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Transformation: Fear and Destruction.

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The Question of Duality:


I recently began to ponder that the Goddess Kali is sometimes painted holding a severed head, a sword, standing on the body of the God Shiva, and eating his entrails.




Here is an example of Kali's Essence:


I am the dance of death that is

behind all life

the ultimate horror

the ultimate ecstasy

I am existence

I am the dance of destruction that

will end this world

the timeless void

the formless devouring mouth

I am rebirth

Let me dance you to death

Let me dance you to life

Will you walk through your fears to dance with me?

Will you let me cut off your head

and drink your blood?

then will you cut off mine?

Will you face all the horror

all the pain

all the sorrow

and say "yes"?

I am all that you dread

all that terrifies

I am your fear

will you meet me?


Kali (pronounced kah'lee), the Hindu triple Goddess of creation, preservation, and destruction is the animating force of Shiva, the destroyer (lord of the Dance). She is the insatiable hunger of time that births then devours. Skulls, cemeteries, and blood are all associated with her worship. Kali's energy is uncontrollable. After killing two demons, she got drunk on their blood and began dancing on

their dead flesh. She danced herself into a frenzy until she realized she almost danced Shiva to death.


This is the part that perplexes me. She is the animated force of Shiva, and yet, she almost dances him to death?


Can you not see the perpetual implications and contradictions in that? I mean, if Shiva is the God of Pleasure or something, something quite opposite to who she is, then sure, it would make sense.. but.. he is her masculine aspect.


Ok.. lets look at Shiva:


*Boy, this is exciting*




So, Shiva's actual consort - or spiritual partner - is Parvati. And to destroy the demons, as Shiva was in meditation, Parvati takes on the form of Kali - goes on a killing rampage. Lets look at this in detail:


Intoxicated with Raktabija's blood, Kali ran amuck across the three worlds, destroying everything and everyone in her sight.


To restrain her, Shiva took the form of a corpse and blocked her path. As the goddess, blinded by bloodlust, tripped on his lifeless body, she was jolted out of her frenzy. She wondered if she had killed her own husband. She placed a foot on Shiva's chest and brought him back to life.


Shiva then took the form of a little child and began to cry, stirring maternal love in the heart of Kali. This forced her to shed her fierce form; Kali became Gauri, the radiant mother, bestower of life.


Suddenly, I am reminded of how all forms are essentially, empty - non-existant - of how all Gods are one.




Ah. Shiva is contradiction itself. The conqueror of lust and desire is also known as the erotic ascetic. The oldest God - as accounted. The Master of all Arts.


Interesting, I didn't know that either. This gets deeper and deeper.


Parvati is the daughter of the snowclad mountains. The consort of Shiva. The one who is incarnation of all energy. As a deity Parvati has the unique distinction of being thought of as the only goddess. All other goddesses are referred to as incarnations or manifestations of Parvati.


Mmm. So to Understand Kali and Shiva - Death and Destruction - I need to have a greater understanding of Shiva and Parvati's relationship.



"Is Kali, my Divine Mother, of a black complexion?

She appears black because She is viewed from a distance;

but when intimately known She is no longer so.

The sky appears blue at a distance, but look at it close by

and you will find that it has no colour.

The water of the ocean looks blue at a distance,

but when you go near and take it in your hand,

you find that it is colourless."


... Ramakrishna Paramhansa (1836-86)


So, I'd like to ask you folks to share with me any information you have about the stories and rare insights of specifically SHIVA AND PARVATI! :-) I am very curious and open to people who might know specific aspects of their relationship that is not generally known or said.


Thank you.

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according to gaudiya vaishnavism(krishna consciousness)

parvati or durga is an expansion of Sri Radha,

She is considered non different then Sri Krsna,

Shiva is considered to be the greatest devotee

of Krishna.


from jiva goswami


"Krishna is Durga. Durga is Krishna. One who sees that they are different will not become liberated from the cycle of repeated birth and death.

Simply by understanding her one immediately attains the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is not otherwise.

She is identical with Gokula's queen Sri Radha, who possesses a great treasure of love for Krishna. By her grace the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of all living entities, is easily understood. "



this is from the srimad bhagavatam


nimna-ganam yatha ganga

devanam acyuto yatha

vaisnavanam yatha sambhuh

purananam idam tatha


Just as the Ganga is the greatest of all rivers, Lord Acyuta the supreme among deities and Lord Sambhu [siva] the greatest of Vaisnavas, so Srimad-Bhagavatam is the greatest of all Puranas

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