Commentaries on six of the ten PrakaraNa-granthas of Madhva

Suutra-Prasthaana -- works on the brahma-sUtra

nyAyamuktAvaLii (Brief exposition of the adhikaraNashariiras of the Brahma-Sutra)

tantradiipikaa (A vrtti on the Sutras)

bhaavadiipa (Exposition upon the commentary of Sri Jayatiirtha upon the viShNu-tattva-vinirNaya)

prakaaSha (Commentary on the taatparya chandrikaa of Vyaasa Tiirtha)

tattvamanjari (Exposition of the aNubhaashya) (*)

nyaayasudhaa-parimaLa (Commentary on nyaayasudhaa of Jayatiirtha) (*)

(*) -- These were written before he was given sanyaasa-diiksha.

R^ig and upanishad prasthaana-s

mantraarthamanjari (Commentary on the first three adhyaayas of the R^ig Veda (the same portion as touched upon by Madhva)

khandaartha-s (lucid expositions) on nine out of the ten upanishad-s commented upon by Madhva -- all except aitareya Up.)

gIta prasthaana

prameyadiipikA (Commentary on Madhva's gIta Bhaashya)

nyaayadiipikA (Commentary on Madhva's gIta taatparya)

gItaarthasangraha or gIta-VivR^itti (Original work on the Gita)

gItaarthamanjari (not widely extant, but attrib.)

Other works

Commentary on pramaaNa paddhati of Jayatiirtha

bhaavadiipa (Commentary on vaadaavaLii of Jayatiirtha)

nyaayadiipa (Commentary on tarkataanDava of Vyasa Tiirtha)

bhaaTTasangraha (Commentary on the entire miimAmsa suutra-s of Jaimini)

shrI rAmacaritramaN^jari

shrI kR^iShNacaritramaN^jari

prAta.h sankalpa gadya



tarkatAnDava tippaNI


gUDdhaBhAvaprakAshikA (vyaKhyana to 'aNumaDhvavijaya')

Miscellaneous works

Detailed commentary on the Rg Veda (not widely extant, but attrib.)

Commentary on the yajur veda

Commentary on the saama Veda

Short gloss on the purusha-suukta

Short gloss on the ambhraNii-Suukta

Short gloss on gharma

Short gloss on the baLitthA -suukta

Short gloss on hiraNyagarbha-suukta


Sri Raghavendra Swami also wrote the Kannada song "indu enage gOvinda" <../../haridasa/song/2/033.html>

Sri Raghavendra Swami

Moola Brindavan

The original Raghavendra Swami Brindavan is located in Mantralaya, which is in Western Andhra Pradesh, in the district of Kurnool. Routes from Hyderabad, Bangalore, Raichur, and Bellary, are shown on the map. It is possible to get there by rental van, bus, or train. The colloquial name for the place, Maanchale, has been sanskritized into Mantralaya. Under the grace of Sri Raghavendra, Mantralaya has become a pilgrimage center, where devotees flock to view a glimpse of the Brindavan of this great saint.


Many South Indian cities are connected to Mantralaya by bus--Bangalore, Tirupati, Mangalore, Madras, Hyderabad, Bellary and Mysore. The most convenient bus from Bangalore leaves at 9:15 pm & reaches Mantralaya at 6 am, the next day. The conducted tours from Hyderabad are typically 7 hours long(one way), leaving every Saturday at 9.30 am and returning on Sunday at 9.00pm. They usually cover the Brindavan as well as the Raghavendra Swamy Temple.


The nearest Railway station is MANTRALAYA ROAD, which is about 12KM from Mantralaya. Most of the trains stop here except for the super fast trains. From Bombay convenient trains are "DADAR MADRAS mail", which leaves Dadar at about 2PM & reaching Mantralaya Road at about 4AM next day, and Bombay Mail. After reaching Mantralaya Road, a bus or rental van can be taken to Mantralaya (about 1 hr ride).


Address of the Mantralaya Temple

Sri Raghavendra Swamy Matha

Mantralayam 518 345

Kurnool Dist

Andhra Pradesh, India.

The Administrative Officer to contact is Mr. Rama Rao.

Telephone number: 59429 and 59459. STD code: 8512


If calling from the US, dial 011-91-8512-59429 or 59459 If going to Mantralaya from the US, please use the "USA Guest House" which is one suite in a set of four. To use this, it is better to call Sri Gururaja Rao (contact us if you want his phone number).


Suggested Plan

Try to reach Mantralaya before 7 a.m .There are quite a few choultry/accommodation available.

Take tickets for "Sevas" as early as possible.

People generally take a dip in Tungabadhra before doing the Seva

Get ready by 8 a.m to do Sankalpa of Sevas.

Get the Darshanam of Panchamrita, Kanaka Pooja and other Sevas.

Then do Pradakshina and Namaskara .

Around noon,adjacent to the Brindavan,watch the Mahapooja to Moola Rama,Mukhyaprana and Brindavana

Tiirtha prasada [lunch] is served around 1 p.m.

Rates of Specific Endowment Sevas

Note :

-The sevas below will be performed on the date/thithi intended by the party/devotee and after one year of the date of remittance. As these sevas will be performed on the interest received from the fixed deposit amount.

-Cheques/D.Ds may be sent in favour of Manager, SRS Mutt. Matryalayam-518345 (AP) INDIA, drawn on SBI branch Mantralayam.

Seva Amount (Rs.)

Kanaka Kavacha Samarpana 20,210

Sarva Samarpana 12,700

Rajatha Rathotsavam 6,700

Poorna Seva 4,650

Kanaka Maha pooja 3,300

Maha Pooja 1,900

Sarva Seeva 1,150

Utsavarayara . Pooja 950

Pratyaksha Gajavahana Utsavaam 1,550

Ksheerabhishekam 460

Gruta Nanda Deepam ** 1,070

Taila Nanda Deepam ** 660


**: 1 month in a year

For more information, see the Andhra Pradesh tourism page and the Official Andhra Pradesh Page


i think i have given more info about Sri Guru Raghavendraswamy.


/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Shri Pujayaya Guru Raghavendraya Namaha


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Few Years ago one day in the mid afternoon, Ramappa from a lower caste went to the temple and requested the authorities of the temple in Mantralaya for food. Authorities refused to give him food and asked him to go away from the temple. He pleaded to give him the left out food to eat and was hungry. He was asked to go without food. He was hungry and tired too. He sat in one corner crying and cursing himself since he belongs to low caste. He did not get any food and he slept. In the night, he saw an old man (Rayaru) calling his name and standing right next to him and offered a shining silver plate with food and a silver jar with water. Ramappa was scared refused to accept the plate and jar. Rayaru sat next to him and started talking to him and Ramappa started eating. Rayaru after few minutes said I need to go please hand over these plates to office room in the temple tomorrow morning and Rayaru also gave him Akshata (Colored Rice). Ramappa was happy and he went to sleep. Next day morning, when the priests came to the sanctum, they found the plates and jar was missing. Authorities and priests started searching and Ramappa as told walked to the temple office room and asked for the responsible person and handed over the plate and the jar. They were shocked to witness the plates and the jar. Ramappa explained that old man (Rayaru) gave him the food last night and asked him to hand it over here. Priests, Authorities and all the devotees were amazed. Ramappa is a lucky man he had Rayaru himself walked to him gave food, talked and blessed him.


It proves again and again that Rayaru don&#8217;t discriminate if a devotee is either Hindu or Muslim, Indian or American, Brahman or sudhra. ALL ARE EQUAL.


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Yes above incident proves God loves all. God doesnt see any discrimation.


My only worry is that why the "so called" priests behave arrogantly to "low-caste" people & they give more respect to "so-called brahmanas".


Frankly, speaking i hate these priests. Only because of their behaviours, Hinduism is getting bad name & other religions such as Christanity & Buddhism are taking advantage of this.


This should be changed. Only Rayaru can make this things happen. Lets go & cry before him to change this things.


/images/graemlins/smile.gif OM SRI SRI GURU RAGHAVENDRAYA NAMAHA

/images/graemlins/smile.gif OM SRI SRI GURU MADWACHARYA NAMAHA

/images/graemlins/smile.gif OM NAMO VENKATESHAYA NAMAHA

/images/graemlins/smile.gif OM SRI KRISHNAYA NAMAHA


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