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'How do know the difference between making an adjustment and changing the principles?

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Once, on the Hyderabad farm during a morning walk, Srila Prabhupada was asked whether a particular mantra could be chanted within the temple. Srila Prabhupada's reply was that there was nothing wrong with the mantra, but our principle should be not to change anything. Yet, on another occasion, while he was taking his massage in Melbourne during 1975, I heard Srila Prabhupada explain the reason for his success in preaching in the West as allowing women to live within the temples of the Krsna consciousness movement. He then laughed and said that his Godbrothers criticised him for the change, but that they were unsuccessful. 'And the only time they have some attendance is during parikramas on Gaura-purnima in Mayapura. And who attends? Women. Old widows in white.' He laughed. 'And because I made this adjustment,' Srila Prabhupada continued, 'I was successful'.


Srila Prabhupada's servant then asked an intelligent question. 'Prabhupada', he inquired, 'how do know the difference between making an adjustment and changing the principles?' On hearing this, Prabhupada closed his eyes in concentration for several moments. When his eyes opened, Prabhupada gravely answered, 'That requires a little intelligence'.

(Bhurijana Dasa, p. 50)


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In 1973, my friend Tarun Kanti, my wife, and I had a private meeting with Srila Prabhupada. At one point, Srila Prabhupada asked Tarun Kanti what he was doing for a living, and Tarun replied that he was studying to be a flight instructor. Several devotees had already offered their opinions that this was completely nonsense. Srila Prabhupada, however, had a different opinion. He was completely unfazed and said simply, "Krishna and Krishna's devotees cannot be sterotyped. There is nothing that cannot be used in Krishna's service. Simply we need guidance from the expert spiritual master how to engage everything in Krishna's service; that is the only catch."

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