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England's "Anglo-Saxon Invasion" Theory Disputed

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England's "Anglo-Saxon Invasion" Theory Disputed



LONDON, ENGLAND, March 17, 2004: The

history of Britain contains a controversy very much like that of the

"Aryan Invasion" theory in India's history. The Aryan Invasion theory

claims that tribes from Asia entered India about 1500 bce and brought

with them the Vedas, Sanskrit and many aspects of what came to be

Indian life. The Anglo-Saxon Invasion theory can be understood from

these excerpts at "source" above on the BBC. Next to that article are

references to a number of other articles on the same area, which is the

subject of intense debate in England. Perhaps now we can suggest that

those British scholars who support the Aryan Invasion theory first get

straight their own history, and that of just 1,500 years ago, before

they offer an opinion on Ancient India at 3,500 years ago


Exerpts: "New scientific research adds to growing evidence that the

Anglo-Saxons did not replace the native population in England as

history books suggest. The data indicates at least some areas of

eastern England absorbed very few Anglo-Saxon invaders, contrary to the

view in many historical accounts. The results support the view of other

researchers that the introduction of Anglo-Saxon culture and language

into Britain did not occur through large-scale replacement of native

populations by invading tribes. Anglo-Saxons supposedly began migrating

into Britain en masse from the fifth century. Their culture and

language has long formed the basis for English national identity. It

seems more likely that there was a small-scale immigration from

continental Europe and that the existing British population adopted the

customs of these outsiders as their own."

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The British still accept that their culture today is that of the Anglo-Saxon invaders and not of the native population.


On the other hand, we Hindus believe our culture has been existent from the beginning, that the religious epics are true stories, and that our civilization has lasted much longer than most civilizations. We can't simply refer to the problems of the British in identifying their own culture when they try to identify ours. Because the British are still convinced that their culture is not their own just like our culture is supposedly not our own.



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>New scientific research adds to growing evidence that the

Anglo-Saxons did not replace the native population in England as history books suggest




No serious historian claims that the A-S 'replaced' the previous population (which were immigrants anyway, not 'natives': there is no such thing as 'natives' in modern scientific history). The genetic evidence, expressed in obvious phenotypes, is there for all to see.

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