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Via Dolorosa

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"The Passion" movie got me to thinking about the metaphorical aspect of the story of Jesus. This is not to say it isn't literally true, but that it also has a metaphorical component. The Via Dolorosa, the path of sorrows, is the path Jesus takes to his crucifixion. It is in a sense the path of life and all the suffering we endure in this life. In this sense, Jesus represents mankind (as in being referred to as "the Son of Man", simultaneously being called "the Son of God"). I don't have the exact verse, but I seem to recall he says [paraphrasing] "When I was thirsty you did not give me drink. When I did hunger you did not feed me. Not everyone who says 'I believe, I believe' shall enter the Kingdom of God. But whatever you do do the least of my children you do to me." In the film everyone looks bad. Peter denies him. Judas betrays him. The Sanhedrin convicts him. Pilate sentences him. The Romans torture him. No one comes off looking good. And yet he takes all that abuse without ever raising up against it. He is mocked for 'embracing his cross'. The cross represents the burden we have in life. We can either embrace it and carry it to the end or we can be crushed beneath it. Along that path of sorrows, we meet many people who may treat us poorly. But there are also people who pick us up. Who give us something to drink, or wipe our face, or help us carry our burden. The key is to stick to true principles until the end and never give up. Because if you live by true principles, then even if you are destroyed you are glorious. Even your persecutors in the end will see they couldn't break you (the flesh is weak but the spirit is strong). Anyways, its just something I was thinking about (I saw it for a second time today). We each have an obligation to pick one another up, and help share the burden of this life.

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This body is filled with so much suffering.How do we react to this suffering is the make or break of one's spirituality.Tolerate and see the reason behind the suffering,therby develop nobility of purpose.


I like this statement the best.

I could live and die for it:


"The key is to stick to true principles until the end and never give up. Because if you live by true principles, then even if you are destroyed you are glorious."

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